Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Online; 2020

Event Details

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Symposium #319
CE Offered: BACB
Multiple Exemplar Instruction and its Implications on Rate of Acquisition of Textual, Vocal, and Written Responses and Joint Stimulus Control
Monday, May 25, 2020
8:00 AM–8:50 AM
Area: EDC/VBC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Susan Buttigieg (Teachers College, Columbia University; Manhattanville College)
Discussant: Jennifer Longano (Fred S. Keller School)
CE Instructor: Jennifer Longano, Ph.D.

The first study tested the efficacy of an intensive blending intervention on the acquisition of blending and segmenting skills as well as the rate of acquisition of new textual response targets. Using a multiple probe design, Hwang-Nesbit & Greer found that the rate of acquisition of new textual responses increased as a function of this intervention, as well as mastery of new blending and segmenting skills. In the second study, Mellon, Greer, Bakaev, and Pedrero-Davila tested the effects of a multiple exemplar instruction across vocal and written response topographies for transparent words. The participants were selected because they did not emit correct responses in one response topography when transparent words were taught in a different response topography. Results indicated that multiple exemplar instruction was functionally related to establishing joint stimulus control across these topographies. These studies have implications for struggling readers as well as different educational methodologies utilized in American education.

Target Audience:

BCBAs BCaBAs Educators Administrators

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) define multiple exemplar instruction (2) define response topography (3) define joint stimulus control and give an example in relation to reading

The Effect of Multiple Exemplar Instruction on The Emergence of Joint Stimulus Control for Writing and Vocally Spelling Transparent Words in Kindergarten Students With and Without Disabilities

LEANNA MELLON (SUNY New Paltz), R. Douglas Greer (Columbia University Teachers College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), Gabriela Pedrero-Davila (Teachers College, Columbia University), Esther Bakaev (Teachers College, Columbia University)

We tested the effects of multiple exemplar instruction (MEI) on the transformation of stimulus function across written and vocal spelling responses for transparent words. Participants were chosen because they demonstrated joint stimulus control for vocal and written spelling with nontransparent words. These participants emitted correct vocal spelling responses for nontransparent words after learning those responses in a written topography, but did not demonstrate correct responses for transparent words from the same instructional practice. A multiple probe design was used to test the effects of the intervention on the spelling behavior of 6 kindergarten students with and without disabilities. During the intervention the participants were taught vocal and written spelling responses for a novel set of 5 transparent words using MEI. The dependent variable was the number of correct untaught vocal spelling responses for a set of 20 consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. All participants emitted correct untaught vocal spelling responses after the intervention and performed the behavior with the same accuracy as written spelling responses before the intervention. Results of this study are discussed in terms of its implications in the different self-dictation responses in spelling transparent and non-transparent words and the application of MEI as an instructional tool to establishing joint stimulus control.

The Effects of Intensive Blending Instruction on the Acquisition of Blending and Segmenting Skills and Rate of Acquisition of Textual Operants
FRANCIS HWANG-NESBIT (Teacher College, Columbia University), R. Douglas Greer (Columbia University Teachers College and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences)
Abstract: Despite many efforts for reading remediation, students in United States continue to perform poorly in reading achievement in comparison to other developed countries. In 2 experiments, the current study tested the effects of an intensive blending instruction on the acquisition of blending and segmenting skills and the rate of acquisition of reading instruction. The dependent variables of the studies were blending and segmenting syllabic, onset-rime, and phonemic components of a given word. Experiment 1 used a multiple probe design across 6 pre-K students who had high learn units to criterion for reading instruction. They did not have blending and segmenting component sounds in a given word in their repertoire. The independent variable of the study was an intensive blending instruction in which the participants received instruction on blending syllables, onset-rime, and phonemes to produce words. Following the intervention, all participants had lower learn units to criterion in reading, demonstrating a faster rate of acquisition. The participants also acquired blending and segmenting skills that were not present during the pre-intervention probes. In Experiment 2, the researcher used a modified intensive blending instruction in a multiple probe design across groups. There were 17 participants who did not demonstrate blending and segmenting components of a given composite word prior to the intervention. In the second experiment, the independent variable was condensed into 3 lessons adapted from the instructional sequence used in the first experiment. The second experiment is currently ongoing.



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