Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Symposium #176
CE Offered: BACB — 
Supervising Supervision: Designing, Monitoring, and Supporting Supervision in ABA
Monday, May 30, 2016
8:00 AM–8:50 AM
Columbus Hall AB, Hyatt Regency, Gold East
Area: PRA/TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Susan Ainsleigh (Bay Path University)
CE Instructor: Susan Ainsleigh, Ph.D.

Supervision is a critical component of the development of future practitioners of applied behavior analytic services, and required for all individuals seeking credentialing in ABA. All future professionals seek excellence in supervision, however, despite increasingly structured guidelines provided by certification and licensure organizations, variation exists in the quality and rigor of supervision experiences. Indeed, not all supervision experiences are created equal. For those developing or supporting supervision for the future behavior analyst, minimal guidance exists thus far in behavioral literature related to effective supervision management. Related disciplines have much to offer in the development of quality supervision models, and behaviorally-based literature related to training and instruction, specifically, literature on competency-based training and behavioral skills training models, can support and strengthen the development of quality supervision experiences. Finally, invested constituents have beneficial feedback to add to the supervision process. This symposium targets the developers of supervision in ABA, offering models and guidance for creating quality supervision experiences.

Keyword(s): competency training, graduation education, instructional design, supervision

Supervision in the Workplace: Bridging the Gap Between Coursework and Applied Practice in Professional Settings

GINETTE WILSON BISHOP (Advances Learning Center)

Bridging the gap between theory and applied practice can pose a challenge for many graduate Applied Behavior Analysis students. Employers of these scholars face the unique challenge of accommodating rigorous supervision requirements, changing course schedules and other graduate work commitments that often complicate the landscape. This presentation will discuss several strategies that employers can utilize to support graduate ABA students as they progress through the supervision requirements associated with eventual Board Certification. Specific examples of employer driven initiatives to improve quality of services provided, employee retention, and outcomes for graduate students will be provided. Methods to incentivize employees considering graduate coursework to create a larger more diverse pool of productive clinicians will be reviewed. Finally, opportunities for collaboration with local college programs and course sequences will be discussed with the ultimate priority being the quality of the overall experience for both the student and recipients of the behavior analytic services they provide.


Incorporating Modeling Into Supervision of Behavior Analytic Practitioners

ROBYN M. CATAGNUS (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Susan Ainsleigh (Bay Path University)

Modeling is a component of Behavioral Skill Training, and has been shown to be effective in evoking desired behavior. Modeling, both in live and video formats, has been incorporated into many models of training successfully. Evidence suggests, however, that modeling is often omitted from supervision experiences, particularly when distance or remote supervision is utilized. This presentation reviews strategies for successfully incorporating modeling into supervision sessions for applied behavior analytic graduate students. Characteristics of the competent model are reviewed, and technical aspects of designing effective models are presented. A model for training supervisors to utilize modeling in supervision is presented.

Behavior Skills Training in ABA Supervision
NOELLE NEAULT (Bay Path University), Melissa Hunsinger Harris (Bay Path University)
Abstract: Supervision can be defined as an intervention that is provided by a senior member of a profession to a junior member in the same profession (Bernard & Goodyear, 1998). It has multiple purposes, including improving the skills and repertoires of the junior member, monitoring and facilitating the delivery of high quality services, serving as a gatekeeper to those who enter the profession, and modeling effective supervision practices (Behnke, 2005). Behavioral Skills Training (BST) has been demonstrated as an effective training model and is required by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (2012) when providing fieldwork/practicum supervision. BST is a system for training performance skills in human service staff. It includes written and verbal instructions, modeling, repeated practice to mastery, and performance feedback (Parsons, Rollyson & Reid, 2010). Its effectiveness in educational and clinical settings has been well-documented; however, its use in supervision remains unexamined. The current study focuses on the evaluation of behavior analytic supervision sessions to identify which aspects of behavioral skills training are routinely included or omitted. Participants in this study included supervisors of graduate students in applied behavior analysis. Individual supervision sessions were directly observed. Data was summarized to examine components of BST that are routinely utilized in supervision sessions and those that are consistently omitted. Implications for supervision effectiveness and recommendations for supervisor training are discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh