Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

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Poster Session #293
Sunday, May 25, 2014
7:00 PM–9:00 PM
W375a-d (McCormick Place Convention Center)
33. Conceptual Analysis of Social Behavior
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
Abstract: This research conducted a conceptual analysis of the term social behavior. The conceptual analysis provides techniques for philosophical discussion of conceptual issues based on the analysis of the mode of use of the terms and limits proposed by Harzem and Miles (1978). Three are main tools of analysis: Polar Principle- identify the ordinary use of the term and what stays out of it; paradigmatic case - which unquestionable example of usage of the term; and applied to the particular case - which sample generates doubt. In this study, the analysis techniques were applied on the definitions of social behavior most cited studies in the field of behavior analysis arguing with the use of the term in ordinary language and philosophy. The etymology of the word " behavior " means and ways of acting that is done or is doing, while the " social " word comes from the word " society " that are related to groups of people who, under common rules , act together at interests in common. Thus in ordinary language, social behavior can mean characteristic behaviors of people interacting with one another, to belong to a given specific group, according to the culture. While in Behavior Analysis, the concept was introduced by Skinner (1953) defining technically as behavior of an individual whose environment is mediated by the behavior of another individual, and from this concept emerged some discussions regarding the characteristics of the mediated environment. This concept was opposed to the individual behavior whose behavior is taken directly interact with the environment. A verbal episode constitutes a paradigmatic case where the behavior of the speaker is mediated by the behavior of the listener. A case that generates questions is behaving alone is social, considering the history of social learning of the individual.
34. A Quantitative Analysis of Skinner's Criticisms Against Physiological Explanations of Behavior and His Main Targets
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
DIEGO ZILIO (State University of São Paulo)
Abstract: Skinner is known for his position against physiological explanations of behavior. However, the author was not criticizing physiology as an independent field from behavior analysis, a field that could also present means for achieving more effective ways of prediction and control of behavior. In other words, physiology could also contribute to the explanation of behavior. For him, the main problem was in how some authors and/or theories were using physiology in the explanation of behavior. In his criticisms, Skinner explicitly declared which authors and theories were wrongly using physiology. The goal of this poster is to present a quantitative analysis of Skinners criticisms against physiological explanations of behavior and his main targets. This analysis is divided as follows: which/who: the targets of Skinners criticisms; when: the period of time when the criticisms were presented; and what: the specific criticisms that were made. The analysis is based upon 148 texts written by Skinner, among articles and books, which were selected for containing keywords related to our subject matter.
35. Lies, Damn Lies, & Statistics: Examining Sports Records with the Standard Celeration Chart
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
ANDREW JOHN HOUVOURAS (Brevard Public Schools), Jess Webbe (Northeast Behavioral Associates), Rayna Michelle Houvouras (Coastal Behavioral Therapy)
Abstract: Data matters, particularly in sports. Athletic accomplishments are quantified, chronicled, discussed and debated passionately but, how often are they analyzed graphically with the one chart capable of examining data sets that span several decades? Hardly ever... until now! Using the standard celeration chart, numerous athletic records from major sports will be analyzed first and then the debates and discussions will begin in this illustrated, interactive, illuminating presentation.
36. Spreading the Good Word of Behavior Analysis
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
MARK MALADY (Brohavior; HSI/WARC), Marc D'Antin (Brohavior)
Abstract: Behavior analysis has had several difficulties in establishing procedures to effectively disseminate the science to other members of the world. Behavior analysis has had a long run at attempting various routes of dissemination. The current poster will aim to address the various dissemination approaches that have been tried and various novel approaches at different levels that may be used. The level of the individual change unit and the level of system wide change will be the primary focus of this poster. Forms of dissemination such as introduction classes, internet awareness, and bar conversations will be presented along with others. Users will be asked to perform a Q-sort to identify their individual participation in spreading the good word and their view on the subject of dissemination. The data will be used to guide the discussion of how to use behavior analysis to make everlasting real world change.
37. Exploring the Behaviorisms
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
MARC D'ANTIN (Brohavior), Mark Malady (Brohavior; HSI/WARC), Cameron Green (Florida State University, Brohavior), Ryan Lee O'Donnell (Brohavior), Scott A. Miller (University of Nebraska Medical Center)
Abstract: The current poster will address the various systems of behaviorism that have been created over the past 100 years. Kuo's system of radical behaviorism, Skinner's radical behaviorism, Goldiamond's Non-Liner system and other systems will be presented. Common characteristics will be presented and the overall implications of components of the system development process will be covered. The differences across the systems will be presented in order to highlight the various points of the tittle that may make dissemination to other academics difficult. A discussion will be held with viewers on the creation process of the systems that the field currently needs.
38. An Investigation of Topic and Data Depiction Trends in Articles Published in The Psychological Record (1937-2013).
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
VANESSA WILLMOTH (University of Nevada, Reno), Gabby Watkins (University of Nevada, Reno ), Genevieve M. DeBernardis (University of Nevada, Reno), Linda J. Parrott Hayes (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: As The Psychological Record (TPR) transitions towards an Association for Behavior Analysis International owned journal, it is fitting that there be an examination of publication trends within this journal since its existence. For the years 1937 through 2013, we examined trends in annual frequency of articles published in TPR; in the topical emphasis of those articles and in the separation between data and non-data based works. Our findings indicate prevalent topics and the continued dominance of data-based works in TPR. The value of this type of archival research for the future direction of TPR as well as the field of behavior analysis will be discussed.
39. An Investigation of Interbehavioral Prevalence in Articles Published in The Psychological Record and The Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis (1978-2013).
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
GABBY WATKINS (University of Nevada, Reno ), Vanessa Willmoth (University of Nevada, Reno), Genevieve M. DeBernardis (University of Nevada, Reno), Linda J. Parrott Hayes (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: It is important to understand the philosophical underpinnings of a science, as these are what guide the direction of the science, particularly in how phenomena are studied and how those findings are interpreted. Within Behavior Analysis in the United States, Interbehaviorism is not commonly known and if it is known it is oftentimes misunderstood. It is possible that Interbehaviorism has more influence in other areas outside of the United States, though it is not clear as to where and to what degree. In addition, a large criticism of Interbehaviorism is that it is not data driven. For the years 1978 through 2013, we examined the interbehavioral prevalence of articles published in The Psychological Record and The Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis; in the geographical region of origin of those articles and in the separation between data and non-data based works. Our findings indicate top regional contributors, and the relative balance of data and non-data based interbehavioral works. The value of this type of archival research for the future direction of our science as well as the overarching implications of understanding one’s own philosophical underpinnings will be discussed.
40. CANCELED: What is an Organism?
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
Kimberly G. Vail (University of North Texas), MANISH VAIDYA (University of North Texas)

The word organism has remained an unarticulated backdrop to nearly all thinking about behavior. Skinner has reported that he moved away from the isolated preparations of reflexes to instrumental behavior because of his interest in the whole organism. Radical Behaviorist conceptualizations, however, raise interesting and important questions about where the boundary between organism and environment are to be drawn and about the conditions under which the word organism is used. This poster will explore how the term Organism has been used in various endeavors interested in understanding behavior (broadly defined). What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for appropriate use of the term? Does the exploration help to expand or constrain the scope of our science, the research therein, and the implications for its application to cure social ills? Can the conditions in which various systems use the word organism inform the efforts of other endeavors? These are some of the questions explored in this poster.

41. Behavior Analysis and Religion
Area: TPC; Domain: Theory
EVELYN BOATENG (Saint Xavier University)
Abstract: Behavior analysis has been shown to be effective in helping to create behavior change. For years, people have looked at religion as a mean to behavior change. Is it possible for there to be a connection between behavior analysis and religion?
Keyword(s): poster session



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