Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #347
Data Collection for Effective Decision-Making
Monday, May 30, 2005
1:30 PM–2:20 PM
Williford B (3rd floor)
Area: EDC
Chair: Benjamin W. Smith (University of Texas, Austin)
Washoe County Public Schools Project SAVE: Development and Implementation of a Behavior Systems Approach to K-12 Student Services Assessment
Domain: Service Delivery
JODY M. SILVA (Positive Behavior Support), Thomas L. Sharpe, Jr. (University of Nevada, Reno), Amanda N. Adams (Washoe County School District), Daniel W. Balderson (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Abstract: An ongoing challenge with applied behavior analysis (ABA) efforts in highly interactive education settings exists with respect to (a) inclusive recording of multiple behavior and stimulus events that typify most educational settings, and (b) capture of the time-based interaction effects across multiple stimuli and response functions among teacher, student, and setting events (Sharpe, in press; Sharpe, Balderson, & So, 2004). This challenge is particularly salient when developing and implementing assessment instruments for children with special needs (Sprague & Horner, 1992, 1994). In response, special education is one area of education that has provided a host of research and evaluation examples in which use of quantitative direct observation and the applied analysis of behavior have been the predominant methods of data gathering and analysis. To this end, this presentation details one district-wide development and implementation effort in relation to how daily assessment tools and long-range Individual Evaluation Plans (IEPs) were constructed using a behavior systems approach. Termed Project SAVE: Special Assessment and Verification of Educational Progress, and designed to serve the Student Services arm of the Washoe, Nevada School District, conceptual summary of this project’s behavior systems approach to assessment is first provided. Next, immediate and long range assessment tools are presented in the context of how these instruments were developed in relation to prioritized district-wide education objectives. Last, select anecdotal and behavioral data are presented in support of assessment tool use in relation to how implementation has benefited (a) students served, and (b) teacher and teacher aide service delivery, (c) student services professional staff service delivery, and (d) district wide research and development efficacy. Implications for educational policy are last provided in the context of the development and implementation activities summarized.
Using Computer Technolgy During Educational Observations: A Potential Efficient Alterative to Experiemental Analysis of Behavior
Domain: Applied Research
GARY L. CATES (Illinois State University), Rebecca Chambers (Johnson Elementary School)
Abstract: AbstractSchool personnel are often required to conduct functional behavior assessments. Two problems exist. First, experimental analyses in public schools and other natural settings are not always feasible. Second, traditional direct observations methods (i.e. paper and pencil) do not provide information with regard to behavioral function. The current study investigated the functional utility of a computer based observation data collection system in a public educational classroom setting as an alternative. Specifically three students of an alternative school for students with behavior disorders were referred for behavior problems. The school psychologist investigated the extent to which the computer technology could be used to a) collect data in such an environment, b) facilitate hypothesis generation of behavioral function, c) facilitate in the validation of the generated hypothesis d) facilitate in the development of a e) facilitate in the evaluation of the treatment, and f) provide treatment integrity data. The three cases provide evidence for the utility of such technologies for school personnel who conduct behavioral observations. Discussion focuses on the implications for practitioners and directions for future research.
Sequential Analysis of Student-Teacher Interaction Patterns
Domain: Applied Research
BENJAMIN W. SMITH (University of Texas, Austin)
Abstract: This presentation presents findings from several studies that examined the problematic interaction patterns between elementary school students with significant behavior support needs and their teachers. Predictable escalation patterns and teacher use of ineffective strategies were documented through the use of sequential analyses. These findings were used to develop ongoing training and teacher support plans to increase teacher use of more effective antecedent and consequence-based strategies. IOA statistics were calculated using Cohens-k and were above .65 for all behavioral codes.



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