Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Special Event #60
Honoring Beth Sulzer-Azaroff: Students, Colleagues, and Friends Bask in Her Glory
Saturday, May 24, 2008
2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Dwight Harshbarger (Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies)
Abstract: Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst and President of the Browns Group of Naples, Dr. Beth Sulzer-Azaroff is an educator, research scientist and, writer in applied behavior analysis. Among numerous books and articles are "Behavior Analysis for Lasting Change" and "Achieving Educational Excellence"(with G. Roy Mayer), "Who Killed My Daddy: A Behavioral Safety Fable" and many behavior analytic research reports on behavior analyses in developmental disabilities, safety, organizational systems, and regular education. She has served as President of the Association for Behavior Analysis, the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy, Division 25 of APA, and as Chair of APA's Boards of Scientific Affairs and Continuing Education. Among honors are the Fred Keller Award for contributions to education and the OBM Network Lifetime Achievement Award. Currently, Beth continues to be involved in the development of internet-based courses for personnel working in the area of autism.
Achieving Educational Excellence: Contributions to Behavioral Instruction.
PHILIP N. CHASE (West Virginia University)
Abstract: Criticisms of behavior analysis have rarely acknowledged the range of replicable strategies and tactics that have been developed for the design of instruction. Dr. Beth Sulzer-Azaroff's contributions to these strategies and tactics were seminal, profound, and helped provide the impetus for the true technologies involved in programmed instruction, the Personalized System of Instruction, the Morningside Model of Generative Instruction, Headsprout, iLearn, and a range of other forms of behavioral instruction. The focus of this presentation will be the history of Beth’s contributions and the future of education that we, her students and colleagues, are working toward.
From Mild Special Needs to Developmental Disabilities and Autism: The Procreation of Behavior Analysis with Children and Youth.
JULIE SCHWEITZER (University of California, Davis School of Medicine), Kent Johnson (Morningside Academy)
Abstract: Dr. Beth Sulzer-Azaroff was a queen among mothers, and her work in behavior analysis shows the extent of her interest and passion in children and youth. From her early work in token economies as an elementary school teacher in New York City, to her most recent training program for paraprofessionals who work with children with autism, Beth's sweeping influence in developing behavior analytic procedures with children and youth is profound. In this presentation, students and colleagues will acknowledge the many different facets of this work, and demonstrate the legacy she leaves behind.
Behavior-Based Safety Takes Flight.
MARK P. ALAVOSIUS (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: Dr. Beth Sulzer-Azaroff was among the first behavior analysts to connect behavior analysis with occupational safety. Her research, publications, presentations, students, and colleagues have built upon her pioneering work and established behavior-based safety as standard operating practice in most comprehensive occupational safety initiatives. On a personal note, speakers in this session can say metaphorically, 'We flew with Orville'. Now used widely in business, industry, and service organizations, behavioral approaches to safety have prevented countless injuries, illnesses and fatalities from occupational exposures. From the work of a few innovators, safety behavior analysis has developed as a coherent, effective technology and stands as an exemplary demonstration of behavior analysis applied to the amelioration of widespread, socially significant phenomena.
Beth Sulzer-Azaroff: Leadership and Mentoring for Lasting Change.
LAURA J. HALL (San Diego State University), Richard K. Fleming (University of Massachusetts Medical School, E.K. Shriver Center)
Abstract: The papers in this symposium celebrate Dr. Beth Sulzer-Azaroff’s contributions as a pioneer in diverse areas of behavior analysis. They honor her strengths as a leader, including her unwavering commitment to teaching and mentoring. In particular, Dr. Sulzer-Azaroff has been an outstanding mentor, and has worked successfully to break down barriers for women in science. The presenters here today are at once Dr. Sulzer-Azaroff’s students, colleagues and friends. Professionally, we have listened, learned, analyzed, problem-solved, challenged, debated, and grown in our interactions with Dr. Sulzer-Azaroff. Personally, we have received her compassionate support. Our relationships with her have been rich and generative, thus, preparing and motivating us to produce our best work…and, in turn, to teach and mentor others. What better exemplar of behavior analysis for lasting change!



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Modifed by Eddie Soh