Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

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Symposium #464
An Investigation of Techniques to Improve the Delivery of Training and Coaching
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
11:00 AM–11:50 AM
Vevey 3 & 4, Swissotel
Area: OBM; Domain: Translational
Chair: Heather M. McGee (Western Michigan University)
Discussant: Heather M. McGee (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: Training is an essential component for the success of any organization. Although critical, it is an intervention that can be delivered in many different ways and disseminated through a variety of outlets. One method of dissemination is electronically through computer-based instruction (CBI). Despite the numerous benefits of employing computer-based instruction, there are several challenges that accompany this mode of instruction which require further investigation into specific techniques one can use to improve this form of training. Another method of dissemination is interpersonally such as the type of training one might observe when a manager is attempting to train a sales team. Many companies have narrowed their focus to both training and selection despite the apparent shortcomings associated with both of these sales improvement strategies. In doing this, there is much less emphasis on attempting to teach specific sales behaviors. Coaching has been proposed as an effective alternative given the multidimensional nature of this approach, which incorporates prompting, feedback, and evaluation. The purpose of the two present studies was to investigate techniques to improve the delivery of training and coaching.
Keyword(s): behavior-based feedback, computer-based instruction, sales coaching, training
Coaching as a Packaged Intervention for Telemarketing Personnel
RACHAEL TILKA (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: The multidimensional approach taken in coaching which incorporates prompting, feedback, and evaluation has led many to conclude that it may be an effective strategy for sales improvement. The purpose of the present study aimed to utilize direct observation in assessing the effects of a coaching package on sales performance. The participants included four telemarketing personnel. The procedures incorporated an initial phase of task clarification followed by practice through modeling and role play. Once the telemarketer became fluent with role play, the coach allowed her to begin calling customers. Feedback was provided after each opportunity. Incentives were also given for engaging in the correct behaviors and setting a pending sale. Each week, a meeting was held during which the coach provided continued modeling, practice, and feedback. The results allow one to conclude with high confidence that coaching as a packaged intervention was successful in increasing the average percent of critical behaviors as well as both pending and successful phone sales. Coaching can be seen as an effective strategy that, if implemented properly, can be utilized to achieve both desired behaviors and results within one’s sales team.
Using Postfeedback Delays to Reduce Racing in Online Learning
ANNA CONARD (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: Throughout the last decade, computer-based instruction (CBI) has become an increasingly popular tool in both business and education. Research investigating the efficacy of CBI has often found that it is just as good, if not better, than traditional forms of instruction. Despite the numerous benefits of employing CBI, there are several challenges that accompany this mode of instruction, specifically computer-based racing. Computer-based racing occurs when learners respond so quickly that frequent mistakes are made, even on well-known material. The purpose of the current study is to investigate the impact of postfeedback delays on racing through an online lesson. Six different postfeedback delay formats are being assessed in terms of learner performance using a between group repeated measures design with pretest and posttest scores. There is currently data for 65 undergraduate students from a large Midwest university. The current findings demonstrate the greatest posttest gains for those individuals receiving active feedback with a 5-second postfeedback delay.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh