Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Symposium #90
CE Offered: BACB
Applications of Novel Pedagogy in Teaching Behavior Analysis
Sunday, May 29, 2016
2:00 PM–3:50 PM
Regency Ballroom D, Hyatt Regency, Gold West
Area: TBA/EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Ashley Shayter (Southern Illinois University)
Discussant: Robert Stromer (George Brown College)
CE Instructor: Albert Malkin, M.A.

Behavior analysts are bound to the use of scientific knowledge in scientific and professional judgments. The aim of this symposium is to provide evidence that the classroom is not an exception to this tenet. The format of instructional delivery in higher education has expanded past the traditional text and lecture format. Accordingly, this symposium will review novel approaches to teaching with an aim to contribute to the evidence of non-traditional pedagogical approaches. Approaches discussed will include active responding via online asynchronous discussion, the use of interteaching in online coursework, classroom exercises developed to demonstrate principles of learning and other forms of behavior, and the use of matching-to-sample (MTS) and computer-aided personalized system of instruction to teach definitions of concepts, and design, and conduct MTS teaching.

Keyword(s): Interteaching, Online Learning, pedogogy, Teaching
An Investigation of the Efficacy of Asynchronous Discussion on Students’ Performance in an Online Research Methods Course
ALBERT MALKIN (Southern Illinois University ), Ruth Anne Anne Rehfeldt (Southern Illinois University), Ashley Shayter (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: Online instruction has become common place in higher education, with at least 30% of all instruction being delivered online (Driscoll, Jicha, Hunt, Tichavsky, & Thompson, 2012). Coinciding with the influx of online instruction, is the development of a variety of methods of instructional delivery (Johnson & Palmer, 2014). Given the above trends in online education, it is important to establish how learning results are influenced by various teaching methods. This study evaluated the use of asynchronous class discussion in two sections of an online Master’s level research methods course. Student performance on quizzes, overall scores, and a social validity questionnaire were evaluated using a group design. Teaching methods included pre-recorded instructor lectures and online quizzes; additionally one section of the class was required to participate in asynchronous class discussions lead by the instructors, while the other section received only necessary, logistical announcements from the instructor. Additionally, participants were asked to provide information regarding their satisfaction and the acceptability of their learning experience via a social validity questionnaire, at the conclusion of the course. Preliminary results indicate that group mean performance on quizzes was greater in the group in which asynchronous discussion was a required component of online instruction when compared to a control group (80.47% and 73.88% respectively). Implications for further research in active student responding and course design will be discussed.

Teaching Activities Developed by the Laboratory of Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology

Charles I. Abramson (Oklahoma State University), CHRISTOPHER DINGES (Oklahoma State University)

Since the mid-1990s, the Laboratory of Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology at Oklahoma State University have developed a number of exercises appropriate for classroom use to demonstrate principles of learning and other forms of behavior. These activities have primarily focused on animals such as snakes, planarians, houseflies, earthworms, wasps, and honey bees. We have also developed exercises using fish based on an inexpensive apparatus we have created called the Fish Stick. Other exercises to be discussed include project Petscope which turns local pet stores into animal behavior research centers, Correspondence in the Classroom which helps students learn to write letters to scientists in various fields, Action Figures in Comparative Psychology which stimulates interest in comparative issues, and the Labyrinth in which students negotiate an object through various obstacles. These teaching activities are summarized and the advantages and limitations of each are discussed. We also discuss how our activities can be used to stimulate interest in the STEM disciplines especially when used in conjunction with our psychmobile program. Tables will be presented as a ready reference for using the activities and we are glad to offer assistance.


A Description of Planning and Delivering an Online Course Using Interteaching


Interteaching is an instructional design and delivery method that incorporates elements of Personalized Systems of Instruction and Peer tutoring. Students complete reading guides in groups of 2-3 and lectures are delivered only on concepts where there is a need for clarification. There is quite a bit of literature supporting the use of interteaching to increase acquisition and retention of material. However, no literature exists that supports the use of interteaching in an online format. In this presentation, I will describe the design and delivery of online interteaching conducted in Fall Semester 2016. Two courses will be described: an undergraduate introduction to behavior analysis course and an upper-level graduate course in behavior analysis methodology. Data presented will include total time preparing and delivering instruction, total time grading, student reviews and suggestions, and student outcome data.


Manual vs. Computer-Based Instruction in the Delivery of Matching-to-Sample Training

MARILEIDE ANTUNES OLIVEIRA (University of Manitoba), Joseph J. Pear (University of Manitoba), Celso Goyos (Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos)

Matching-to-sample (MTS) teaching consists of presenting a stimulus called sample followed by stimuli called comparisons from which an individual makes a choice. Research shows that MTS is effective in teaching basic academic skills such as word reading to a varied population range including children with learning disabilities. A training program to promote knowledge and use of this teaching technology was evaluated in the present study. Specifically, we compared two intervention packages - a manual by itself and the manual in combination with a computer-aided personalized system of instruction (CAPSI) to teach university students how to define concepts, and design, and conduct MTS teaching. Tests also evaluated generalization to novel words and generalized designing and conducting MTS-related teaching. A group design with five and seven participants in experimental and control groups, respectively, was used. During pre-intervention all participants received written and applied tests involving MTS teaching. During training the control group received the manual while the experimental group received the manual and CAPSI. During post-intervention, participants again received written and applied tests, except that those who did not meet 80% accuracy in designing MTS teaching received further intervention. Results indicate that CAPSI produced better results in teaching concepts and in generalized designing and conducting MTS-related teaching.




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