Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Symposium #172
Green Initiatives in Business: Linking Conservation and Profit through Behavior.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
W192b (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: OBM/CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: William L. Heward (The Ohio State University)

The issues surrounding conservation and climate change are complex and require scrutiny by scientists, business leaders, and policy makers alike. Behavior analysts interested in organizations and/or climate change have much to contribute through an analysis of (1) critical conservation behaviors, (2) optimal venues in which to conduct behavior-based interventions, and (3) the interlocking contingencies that can extend the lifespan of domestic and organizational conservation initiatives. The analyses in this symposium range from conservation initiatives at a local scale to a conceptual discussion of interlocking contingencies on a corporate level. By linking the antecedents, behaviors, and consequences of traditionally disparate factions (conservationists and corporate business leaders), we hope to provide an initial framework that will allow for progress in business and conservation. The consistent theme across presentations is a process through which organizations such as the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Science can support local and corporate initiatives.

Keyword(s): Behavioral Conservation, Corporate Sustainability

Green Programs at Morningside Academy: Lessons Learned and Future Possibilities.

KENT JOHNSON (Morningside Academy)

Morningside Academy in Seattle, Washington has participated in merging behavior science with education for over 30 years. Recently, the Morningside staff has taken on a new challenge: blending behavior science with conservation. This presentation will focus on using behavior science to bolster green initiatives within our organization. By sharing our successes and opportunities for improvement we hope to encourage other organizational leaders and staff who have implemented green initiatives. Moreover, we hope to engage others who are considering implementing green initiatives in their organizations and advance the larger discussion of melding behavior science with conservation. The specific topics discussed will be (1) challenges in identifying areas of conservation (2) developing behavioral conservation initiatives (3) rolling out the initiatives to the employee and student population (4) the data generated from the initiatives (5) the financial impact of the initiatives, and (6) lessons learned and plans for future initiatives. The data presented will include behavioral and outcome measures from staff and student behavior.


Establishing and Supporting Sustainable Practices in Human Service Agencies

WENDY KOZMA ( Evergreen Center), Robert K. Ross (Beacon ABA Services)

Human service agencies have a number of ongoing challenges with respect to maintaining high levels of clinical quality and ensuring fiscal solvency. These ever present concerns may not always result in staff and management placing sustainability and green practices high on the priority list. In fact the provision of home-based services in early intervention, home based early intensive behavioral (EIBI) services and the operation of community residential services requires staff and management to engage in a number of practices that directly contribute to global climate change. The current presentation describes how Human Service Management Corporation (HSMC) has fostered both individual and corporate sustainable practices across a broad range of programs serving persons with disabilities. The talk will highlight specific actions taken by four agencies (Beacon ABA Services, Criterion Child Enrichment Centers, Evergreen Center School and Evergreen Community Programs)under the direction of HSMC to reduce their individual and collective carbon foot prints. The process of meeting with each management team to develop company specific sustainable initiatives as well as the reinforcement systems developed at HSMC will be reviewed.


Sustaining Environments with Corporate Sustainability Teams and Implications for Training Future Behavior Analysts

KENNETH J. KILLINGSWORTH (University of Nevada, Reno), Mark P. Alavosius (University of Nevada, Reno), Ramona Houmanfar (University of Nevada, Reno)

Behavior analysts interested in environmental sustainability can produce large-scale behavior change working within the corporate context. We consider the idea of corporate sustainability teams (CSTs) to benefit corporations, people, and ecologies that are affected by corporate operations as a venue for our discipline. As a member of CSTs, behavior analysts can implement behavioral sustainability interventions and other members (ecologists, mechanical engineers, public relations officers, etc.) can provide additional metrics and support to assess the impact of such interventions. Behavior analysts can join CSTs as employees of corporations or function as consultants on operational management and leadership of the CST. Leadership entails a complex set of competencies to direct the behaviors of many individuals. Effective leadership might be enabled by knowledge of interlocking behavioral contingencies and metacontingencies as these concepts organize assessment of complex, dynamic systems in which many behave. If behavior analysts are to extend their knowledge, skills, and capabilities to corporate sustainability, new emphasis will be needed in behavior analytic training programs. Corporate sustainability teams offer a new foray for behavioral scientists to contribute to society and, in doing so, can sustain behavior science as a socially relevant discipline.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh