Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #29
Implementing Interventions With Integrity: Strategies for Training Teachers and Other School Personnel
Saturday, May 29, 2010
1:00 PM–2:20 PM
Texas Ballroom Salon D (Grand Hyatt)
Area: EDC
Chair: Breda V. O'Keeffe (University of Connecticut)
Increasing Praise, Pace, and Error Corrections in a Direct Instruction Reading Intervention by Paraprofessionals
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
BREDA V. O'KEEFFE (University of Connecticut), Timothy A. Slocum (Utah State University)
Abstract: Improving educational outcomes involves many variables, including identifying effective interventions and ensuring that they are effectively implemented in schools. Recent research has suggested that ensuring treatment integrity in schools may require intensive coaching, including daily or weekly performance feedback. This system may be unsustainable in typical schools because of limited resources for supervision. Some studies have found that treatment integrity can be achieved with intense prior training that includes extensive practice followed by feedback in the training setting. Fluency-based instruction has the advantage of providing multiple practice opportunities in a relatively short amount of time. A fluency training package for paraprofessionals using the Corrective Reading: Decoding curriculum was evaluated in a multiple baseline design across individuals. Dependent variables included paraprofessionals’ presentation rate, praise rate, accuracy of error correction procedures, ratio of positive to negative comments, students’ on-task behavior, and word reading accuracy. After five hours of training, paraprofessionals generally increased their presentation rates, praise, and error correction accuracy. Variability in positive-to-negative comments ratios decreased during fluency training for three paraprofessionals. No clear effects were seen on students’ reading accuracy. Students’ on-task behavior was variable throughout the study, with decreases in variability for three students during intervention for paraprofessionals.
Increasing Appropriate Behavior and Reducing Aggression Towards Self and Others of Three Adolescent Students With Autism
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
BENJAMIN W. SMITH (University of Rochester)
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present fidelity of implementation and outcome data on the successful support of three students with autism with high rates of self injurious behavior and aggression towards others. Each adolescent student participant presented well-established high rates of aggression towards self or others in classroom settings. A five-step model for plan development was used across individual students to facilitate practitioner’s greater understanding of applied behavior analysis principles and procedures. This model emphasized the increase in prosocial skills for student participants while also emphasizing preventative clinician behaviors. Consistent written feedback and training in self management strategies were conducted to support clinicians’ fluency in procedures. For all student participants academic engaged time, time in class, rates of prosocial replacement behavior as well as rate and intensity of aggressive behaviors are presented. Across all participants inter-observer agreement statistics are presented as are results of clinician and parent participant social validity measures.
Group Performance Feedback: Consultation for Generalization in an Autistic Support Classroom
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
MELANIE PELLECCHIA (Temple University), James E. Connell (Temple University), Donald E. Eisenhart (Elwyn, Inc.), Meghan Kane (Elwyn, Inc.), Christine Schoener (Elwyn, Inc.), Kimberly Turkel (Elwyn, Inc.), Megan F. Riley (Elwyn, Inc.)
Abstract: Federal legislation, including the No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act, mandates data-based decision making for special education students. Unfortunately, progress monitoring and daily data collection are often overlooked or viewed as a cumbersome and time-consuming responsibility by special education teachers, resulting in exclusion from daily practice. The present study evaluated the effects of school-based behavioral consultation using performance feedback procedures to increase daily data collection in autistic support classrooms. Performance feedback was delivered to a classroom team, which included one teacher and two teacher assistants. Perhaps more significant was the evaluation of the effects of the group performance feedback on daily data collection for all students in the class, when only one student was the consultation target. A multiple baseline design across four classroom teams was used to evaluate the effectiveness of group performance feedback, resulting in improved class-wide data collection of all four classroom teams. Additionally, results demonstrated the generative qualities of group performance feedback, whereby feedback delivered regarding the data collection for one student in each class resulted in increased data collection for all students. These generative results demonstrate the efficiency of performance feedback as a method for delivering system-wide consultation.
Achieving Success in Self-Contained Classrooms for Students With Severe Behavior Problems
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
BENJAMIN WITTS (University of Nevada, Reno), Jody M. Silva (Washoe County School District), Thouraya Al-Nasser (University of Nevada, Reno), Timothy C. Fuller (University of Nevada, Reno), Kaycee Bennett (University of Nevada, Reno), Elizabeth Sexton (University of Nevada, reno)
Abstract: This paper outlines our on-going efforts to implement a behavior management system in self-contained classrooms for students in a public school setting with severe behavior problems. The system uses a level-based hierarchy, with levels corresponding to privileges that are available to students contingent upon engaging in various pro-social and pro-academic behaviors. Training teachers how to implement the system and then monitoring them to ensure that they are implementing it correctly is essential to the success of both the system and the students that participate in it. The manner by which this is done and the data relevant to achieving systemic and student success are discussed, along with directions for future refinements, expansion and research.



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