Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #239
Supporting Teachers use of Effective Teaching Practices: Building and Sustaining Successful Classrooms
Sunday, May 29, 2005
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Private Dining Room 2 (3rd floor)
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Teri Lewis-Palmer (University of Oregon)
Discussant: Mack D. Burke (University of Georgia)
Abstract: Classrooms practices have been identified as potential contributors to the development of student problem behaviors and the potential for school violence (Reinke & Herman, 2002; Sprague et al, 2002). The link between behavior and instruction is important and often overlooked. Poor academic performance co-varies and is predictive of antisocial behavior (Maguin & Loeber, 1996). Critical variables within the classroom that affect student outcomes are well documented. For instance, effective instructional practices have been shown to improve both academic and social behavior successes of students (e.g., opportunities to respond, praise, correct academic responding). Even with a well established literature base on effective classroom and behavior management strategies, sustained and consistent implementation within classrooms remains an area of concern. The purpose of this session is discuss preparingg teachers during their preservice training and supporting them during their teaching careers to increase and maintain their use of these same practices.
An Examination of Classroom Instructional Practices and Office Discipline Referrals
ROBERT F. PUTNAM (The May Institute), Marcie W. Handler (The May Institute), Janette Rey (The May Institute), Christine Davis (The May Institute)
Abstract: School-wide behavior support practices have shown the ability to decrease office discipline referrals and suspensions. This data based presentation will examine the relationship between teacher instructional practices and office discipline referrals. An initial study found classrooms that had high rates of office discipline referrals had low rates of teacher proactive monitoring, and teacher praise statements and high rates of error corrections. In addition, there were low rates of student on-task behavior. This investigation will extend the finding of this initial study to larger number of classrooms. Classrooms randomly selected from a number of middle and elementary schools will be rank ordered by the number of office discipline referrals generated by the classroom teachers. Data will be presented on instructional practices and student behaviors and how these instructional practices and student behaviors compare with the rate of Office discipline referrals. Methods to improve these instructional practices and its impact on discipline and academic performance will be discussed. Future research in the development of effective evidenced based classroom behavior support practices will also be discussed
Use of Performance Feedback to Increase Preservice Teacher’s Positive Teacher-Student Social Behavioral and Academic Instruction
NANDITA RAO (University of Oregon), Emma J. Martin (University of Oregon)
Abstract: The effectiveness of teacher preparation programs is enhanced by the quality of feedback provided to pre-service teachers regarding their instructional behaviors. Successful interventions designed to increase and sustain effective teaching practices must consider how conducive the environment is in promoting learning. Some instructional factors said to affect student outcomes include design of instruction, productive use of instructional time, clear demonstrations, feedback and corrective procedures, amount of practice, and brisk pace of teaching. Progress monitoring helps to maintain an appropriate match between student characteristics and instruction delivered. The participants of this study were graduate students in the special education program at the University of Oregon. The research questions that were focused on included: (1) Is instructional behavior enhanced by visual presentation of feedback or non-visual presentation of feedback? (2) Is there a significant change in teacher performance with visual and more structured feedback, both within and across quarters? and (3) Does the use of performance feedback improve the relationship between teacher performance and student outcomes, as assessed by curriculum based measurements?
Effects of Performance Feedback on the Generalization of Preservice Teacher Skills Across Content and Instructional Groups
SARAH A. FAIRBANKS (University of Oregon), Emma J. Martin (University of Oregon)
Abstract: Supervision and provision of feedback to pre-service teachers are essential components of teacher preparation programs. Teacher preparation programs vary widely in terms of the intensity and frequency of feedback provided to pre-service teachers regarding their instructional behaviors. Further, selection of instructional behaviors (e.g., opportunities to respond) that research demonstrates can improve academic performance is important to model and emphasize; as well as provide feedback in terms of pre-service teachers’ rates of engagement in such behaviors. The participants of this study are students in the masters program in special education at the University of Oregon. This study was partially designed to assess the effectiveness of providing visual and graphic performance feedback to pre-service teachers by evaluating critical instructional behaviors. More specifically, research questions include: 1) will instructional behavior rates generalize from teaching one reading class to another and from teaching reading to teaching math classes; and 2) will instructional behavior rates be maintained across a quarter, from quarter to quarter, and when pre-service teachers become licensed teachers?



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