Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Paper Session #563
Multi-Component Interventions for Adolescents
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
9:00 PM–10:20 PM
Area: EDC
Chair: Chelsea V. C. Francis (Newark City Schools)
The Effect of Skillstreaming Training on the Self-Esteem of Adolescents with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities.
Domain: Applied Research
CHELSEA V. C. FRANCIS (Newark City Schools)
Abstract: Many diagnoses which qualify students for special education services name deficits in social skills as a major component of the disability (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). The six student subjects in this research had the following diagnoses, listed by prevalence: Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Cognitive Delay, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Trichotillomania, Asperger’s Syndrome, and an uncategorized psychotic disorder (still being assessed). This particular research study aimed to measure the effect, if any; the skillstreaming curriculum has on the self- esteem of the middle school-aged students with emotional and behavioral disabilities who participated in the program. The hypothesis was that, if skillstreaming affects self-esteem, those children who were taught deficit- specific social skills via this curriculum would demonstrate a self-reported increase in self-esteem, via the CFSEI- 3. There are a number of variables that must be taken into account before deciding whether or not the hypothesis was supported in this research. First of all, it must be considered whether or not subjects took the testing seriously. Another variable which must be considered is the validity of the CFSEI-3 test itself, in relation to the students tested. Some of the questions do not fit this population (ED) very well. This test may also not have measured the kind of progress made on the social skills addressed by the skillstreaming curriculum. The results of this particular research study are inconclusive. For many students, there were differences in scores taken before and after the curriculum. However, whether the scores increased or decreased was not consistent, leaving conclusions difficult to make. It is possible to see, just the same, that there were effects on certain disabilities, in certain areas of self-esteem.
Teacher Friendly Behavior and Academic Monitoring System for High School Students with Challenging Behaviors.
Domain: Applied Research
RICK SHAW (Behavior Issues), Heidi Maurer (Kentwood High School), Stephen Litster (Kentwood High School), Tammi Harris-Smith (Kentwood High School), Michelle Spratley (Kentwood High School)
Abstract: During baseline high school students that engaged in challenging classroom behaviors were rated daily by each teacher for on-task, participation, respect, compliance, and nondisruptive behaviors. Following baseline, areas that were identified as "high need" were targeted through a differential reinforcment of high rates (DRH) program on a homework tracking sheet. Students had to write down their homework for that day, have teachers rate and sign the sheet, check-in at the end of the school day with an adult, and have parents review and sign. Students graphed their ratings during the end of the day check-in. There were daily and weekly rewards and consequences at school and at home for having the sheet signed and meeting the goals based on achieving a percentage set for target behaviors. Students were successful in decreasing challenging behaviors and detentions/suspensions, and increasing appropriate behaviors and grades.
Combatting "Senioritis": Using Contingency Contracting to Improve Academic Performance.
Domain: Applied Research
MEGAN KNIGHT (Sterne School)
Abstract: This is a small scale examination of the effects of a student-teacher contracting procedure on the academic performance of high school students. Participants were four, male high school seniors with mild learning disabilities attending an independent school in San Francisco. Several undesired behaviors occurring at a high frequency, including truancy, inattention, and poor academic performance, necessitated a behavioral intervention early in the school year. The contracting procedure used, based largely on existing standardized methods, was implemented by the classroom math teacher (also the author). After developing contracts with the students, group contingencies were delivered based on attainment of predetermined goals set by the students and the teacher. Baseline data will be compared to results to determine efficacy of this particular contracting implementation.



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