Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Poster Session #59
TBA Sunday Noon
Sunday, May 29, 2016
12:00 PM–2:00 PM
Riverside Exhibit Hall, Hyatt Regency, Purple East
Chair: Nicole Luke (Surrey Place Centre)
37. Speech-Language Pathology Clinicians Training on Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis: A Pilot Study
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
DAPHNE HARTZHEIM (Louisiana State University)
Discussant: Amoy Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School-Hong Kong)
Abstract: Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) have been shown to be effective in the treatment of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Speech-Language Pathologists (SLP) often lack skills in the area of ABA, but demonstrate skills in teaching speech and language. SLP clinicians in a University setting will be taught basic principles of ABA. Those principles include the ABC of behavior, reinforcement schedules, antecedent interventions, preference assessments, identification of functions of behavior, data collection, data analysis, extinction and teaching of replacement behavior. Training will be conducted on a weekly basis for 6 weeks in a row, lasting 60 minutes. A dually certified Speech-Language Pathologist and Board Certified Behavior Analyst conducts the training sessions. This is the first leg of a multiple-baseline across groups design. At least two more groups will follow. Data will be collected on clinician’s rate of using primary and secondary reinforcers within each session, data collection on target behavior, use of preference assessment and use of extinction procedures if a function of challenging behavior was established. Poster will includes content of the training, specifically designed for the needs of SLP's, bridging the gap between the two disciplines.
38. Developing and Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Online Parent-Training Program to Teach Basic Reinforcement Principles
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
SOPHIE ROBITAILLE (University of Manitoba), Genevieve N. Roy-Wsiaki (Université de Saint Boniface), CT Yu (University of Manitoba)
Discussant: Amoy Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School-Hong Kong)

The prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is approximately 1 in 68. In many cases, the number of individuals requiring treatment surpasses the availability of service providers, such that children must wait to receive treatment. The purpose of my study is to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a self-training program intended to teach basic reinforcement techniques to parents of children with ASD who have been placed on a waitlist. The self-training program will be available through an online Computer-Aided Personalized System of Instruction (CAPSI), and will consist of 2 modules that will include: (a) reading materials, (b) demonstration videos (c) study questions, (d) practice exercises, and (e) direct observation sessions. A multiple-baseline design across training modules will be used, with evaluations at baseline, training, post-training, and follow-up. I predict that scores from the study questions and direct observation sessions will improve from baseline to post-training, and that the improvements in study question scores will maintain at follow-up.

39. Undergraduate Behavior Analysis Pigeon Lab
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
ALANNAH NICHOLE KNIGHT (Jacksonville State University), Amanda Miles (Jacksonville State University), William L. Palya (Jacksonville State University)
Discussant: Amoy Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School-Hong Kong)
Abstract: Jacksonville State University has developed a behavior analysis/pigeon lab class in the style of Michael’s original manual. It was felt that a computer animation missed the point of a lab course; therefore, the lab was implemented with live pigeons to allow students to prove to themselves the reliability of behavior analysis principles. A specifically developed micro-controller was developed to calculate and display the information which enabled even average students to manually implement complex schedules of reinforcement. This sophomore course has students carry out shaping, continuous reinforcement, extinction, spontaneous recovery, fixed ratio 25, fixed ratio 100, multiple fixed interval 60-s variable interval 60-s, multiple variable ratio 60 differential reinforcement of low rate 10, and concurrent variable interval 20-s variable interval 60-s schedules. Actual cumulative recorders are used to allow students to see the behavior equilibriate. In addition, the students carry out two Pavlovian conditioning procedures on human volunteers: simple salivary reflex conditioning with extinction and differential reflex conditioning. The course typically is rated as the most valuable course in the major.
40. Data Mining: Analyzing and Improving Instructional Design
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
STEPHEN E. EVERSOLE (Behavior Development Solutions), Dusty Jones (Behavior Development Solutions), Theresa Adams (Behavior Development Solutions), Joel Weik (Behavior Development Solutions), Christine O'Donnell (Behavior Development Solutions)
Discussant: Amoy Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School-Hong Kong)
Abstract: Data analytics combined with instructional design from a behavior analytic perspective makes a powerful tool for developing and analyzing online instruction. The CBA Learning Module Series has been available for 17 years and thousands of people use the program every year. A survey conducted by Behavior Development Solutions (BDS) staff in February 2015 yielded a pass rate of 97.7% for first time exam takers who completed the entire Series. However, until recently, BDS did not have the capability to conduct analyses on the millions of data points generated by learners. Application of a data analytics process to these data sets yielded emergent patterns, which lead to revisions to the program and subsequent improved group performance. The program is primarily question-based. Each multiple-choice question includes a hint (i.e., instructional content) with a textbook reference, and a feedback statement for incorrect options. One finding is a selection bias of particular incorrect options in questions that include an (all of the above) option. Another finding is inappropriate stimulus control resulting from common words in incorrect options and the hint. The utility of data analytics on large instructional data sets in general is discussed.
41. Using Curriculum Based Evaluation for Decision Making in a Pre-Service Special Education Program: Modeling Data-Based Decision-Making With a Program-Level Vocabulary Assessment
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Gail Coulter (Western Washington University), Keith Hyatt (Western Washington University), MICHAEL C. LAMBERT (Western Washington University), Leanne Robinson (Western Washington University)
Discussant: Amoy Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School-Hong Kong)

The purpose of this research was to provide an data-basedl method of gauging candidate progress through a teacher special education preparation program. A vocabulary assessment was created and is framed with the CBE and RtI models that have a 30-year research base. Curriculum-based measures were used in order to monitor the progress of candidates as they proceeded through the special education program. Further, the technology appears to hold promise for identifying candidates who were likely to need support; the results showed a difference in candidate acquisition of vocabulary from the beginning of the program to the end of the program. The assessments also accurately identified candidates within the program who were experiencing academic difficulty with program content.

42. Dairy Price Risk Management in California: An OnlineTeaching Model Approach to the Problem
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
PEI XU (California State University Fresno), Todd Lone (California State University Fresno)
Discussant: Amoy Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School-Hong Kong)

Though the dairy industry in California is an extremely important component of the state?s agriculture, it is faced with significant financial hardships. Our preliminary study conducted in 2015 shows that dairy farmers intended to reduce cost risks and to maintain a price over cost margin. However, farmers were found lack of knowledge about risk management instruments. In this study agribusiness researchers developed an interactive online teaching course in November 2015. The course is pre-tested with 135 agribusiness college students and the discrete choice model results suggest that: 1) senior students who have previously taken an online course tend to rate low for the online learning experience. 2) Female students are found to be less likely to rank high for the online course because they feel the course required more work and more time. And 3) participating students believed the online coursework is more difficult than a face-to-face course. The revised course should focus on the development of interactive course activities; should provide additional course work help to female participants; and should propose appropriate instructive methods to better explain risk management concepts.

43. Intensive Training for Applied Behavior Analysis Therapist
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
TRACY YIP (The Children's Institute of Hong Kong)
Discussant: Amoy Hugh-Pennie (The Harbour School-Hong Kong)
Abstract: Providing a systematic and effective training for Applied Behavior Analysis therapist is crucial in helping children learn during one-to-one therapy. The current study focuses on training therapists through a series of video and in vivo supervision. All therapists who participated in this study were able to master the skills set identified. Outcome of the study suggests that intensive training and on-going supervision are essential elements in successful training for therapists.
44. Gaining Applied Experience in Organizational Behavior Management
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
DANIEL B. SUNDBERG (ABA Technologies), Chana Gehrman (Florida Institute of Technology), Manuel Rodriguez (ABA Technologies, Inc.), Shannon Biagi (Florida Institute of Technology; ABA Technologies, Inc.)
Discussant: Ana Sella (Federal University of Alagoas)

Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) has become a highly sought after area of interest in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis, and for good reason. The majority of behavior analysts have careers in which they make their impact on consumers through the coaching and management of others, a skill that is enhanced substantially through OBM Training. However, only 21 out of 291 BACB approved course sequences offer graduate training in OBM and even fewer offer a hands-on learning, or practicum experience. This situation is unlikely to improve, as there are few faculty positions in behavior analysis programs that call for an OBM background. This poster will review options that behavior analysts have for obtaining training in OBM. A case study of a new course at Florida Institute of Technologys online ABA program that blends distance learning with hands on experience in OBM will be featured. The potential for programs such as these to bridge the educational gap in OBM for behavior analysts will be explored.

45. Introducing Behavioral Concepts in a Transit-Control Company With Over 800 People
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
CELSO SOCORRO OLIVEIRA (UNESP - Sao Paulo State University)
Discussant: Ana Sella (Federal University of Alagoas)

Behavior Analysis Concepts are commonly cited in academic and scientific environments, usually under control, but there is little information on introducing basic concepts in a mid-size company with over 800 employees that attends the control of transit in a 400,000 inhabitants city (an uncontrolled environment, in this case). The trigger of the study was an accident with one of the transit agents, that turned into a strike of the formers, that showed a need to change the paradigm of simply training the agents and other staff personnel into a Behavior Oriented paradigm because of the number of variables involved, from media people, urban population to employees (agents and staff). The environment was very dynamic (many transit situations every day and the media news promoting reactions inside the company and in the relation to towns population). A series of encounters were conducted at different levels within the company to introduce Behavioral Concepts, to establish empirical correlations with the facts common to their daily work and to change behaviors from transit agents to staff. The learning evaluation was made as the company members produced real time in the company responses based on the new operants produced instead of the respondent concepts.

46. Using Interdependent Group Contingencies To Increase Treatment Integrity
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
ELEIGHA LOVE (University of Central Oklahoma  ), Derrick Meyers (University of Central Oklahoma), Leah Phillips (University of Central Oklahoma), Mary Ann Hubbard (University of Central Oklahoma), Thomas Hancock (University of Central Oklahoma), Scott Singleton (University of Central Oklahoma)
Discussant: Ana Sella (Federal University of Alagoas)

Supervisors must provide training and supervision that results in the accurate implementation of behavior analytic practices. The present study is designed to investigate the effects of interdependent group contingencies on the generalization of behavior analytic skills to treatment settings. A multiple baseline design will be used to evaluate the generalization of Discrete Trial Training (DTT), Natural Environment Teaching (NET), and prompting. A trained observer will observe eight staff members working in school for children with developmental disabilities. All staff members are currently pursuing Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) certification. Data will be based on the percent completion of a predetermined number of steps the participant implemented in the naturalistic environment. Interdependent group contingencies will be implemented across behaviors utilizing a 90% group average criterion for three consecutive days to access reinforcement. If the group criterion is not met for 4 consecutive days a second phase of intervention utilizing modeling and daily performance feedback daily until 90% implementation is reached for 3 consecutive days at which time fading will begin. The results from the present study can be applied to the generalization and maintenance of behavior analytic techniques in a school-based, treatment environment. Data is currently being collected.

47. Time-out: Its Origins as a Term and a Technique
Area: TBA; Domain: Theory
ELIZABETH FOLEY (University of Kansas), Courtney Moore (University of Kansas), Kelley L. Harrison (University of Kansas), Edward K. Morris (The University of Kansas)
Discussant: Ana Sella (Federal University of Alagoas)

Although time-out is a widely used term and technique in behavior analysis and in the culture at large, its origins and evolution have not been accurately or completely described. According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), its origins lie in turn-of-the-20th century vernacular use such as “the suspension in play” in sports and “an imperative, calling for a break.” These are accurate. The OED’s first behavior-analytic use is “a period of enforced seclusion, or of withdrawal of a stimulus…as a means of modifying behavior,” which it attributes to Ferster (1957). This is inaccurate. Based on original research, we describe the first documented use of time-out (a) as a term and a method in basic behavior-analytic research with nonhumans (e.g., to reduce schedule interactions; see Ferster, 1954), (b) as an aversive stimulus in basic research with nonhumans (see Herrnstein, 1955), (c) as an aversive stimulus in basic research with humans (see Baer, 1960), and (d) as a term and an intervention in applied behavior analysis (see Wolf, Risley, & Mees, 1964). After describing time-out’s origins and evolution, we address alternative claims (e.g., Staats’s use of the term and the intervention in childrearing) and priority claims in general.

48. Child Raising Practices Implementation and the Reduction of Problematic Child Behavior
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
SILVIA MORALES CHAINE (National Autonomous University of Mexico), Alejandra Lopez Montoya (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Discussant: Ana Sella (Federal University of Alagoas)

Child raising practices adoption based on empirical evidence to community places promise antisocial behavior prevention in Mexico. The goal of the study was to describe the relationship between implementation level of the child raising practices promoted by psychologist in community settings and the parental behavior and reports of their behavior and their children in public health institutions. We worked with 18 psychologists with a 32 years old mean that worked too with 128 parents from 8 Mexican republic entities. We used psychometrical instruments for the parental and children behaviors reports and a direct observational system for the children raising practices implementation assessment (categories: identifying, correction, interaction and stimulus control). The study consisted in three phases: activities programming in Moodle platform, Distance psychologist training on child raising practices, and implementation phase. A factorial design of two (before and after assessment) per two (low and high implementation) was used. The results suggest parental behaviors changing in function of higher implementation of the child raising practices are praising, social interaction and instructions following. Higher implementation also was associated with less punisher reporting, more ignoring technique, problems solving, rules establishment and academic social interaction reporting.

49. Consultation and Collaboration Coursework in Board Certified Behavior Analyst Approved Course Sequences
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
COLLIN SHEPLEY (University of Kentucky), Danielle Crawford (University of Kentucky), Madison Johnson (University of Kentucky), Rachel Pence (University of Kentucky), Olivia Winstead (University of Kentucky), Allan Allday (University of Kentucky)
Discussant: Ana Sella (Federal University of Alagoas)
Abstract: The role of behavior analysts, specifically those that are board certified, is increasingly moving from that of a behavioral technician (i.e., the change agent manipulating the environment to promote behavior change) to that of a behavioral consultant (i.e., an indirect change agent enabling a consultee/teacher/caregiver to serve as the change agent for a client/student/individual). This change may be partly attributed to the increasing and changing workforce demand for behavior analysts. As the jobs needing behavior analysts change, as may the roles behavior analysts need to serve, and the models behavior analysts use to provide services. One evidence-based model of service delivery that permeates multiple fields and industries, for which behavior analysts have conducted research and provided recommendations, is consultation. Given the increasing and changing demand for behavior analysts across numerous fields and industries, a review of consultation coursework within Behavior Analyst Certification Board approved course sequences is warranted. We reviewed all Board Certified Behavior Analyst approved course sequences for institutions in the United States, examining course titles and descriptions provided on institution websites to identify courses that included consultation related coursework. A descriptive analysis of our results is provided along with questions to promote discussion.
50. Does Delivering Praise During Error Correction Procedures Result in Slowing the Acquisition Rate of the Target Goal?
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Matthew C. Howarth (Verbal Behavior Associates), CLEO SCHMITT (Verbal Behavior Associates), Elizabeth Howarth (Verbal Behavior Associates)
Discussant: Ana Sella (Federal University of Alagoas)
Abstract: Learning rates for tact acquisition were used to compare the effects of two different error correction procedures. Four participants were assigned to matched pairs in an ABA/BAB design, utilizing counter balanced stimuli. The correction procedure entailed prompting the student to respond correctly, contingent on the student emitting an error and then providing an opportunity to respond independently to the same discriminative stimulus a few seconds later. In condition A, participants were praised for emitting the correct response during the error correction procedure. In condition B, participants were not praised or reinforced at all after emitting the correct response during the correction procedure. The dependent variable was the acquisition rate for tact instructional objectives, and the independent variable was they type of error correction procedure. The purpose of this study was to find whether delivering praise during error correction procedures affect the acquisition rate of the target goal. The results are on going, but initial data do not show significant differences in acquisition rates based on the error correction procedure used.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh