Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Poster Session #88
#88 Poster Session - OBM
Saturday, May 28, 2005
5:30 PM–7:00 PM
Southwest Exhibit Hall (Lower Level)
115. Computer-Based Training in an Agricultural Workforce with Limited Formal Education
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
W. KENT ANGER (Oregon Health & Science University), Jeff Stupfel (Oregon Health & Science University), Tammara Ammerman (Oregon Health & Science University), Alys Tamulinas (Oregon Health & Science University), Todd Bodner (Portland State University), Diane S. Rohlman (Oregon Health & Science University)
Abstract: Ladder safety training presented by computer-based instruction (CBI) was completed by an Hispanic orchard workforce that reported little computer experience and 5.5 mean years of formal education. Employees rated the training highly (d_gain = 5.68) and knowledge improved (d_gain = 1.45). There was a significant increase (p < .01) in safe work practices immediately after training (d_gain = 0.70), at 40 days post training (d_gain = 0.87) and at 60 days (d_gain = 1.40), indicating durability. As in mainstream populations, reaction ratings correlated poorly with behavior change (r = .02). This demonstrates that an agricultural workforce with limited formal education can learn job safety from CBI, translate the knowledge to work practice changes, and those changes are durable.
117. The Effects of a Pay Incentive on Direct Care Staff Behavior: Attendance and Competency
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
BETH A. DUNCAN (Caritas Peace Center), Katherine M. Johnson (Caritas Peace Center), Janice L. Marley (Caritas Peace Center), Mollie J. Horner-King (Caritas Peace Center), Erin G. Moreschi (Caritas Peace Center), Scott D. Mckenzie (Caritas Peace Center)
Abstract: The effectiveness of pay incentive for direct care staff meeting training requirements was assessed using a multiple baseline design across 3 units in a psychiatric hospital. During baseline all staff received a noncontingent additional one-dollar per hour over their base rate. During the intervention phase, the dollar per hour was made contingent upon attending a training meeting and testing as competent on behavior plans. Results indicated that the percent of staff trained and competent on plans dramatically increased when the contingent phase was implemented. The advantages and disadvantages of pay incentives will be discussed.
118. Intervention Maintenance: Maintaining Prompts Designed to Encourage Supermarket Customers to Donate to Foodbank Bins
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
NADIA MULLEN (University of Otago, New Zealand), Louis S. Leland Jr. (University of Otago, New Zealand), Brent L. Alsop (University of Otago, New Zealand)
Abstract: Many successful interventions are not maintained after researchers or consultants leave an organization at the conclusion of a study. This study examined the effectiveness of maintenance procedures derived from the literature and a review of studies published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. Participants were the staff and customers of two suburban supermarkets in Dunedin, New Zealand. During intervention in the control supermarket, signs designed to increase customer donations to the supermarket foodbank bin were placed on shelves near discounted items. In the experimental supermarket, both maintenance procedures and signs were used. Results showed there was no difference between the two supermarkets in the intervention’s effectiveness at increasing donations, and so this could not account for the differences in maintenance outcomes. During six weeks of follow-up, the signs were maintained in both supermarkets. The researcher then ceased regular observations, returning only for 1 month, 2 month, and 1 year follow-ups. After researcher presence was withdrawn, maintenance of the signs continued only in the experimental supermarket. This research demonstrates that the maintenance procedures were effective, and necessary for long-term maintenance to occur after the researcher left the organization.
119. The Behavioral Research Supervisory System: Helping Graduate and Undergraduate Students Prevent Procrastination
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
JENNIFER SKUNDRICH (Western Michigan University), Richard W. Malott (Western Michigan University), Christen Rae (Western Michigan University), Anastasia M. Osredkar (Western Michigan University), James L. Squires (Western Michigan University), Anthony Bentley (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: The Behavioral Research Supervisory System: Helping Graduate and Undergraduate Students Prevent ProcrastinationThe Behavioral Research Supervisory System (BRSS) is part of a larger system known as the Behavioral Analysis Training System. BRSS was designed to help graduate and undergraduate students complete large projects in a timely manner. We are also in place to monitor undergraduate students working on departmental honor’s theses. Student’s complete weekly tasks that contribute to the overall completion of their research and development project. Point contingencies are in place to ensure that the student completes tasks in a timely manner, but to also ensure that the student will produce a high quality product at the end of the semester. The BRSS manager is responsible for keeping track of the student’s point values and to assign a grade at the end of the semester based on those accumulated point values. In addition to the compilation of point values, the BRSS manager is also responsible for holding a weekly research and development meeting where both graduate and undergraduate students come together to show proof that they completed their weekly tasks, discuss upcoming weekly tasks, as well as informing and distributing information that may be vital to the student’s task completion. The Behavioral Research Supervisory System provides structure as well as guidelines for the students to complete their research and development projects.
120. The Welcome Wagon: Easing the Transition from Undergraduate to Graduate School
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
MILLICENT BANDEFF (Western Michigan University), Blake Grider (Western Michigan University), Richard W. Malott (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: The transition process from undergraduate to graduate school is often accompanied by feelings of frustration and confusion. Many programs do not offer the information and support needed to ease the transition to the department or the school. Survey research was conducted in order to identify areas of confusion for incoming graduate students in the psychology department at Western Michigan University. Students identified services the program could offer that would help ease the transition to graduate school. Based on the results of the survey, an informational CD was developed for distribution to incoming students. This information is also available on the internet and is continuously being updated. A “buddy system” was put into place to help ease the students’ transition.
121. "Occupational Stress" Among Load Dispatchers: A Preliminary Study
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
GUILLERMO E. YABER OLTRA (Universidad Simón Bolívar), Elizabeth Corales (Universidad Simón Bolívar), Elizabeth Valarino (Universidad Simón Bolívar), Juan Bermúdez (Universidad Simón Bolívar)
Abstract: Within the framework of behavioral occupational health psychology, a preliminary behavioral contingency analysis was done for the job of load dispatchers. Load dispatchers are often exposed to a variety of aversive situations (job stressors). Working conditions become even more aversive when dispatchers have to work under restrictive conditions of electrical energy supply, since there are more complaints and claims from clients, conflicts within and between power companies and even threats of legal demands. Job stressors are described for load dispatchers working for public or private power companies in Venezuela. A behavioral contingency analysis suggests that dispatcher’s working behaviors in front of a console resemble a concurrent avoidance program of reinforcement. Phone and radio devices ringing constantly during the morning shift, with heavy workload and raining conditions, is the combination of aversive events that may occur simultaneously and produce maximum “stressful conditions”. Some actions are suggested to improve working conditions and coping stress strategies among load dispatchers.
122. Behavioral System Management in a Venezuelan Higher Education Setting
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
GUILLERMO E. YABER OLTRA (Universidad Simón Bolívar)
Abstract: The Total Performance System (TPS) and The Three-Contingency-Model of Performance Management was applied to analyze and improve the performance of an organizational unit in a Venezuelan university setting. TPS was used to analyze and describe core, management and support processes of this behavioral system. On the other hand, a behavioral intervention was used to modify the effectiveness of the support processes. Productivity and satisfaction were reported by members of the behavioral system. Behavior system management, an approach for organization development, based on systems analysis and behavior analysis, is an effective way to improve work and unit performance in higher education settings.
123. A Re-examination of the Effects of Different Percentages of Incentive on Work Performance
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
SHEZEEN OAH (Chung Ang University), Jang-Han Lee (HanYang University, South Korea)
Abstract: A number of studies have shown that incentives, when compared with hourly wages, improved performance. Sparked by these results, several studies further examined the effects of different percentages of incentives to total (or base) pay. The results, however, indicated that performance was comparable under various percentages of incentive. Several possible reasons for the results could be pointed out and most of them are relevant to the problems associated with unrealistic simulations. Thus, this study will attempt to solve these problems by arranging experimental procedures more realistically. Five college students as participants will be asked to work on a simulated work task for 30 experimental sessions, each session lasting for six hours. A within subject alternating treatment design will be adopted. Three different percentages of incentives to total pay (100%, 10%, 0%) will be randomly assigned to the sessions and will be balanced across the sessions (10 observation times for each of 3 interventions). Participants will be paid for their work depending on the experimental conditions, but the amount of pay will be significantly higher than the minimum wage so that the differences in performance would make more realistic differences in pay amount.
124. The Effects of a Multi-Component Intervention Package to Improve Telephone Customer Service in a Mid-Western Medical Clinic
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
JULIE M. SLOWIAK (Marshfield Clinic, Eau Claire Center), Gregory J. Madden (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
Abstract: Appointment coordinators at a Mid-western medical clinic were to provide exceptional telephone customer service. On an individual level, this included using a standard greeting and speaking in the appropriate tone of voice during the conversation. As a group, they were expected to answer every call received by their quad. During the pilot study to this project, an analysis suggested performance deficiencies resulted from weak antecedents, poor training, and weak performance contingencies. From this analysis, an intervention package consisting of task clarification, goal setting, feedback, and incentive was designed to improve customer service behaviors. The results of the pilot study showed a positive impact of the intervention on four appointment coordinators. As an extension of the pilot study, similar procedures were carried out for all twenty full-time appointment coordinators at the clinic. An ABA reversal design was used, and overall performance of all participants increased during intervention phases. This study replicates the findings of the pilot study and indicates that a multi-component intervention may be an effective strategy to increase telephone customer service behavior in the workplace.
125. The Number of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention Programs Mastered by Young Children with Autism
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
MIRANDA SIM (Behaviour Institute), Joel P. Hundert (Behaviour Institute), Nicole Walton-Allen (Behaviour Institute)
Abstract: In Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI) for young children with autism typically, the supervisor reviews data on the child’s performance and makes changes to programs the child is receiving. This poster will present the results of a study comparing two strategies for increasing the number of programs a child masters. Twelve children showing the lowest program mastery rate in an agency were identified to participate in this study. Each child received EIBI through a team of typically three therapists, one of whom was a senior therapist. The senior therapist provided child progress data for each of the typically 10 to 20 programs being taught to a child at any point. Using a multiple-baseline design across children, the following conditions were compared on the number of programs mastered per child: a) baseline; b) request from the supervisor to increase the number of programs a child will master to a specified target; and, c) feedback from the supervisor to the senior therapist on the programs needing revision combined with a specified target for child program mastery. The results indicated that children’s mastered programs only increased under the feedback plus targeting condition.
126. Finding a Standard Response Rate: A Review of the JAP Literature from 1983-2003
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
DANIELLE TITTELBACH (The Graduate Center, City University of New York), Alicia M. Alvero (The Graduate Center, City University of New York)
Abstract: The most commonly used procedure to collect data in research published in the Journal of Applied Psychology is through the use of surveys. The present literature review looked at research in JAP from 1983 to 2003 which used mail surveys as the primary source of data collection. For the purpose of this review, mail surveys were defined as surveys mailed directly to the subjects at their homes, which upon completion were mailed back to the researcher. Response rates in 148 articles ranged from 9% to 97%. Based on these findings, there seems to be no general guideline describing a significant response rate for mail surveys. In addition, follow-up procedures which have been shown to be effective in increasing response rates in previous research were implemented only by a fraction of the researchers using mail surveys. The implications of such findings specific to the validity and reliability of survey mailings will be discussed. Suggestions for improving the scientific rigidity of mail surveys will be mentioned.
127. A Comparison of Momentary, Whole, and Partial Interval Sampling Procedures
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
KRISTEN STRUSS (City University of New York), Alicia M. Alvero (Queens College, City University of New York), John Austin (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: The goal of this research study was to determine which data collection method accurately depicts posture-related behavior changes in employees who performed an assembly line-type task. Previous studies have used a variety of methods to measure safe ergonomic performance (Alvero, A.M. & Austin, J., in press; McCann, K.B. & Sulzer-Azaroff, B., 1996), however, it is not clear if one method is more beneficial than another. This study looked at the three most commonly used type of data collection used in the applied behavioral literature: whole interval recording, partial interval recording, and time sampling recording. Student participants were asked to participate in a light manufacturing task designed to resemble assembly line work. Participant safety performance was measured using the three recording methods described above. The differences in data will be depicted in graphs, and the benefits and drawbacks of each recording method will be discussed.



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