VRB Monday PM |
Monday, May 30, 2016 |
7:00 PM–9:00 PM |
Riverside Exhibit Hall, Hyatt Regency, Purple East |
Chair: Catia Cividini-Motta (University of South Florida) |
74. Establishing Intraverbal Reponses as Tact Repertoires on "Private Events" in a Child With Autism |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
SOICHIRO MATSUDA (University of Tsukuba), Yuka Ishizuka (Keio University), Satoru Sekine (Keio University), Jun'ichi Yamamoto (Keio University) |
Discussant: Bailey Devine (Texas Christian University) |
Abstract: Difficulties in acquiring a complex tact repertoire have been widely reported in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there are few studies that have examined whether a complex tact repertoire could be established in children with ASD. The purpose of the present study was to examine whether a boy with autism (CA: 5 year 8 months, VMA: 2 year 9 months) could acquire intraverbal responses as tact repertoires on private events via vocal prompts. Pretest results were used to create four word sets that the boy did not answer. Each set consisted of three sentences. A multiple-probe design across word sets was implemented. All session in this study, one session consisted of six trials. The percentage of correct responses for boys baseline, training, and post-tests (post-training probe, and one-week and one-month follow up probes) are presented in Figure. Results showed that the intraverbal responses for all word sets were established and maintained. |
75. The Controlling Stimuli as an Alternative for the Indirect Access to Private Verbal Responses |
Area: VBC; Domain: Basic Research |
JOÃO LUCAS BERNARDY CARDOSO (PUC Goiás), Lorismario Ernesto Ernesto Simonassi (PUC Goiás), Yara Lima de Paulo (PUC Goiás), Bruno Martins Pontes (PUC Goiás), Pedro Henrique Carvalho (PUC Goiás), Sérgio Augusto Ramos França Filho (PUC Goiás), Paula Teixeira Andrade Sousa (PUC Goiás), Isabela Martins Siqueira (PUC Goiás) |
Discussant: Bailey Devine (Texas Christian University) |
Abstract: The goal of the present work was to test the possibility that human participants can indirectly access private verbal responses based on the contact with the controlling variables of that verbal response. The experiment was conduced with twenty nave participants. Four of those participants composed the Control Group. These four participant were individually exposed to a task in which they should try to guess six words using the stimuli presented in a computer screen as hints. They were exposed to six sets of verbal stimuli (one for each word). All words in a set described physical properties of an object. The responses of this group were private due to a physical barrier. The other sixteen participants (Experimental Group) were distributed among four subgroups and considered observers of one of the four participants of the Control Group. Then, they have been exposed to a different task, which was: try to guess a word written by another participant using the stimuli presented in a computer screen as hints. Then, these participants were exposed to the same six set os stimuli with eight words each, but unlike the Control Group, they accessed the eight words cumulatively in a series of trials, so they became increasingly informed about the controlling variables of the verbal responses of the first group. The verbal responses of the observers were compared to the verbal responses of the corresponding participant of the Control Group. If the verbal responses matched they counted as correct inferences, it they were different they counted as incorrect inferences. The results show that correct inferences about the verbal reports of other participants became increasingly more likely as the environmental conditions in which those verbal responses were emitted were known. When the second group accessed all the words of each set they made correct inferences in 71 (16 for the first three verbal responses, 11 for the fourth and 12 for the fifth) out of 80 trials, compared to 2 correct inferences when they had access to one stimulus of each set. The access to environmental conditions also reduced the variability in the inferences made by the second group. These results indicate that, if uniformity is assumed, the self report isnt the only source of indirect access to private verbal responses. Human participants of the same verbal community can infer accurately about private verbal responses of others based on the public controlling variables. |
76. The Role of Overt and Covert Self-Rules in Establishing a Daily Living Skill in Adults With Mild Intellectual Disabilities: A Replication |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
WILLIAM ROOT (Southern Illinois University), Mariela Castro (Southern Illinois University) |
Discussant: Bailey Devine (Texas Christian University) |
Abstract: Skinners (1957) Verbal Behavior has generated research in two main areas: the behavior of the speaker and the role of overt verbal behavior of performance. The role of the listener in shaping and maintaining the speakers behavior at the overt level has received little empirical inquiry. The purpose of the current study was to further evaluate the role of covert verbal behavior on ones own performance. This aim was accomplished by replicating Faloon and Rehfeldt (2008), using a different task, making a smoothie, with three participants with mild intellectual disabilities. A multiple baseline design across participants with multielement phases embedded was used to determine the effects of the overt and covert self-instruction training on skill acquisition and maintenance. Similar to Faloon and Rehfeldt (2008), the use of the blocking and non-blocking conditions and following training, allowed researchers the unique ability to observe if a functional relationship existed between performance and behavior within the skin. The results demonstrated that for two of the three participants the overt-self instructions improved the percentage of correct steps, and generalization to novel ingredients. |
77. The Effects of Differential Reinforcement, With Regard to Magnitude, on Skill Acquisition |
Area: VBC; Domain: Applied Research |
Nona Melvin (Quest Kids, Inc.), SHELDON ROBERT EBBELER (Quest Kids, Inc.), Karen Garcia (Quest Kids, Inc.) |
Discussant: Bailey Devine (Texas Christian University) |
Abstract: There is limited applied research on the effects of differential reinforcement on rate of acquisition. Karsten and Carr (2009) investigated the use of differential reinforcement with respect to quality of a reinforcer, finding that differential reinforcement did, in fact, result in more consistent acquisition of skills. The current study looked at quantity of a reinforcer, comparing the rate of acquisition of target behaviors followed by differential reinforcement with that of behaviors followed by non-differential reinforcement. For one participant, differential reinforcement yielded a faster rate of acquisition for two out of three sets of targets; for the other participant, the non-differential reinforcement condition resulted in a slightly faster rate of acquisition for one set of targets. |
78. Second Year of Student's Progress Using Verbal Behavior and Functional Skill Assessment and Applied Behavior Analysis Procedures in Qatar |
Area: VBC; Domain: Service Delivery |
MOHAMMAD I. AL-ATTRASH (Shafallah Center for Individuals with Disability), Mahmoud Al Sheyab (Shafallah Center for Individuals with Disability), Moyyad Al-Tamimi (Shafallah Center for Individuals with Disability) |
Discussant: Bailey Devine (Texas Christian University) |
Abstract: A verbal behavior and functional skills assessment to individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities (VBFSAIADD) was created in Qatar by Dr. Mohammad Al-Attrash to assess students with autism and other developmental disabilities in their native Arabic language to identify the strengths and weaknesses for effective IEPs. After the successful results of the initial implementation, the implementation was expanded to nine classes from different units. A total of 66 students were chosen to participate. Students ranged in age from 3 to 16 years old with mild to profound intellectual disability. Teaching procedures consisted of a package including discrete trial training and verbal behavior procedures. We employed errorless teaching in the same sequence of traditional DTT but with the emphasis on teaching in regular classroom settings, using naturalistic reinforcers when possible, using multiple exemplars, and planning for generalization. Data were recorded on each trial and were graphed showing the progress of students on each objective. Results 1. Students achieved 86% with range of 65% to 89%. 2. Many teachers and specialists started using the assessment and asking to be trained on ABA procedures when they saw positive results. 3. Parents were pleased with the progress of their children. |