Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #16
Effects of Pre-Reading and Reading Interventions
Saturday, May 28, 2005
1:00 PM–2:20 PM
Williford C (3rd floor)
Area: EDC
Chair: Tina Vazin (Alabama State University)
Effects of Parent Literacy Training on Preschoolers Literacy Skills
Domain: Applied Research
TINA VAZIN (Alabama State University)
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine if a parent training session designed to teach parents the importance of early literacy skills and strategies to use to make reading enjoyable for children would increase children’s early literacy skills. Twenty parents of four-year-old Head Start children participated in a 2 ½ -hour workshop that included information on the importance of early literacy skills, reading strategies to use with preschoolers and role-playing. Parents kept a record of the books they read each day to their children for 2 weeks following the workshop. The literacy skills of the children were tested prior to the workshop and two weeks after the workshop.
Effects of an Early Reading Intervention on the Phoneme-Segmentation and Nonsense-Word Fluency of At-Risk Students
Domain: Service Delivery
SHOBANA MUSTI-RAO (The Ohio State University), Gwendolyn Cartledge (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: We used a prevention-based early reading intervention program to provide explicit, intensive, and systematic instruction to a group of first graders identified as at-risk for reading failure and a student with disabilities in an urban school. Phonemic awareness (PA) and letter-sound correspondence skills were our primary dependent variables. Students’ oral reading fluency skills were measured, especially to monitor any gains as a result of developing skills in PA and alphabetic principle. A multiple-baseline across subjects design was used to study the effects of the intervention on the students’ reading skills. Key components of the instructional approach will be discussed. Data collected using an on-going progress monitoring method helped in analyzing the students’ progress in phoneme-segmentation (PSF) and nonsense word fluency (NWF). All target students made substantial gains in PSF and NWF. Findings relative to (1) benchmark performances of target and non-target students, (2) teacher perceptions of instructional effects, and (3) follow-up data of some target students in the beginning of second grade will be presented. Implication for future research and practice for teachers and reading specialists will be discussed.
Peer-Mediated Repeated Reading: A Fluency-Building Strategy
Domain: Applied Research
AMANDA L. YURICK (The Ohio State University), Porsha Robinson (The Ohio State University), Gwendolyn Cartledge (The Ohio State University), Ya-yu Lo (The Ohio State University), Trisha Evans (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: We conducted three experiments examining the effects of peer-mediated repeated readings on students’ oral reading fluency and comprehension. The intervention consisted of students reading in pairs, alternating paragraphs, for 10 minutes. Students used a scripted correction procedure when errors occurred. Students then participated in a 1-minute timed trial, which was scored for number of words read and number of errors. Comprehension was assessed when students reached the fluency criteria (180 WPM and 10 or fewer errors). Dependent variables were number of words read in 1 minute, reading accuracy, and correct comprehension responses. Experiments 2 and 3 extended the findings of Experiment 1 (5th grade) by implementing the procedure with students in different grade levels (3rd and 4th grade), in different formats (total class and pull-out), and including generalization data. Results indicated that peer-mediated repeated reading improved students’ oral reading rate, reading accuracy, and comprehension.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh