Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Paper Session #466
Brain Injury Intervention
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
11:00 AM–11:50 AM
Columbus Hall CD, Hyatt Regency, Gold East
Area: PRA
Chair: Chris M. Schaub (ReMed)
Using the Experimental Model to Promote Integration of Medical and Behavioral Interventions in Post-Acute Brain Injury Rehabilitation
Domain: Applied Research
CHRIS M. SCHAUB (ReMed), Kevin Erdner (ReMed)
Abstract: The prevalence of neurobehavioral sequelae in the brain injury population is replete in the literature. These features commonly impact relationships with family members, community members, caregivers, etc� and complicate the recovery and rehabilitation process in innumerable ways. Frequently, medical consultation is obtained to ameliorate neurobehavioral issues, which often comes from disparate providers, e.g. specialists in the areas of pain, mood/behavior, sleep, etc� who are not part of an integrated treatment model. This can lead to competing priorities, poorly coordinated interventions and may produce results that are unsuccessful or unable to be interpreted effectively due to the lack of an experimental model. As important, an examination of the environment in relation to the occurrence of problematic behavior is routinely absent. Behavior analysis is well equipped to participate in and improve this process, to promote orderliness in the design and analysis of interventions intended to influence the organism as well as the environment. The application of an experimental model and the analysis of data to support medical interventions together with behavioral interventions will be discussed, and case examples will be provided to illustrate application.
Promoting Behavior Change After Brain Injury, With and Without Awareness: Considering All Components of the Four Term Contingency
Domain: Applied Research
KEVIN ERDNER (ReMed), Chris M. Schaub (ReMed)
Abstract: Sensitivity to contingencies in the brain injured population can be complicated by an array of variables. The onset of pain, sleep disruption, medication trials, vestibular impairment, etc. impact motivating operations and fundamentally influence stimulus relations and reinforcer potency. In other situations the presence of competing contingencies such as access to compensation or controlled substances must be considered. Within these complex contingent relations, awareness of one's own deficits is a hallmark clinical feature that impacts the success of rehabilitation and recovery in brain injury, and although an individual's ability to accurately describe their own situation does not preclude behavior change it must be accounted for in treatment planning efforts. Motivating operations and contingency sensitivity, across multiple temporal scales, will be discussed. The role of behavior analysis in developing treatment plans that promote self-management of behavior will be discussed, as well as promoting behavior change for those with limited capacity for self-management. The concept of awareness as described in the brain injury literature and the behavior analytic concept of self-management will be discussed. Case studies will be reviewed and discussed to illustrate key points.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh