Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #81
Working with Teachers, Parents, and Others to Produce Effective and Sustained Educational Interventions
Saturday, May 28, 2005
4:00 PM–5:20 PM
Private Dining Room 2 (3rd floor)
Area: EDC
Chair: Roger Frank Bass (Carthage College)
Applying Behavioral Methods in the Consultation Relationship
Domain: Service Delivery
MICHAEL J. FRIGA (Special Education Training Resources Center)
Abstract: Having the “right answer” in behavioral consultation is only the first step in successfully changing the behavior of providers in the delivery of services. In the process of consultation, behavioral consultants often overlook the very same principles of learning they encourage for the consultee. This oversight results in strategies, which may be potentially effective, languishing on the desks and in the filing cabinets of consultees, while they continue practices that do not meet client needs. Since behavioral consultation usually involves an on-going relationship between the participants, the principles of reinforcement, extinction, and occasional punishment may be effectively used to change the behavior of the consultee and increase treatment fidelity in the implementation of interventions. This paper outlines strategies, methods and examples of using behavioral change procedures in the consultation process. The examples in this paper focus specifically on the educational setting. However, behavioral principles for effective consultation are relevant to any environment where the consultant provides on-going support to direct service providers.
Caregiver Selection of Behavioral Interventions for Students with Challenging Behaviors
Domain: Service Delivery
KATHLEEN GILL (Northern Illinois University), Greg Waas (Northern Illinois University)
Abstract: Functional assessment of challenging behavior and development of behavior intervention plans is an important role for behavior analysts who work with individuals with developmental disabilities. In order for the behavior analyst to be successful in this endeavor it is often the case that they must change the behavior of the caregivers because it is these individual who control the antecedents and consequences related to the client exhibiting challenging behavior. Factors that potentially impact caregiver responses to challenging behavior include knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, and self-efficacy. In the present study we surveyed the potential impact of these caregiver variables on selection of behavioral interventions when confronted with challenging student behavior. Thirty eight special educators with extensive experience working with students who exhibit developmental disabilities and challenging behaviors were surveyed. Results indicated that educators with higher levels of behavioral knowledge were more likely to view such behavior as the result of past learning history and were more likely to select non restrictive interventions when confronted by challenging behaviors. Behavioral knowledge did not impact feelings of self efficacy. Further, attitudes and beliefs were not found to be related to behavioral knowledge. Implications of these results for ongoing training of caregivers are discussed.
CSI-Teacher Training: What Happened to Amy?
Domain: Service Delivery
ROGER FRANK BASS (Carthage College)
Abstract: Coincidences (fate?) spanning over thirty years provided the motivation and raised the questions that culminated in this presentation. Why did a successful program with an autistic preschooler make no difference in how she was taught thereafter? Why did her teachers not replicate techniques that were clearly effective? Original data, text analyses, and thirty years in education will be used to answer these questions.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh