Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Paper Session #234
International Solutions to Training and Supervision
Monday, May 30, 2016
10:00 AM–11:50 AM
Regency Ballroom D, Hyatt Regency, Gold West
Area: TBA
Chair: Usifo Edward Asikhia (International Training Center for Applied Behavior)

Developing Evaluation Competencies in Mexican High School Teachers

Domain: Applied Research

One of the most important goals set to implement Mexican Education Reform has been the teachers formation program. During the application of this program a lack of proficiency in the evaluation process was detected, specifically, in the use and elaboration of assessment instruments. This work presents a program developed to generate evaluation competencies in high school teachers in Veracruz State, Mxico. Each of the four stages of the program are evaluated via self and peers assessment with the porpoise that the instructor not only assesses the student's (teachers) performance, but also provides feedback or guidance to the teacher enabling them to improve their performance. It is also intendeted that the instructor's behavior is taken as a model in the formative assessment process in which they are being instructed. Since this is an ongoing program, some preliminary results showed that teachers are using what they have accomplished in the program based on their own assessments, to improve their performances in the evaluation process of their students.I


CANCELED: Development of BCBA Supervision Curriculum: Collaboration Across Borders

Domain: Service Delivery
BENJAMIN J THEISEN (TrainABA), Zachary C. Bird (TrainABA), Jason T Zeigler (Marlborough Public School)

Facilitators from TrainABA's Behavior Analysis Certification Board 8-hour Supervisor Training workshops received input from 300 Board Certified Behavior Analyst practitioners worldwide, then developing a step-by-step curriculum for compliance and performance measures for Behavior Analysis Certification Board 4th Edition and Registered Behavior Technician task lists. Large projects without immediate reinforcement, those activities that are not directly billable, rarely get completed in the service delivery area of applied behavior analysis. This has led to a slowing of progress outside of the immediate areas of procedures for treatment of autism, data collection technology, and development of businesses created to function as billing machines. Supervision and development of new behavior analysts has been a disorganized and piecemeal process. There are a number of reasons for this problem but there have not been many answers. A conceptual functional analysis of the various contingencies involved have allowed access to a number of solutions to help mitigate some of the barriers. This discussion presents data from the multi-year project to organize idealized curriculum the way practitioners wanted it -- despite the technical difficulties in creating such a system.

Supervising the Supervisor: Accountability in Field Supervision
Domain: Service Delivery
MARY ANNETTE LITTLE (Lipscomb University)
Abstract: Producing new behavior analysts who can provide quality, ethical services is critical in maintaining the credibility of the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. One way to ensure the production of high quality behavior analysts is to ensure that student candidates in the field receive high quality supervision of field experience. The Behavior Analysis Certification Board is attempting to increase the quality of supervision by requiring supervisors to complete a Behavior Analysis Certification Board Supervisor Training Curriculum and an on-line supervision module. The Behavior Analysis Certification Board Supervisor Training Curriculum promotes effective, evidence-based supervision (2012 Behavior Analyst Certification Board,® Inc.). Despite the efforts to ensure quality supervision, reports of ineffective supervision are still common in the field. The purpose of this presentation is to a process for creating professional learning communities for supervisors to create frequent evaluations, review, and improvement of supervision. This presentation is appropriate for BCBAs who are interested in or are currently supervising in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. Objectives: -Review current requirements in supervision of field work for students seeking certification in applied behavior analysis. -Provide a process for creating professional learning communities for supervisors to ensure accountability for providing high quality supervision.

The Missing Link in RBT Training Protocol: A Focus on the Development, Choice, Maintenance, and Application of Culturally Friendly Behavior Intervention Tools in the African Continent

Domain: Service Delivery
USIFO EDWARD ASIKHIA (International Training Center for Applied Behavior Analysis), Bosede Ehimen Asikhia (International Training Center for Applied Behavior Analysis)

In the year 2014, the BACB introduced the registered behavior technician training program with the aim of reaching out to a larger community of consumers with quality services. This training program is based on the registered behavior technician task list designed to meet the 40 hours training requirement for the RBT credentialing. The program is offered independent of BACB. The task list revolves around measurement, assessment, skill acquisition, behavior reduction, documentation and reporting, professional conduction, and scope of practice as a global guide for the training of RBT. Since its inception, a reasonable number of practitioners have been trained worldwide and RBT program has attracted a lot of demand globally with the resultant changes in the policy by BACB. One such policy change includes the proposal for taking international examination by the trainee after 40 hours mandatory training and competency assessment as well as mandatory supervision hours to assure continued competency. Experience with the training of about 200 RBT in Africa has shown that in order to sustain the quality of services sort after by BACB, the trainees will require the knowledge of the development, choice, maintenance, and application of culturally friendly intervention tools as applicable in a particular geographical location. The need to train the RBT on culturally sensitive instructional materials is imperative.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh