Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Poster Session #296
Sunday, May 25, 2014
7:00 PM–9:00 PM
W375a-d (McCormick Place Convention Center)
74. Real Advancement Independence Social Skills and Empowerment (RAISE): An Employment Program for Adults With ASD
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
ANN BEIRNE (Global Autism Project)
Abstract: Meaningful employment is certainly a valuable goal for adults with disabilities. However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2010 population survey, only 21% of all adults with disabilities participate in the work force. The Global Autism Project's adjunct program, Real Advancement Independence Social Skills and Empowerment (RAISE) is an employment and coaching program whose mission is to prepare adults with autism for employment by teaching social skills relevant to employment and independence in work tasks. The Global Autism Project currently hires employees participating in this program and has seen the benefits of supported employment for both the employees and company. RAISE, therefore, seeks to develop training for use by other companies in the private sector. Responsibilities of RAISE employees range from simple errands (including banking and office inventory) to managing company contacts and spreadsheets. Such responsibilities require that individuals develop skills such as following complex instructions independently and managing tasks efficiently. Benefits to RAISE participants include increased social opportunities, increased income and opportunities for both national and international travel. Support for RAISE participants is described in this poster.
75. Increasing Engagement and Indices of Happiness in Adults With Psychological Disorders
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
HENRY AU (St. Cloud State University), Chaturi Edrisinha (St. Cloud State University)
Abstract: Individuals with disabilities often show deficits in prerequisite skills needed to participate in leisure activities at a level similar to same age normal functioning peers (Dattilo & Schleien, 1994). Additionally, individuals diagnosed with psychological disorders such as schizophrenia suffer from cognitive impairments that prevent them from functioning successfully in community settings, often leading to social isolation (Medalia, Reyheim, & Casey, 2001). Based on past research on the instruction of leisure skills and the development of a Happiness Index used to measure indices of happiness (Favell, Realon, & Sutton, 1996), the current study examined how photography was taught to three adult participants with various psychological disorders using a task analysis with structured prompting and reinforcement strategies. An ABAB single-subject experimental design was then applied to examine whether providing opportunities to engage in photography would increase the quality of life and indices of happiness. Results revealed that the indices of happiness and quality of life for the participants recruited in the study improved when they learned to engage in photography. Also, the participants were more motivated to become active with their lives, and allowed them to discover their strengths in other life skills.
76. Evaluation of the Service Offered in the Area of Special Education: A Student Perspective
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
Patricia Plancarte (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), ORTEGA SILVA PATRICIA (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Abstract: In the area of the health frequently spoken about the evaluation of a service offered to the community, where the main interest of this is to benefit the patient's health and successfully meet the expectations of the people. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the special education services offered at the University Clinic of Integral Health (CUSI), from the point of view provided by the students of the psychology and suggest alternatives to improve quality. 30 students were interviewed using a questionnaire as an assessment tool, which yielded information related to: general data, characteristics service, and suggestions to improve the service. The results showed that 66 % of students know what to do with intervention programs, even though they recognize that the facilities are not well suited. Intervention programs were successful considering the results of the post-evaluation of children. The work with parents was satisfactory with 94 % of cases and 90 % of cases were progress in the development of the users.
77. Classroom Projects to Motivate Student Involvement in Behaviorally-Based Community Initiatives
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
FORREST TOEGEL (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Bryan Yanagita (University 0f Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Elizabeth Kerber (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire), Carla H. Lagorio (University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
Abstract: Undergraduates are required to learn about research methodologies in one or more targeted courses; with requirements focused on students conceiving of and subsequently implementing research protocols. While several projects involve sophisticated and potentially fruitful research ideas, many do not meet this objective. Whats more, conception of project ideas often are of primary focus, when undergraduates often could benefit from increased exposure to research strategies and controlling for confounding variables in well-conceived projects. Furthermore, a good majority of projects do little to improve human affairs. In attempt to address these issues and meet learning needs, our EAB course has been allotting credit for implementing small-scale community initiatives. Three projects have been implemented over the past year: two are behavioral-economics-based interventions assessing how decreasing response cost can improve behaviors society generally applauds (increasing paper recycling in professors offices, increasing fruit/vegetable consumption in college cafeterias); a third has been increasing reinforcement on a molecular level by introducing fun manipulations across-campus and measuring those best picked up via cultural selection. These projects have sustained high extra-curricular involvement and can provide students with an increased understanding of research intricacies while also providing benefits to society.
78. Effects of Culturally Relevant, Multi-Media Integrated Social Skill Instruction With Parent Collaboration
Area: CSE; Domain: Basic Research
ALICIA BROPHY (University of North Carolina, Wilmington)
Abstract: Students with or at-risk for behavioral disorders often exhibit significantly deficient social skills essential to successfully interact with adults and peers (Merrell, Sanders, & Popinga, 1993). Through social skills instruction, it is possible to facilitate student success within the school environment and enhance students' post-school outcomes (Gresham, 2002). Additionally, parental participation in children's learning can be a predictor of academic success; and interventions within the school environment have increased positive results when parents are involved (Jimerson et al., 2006; Turnbull & Turnbull, 2001). Using a multiple probe across skill sets design, this study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of a culturally relevant, multi-media social skill instruction program incorporating parental involvement on increasing the use of appropriate social skills and decreasing inappropriate behavior for participants. Results will be discussed relative to the importance of culturally responsive social skill instruction incorporating parental involvement for African American elementary students who are at-risk for academic and behavioral difficulties.
79. Where Cultural Values, Sustainability and Ethics Collide for the International Behavior Analyst
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
MICHELLE TURAN (University of Windsor), Kathie Shaw (A Balanced Approach), Kate Rice (Private Practice), Emily Johnson (Global Autism Project)
Abstract: Behaviour Analysts wishing to travel to foreign countries to provide needed ABA services are faced with many challenges. These can include but are not limited to: language barriers, limited resources, opposing values, systemic differences and ethical conflicts. Implementing ABA services amidst these challenges requires careful consideration of the needs and wants of the clients and their service providers and how sustainability can be maximized. This poster presentation will overview each of these concepts as they applied to a recent ABA mission to India at a school for children with developmental disabilities and autism.
80. Reducing Contamination in Paper Recycling Containers: Effects of Visual Prompts and Posted Feedback
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
GLORIA N. MAILLARD (University of North Texas), Richard G. Smith (University of North Texas), Einar T. Ingvarsson (University of North Texas), Daryl E. Stewart (University of North Texas), Olivia Nielsen (University of North Texas)
Abstract: According to the Environmental Protection Agency, paper waste makes up 29% of municipal solid waste and only 63% of paper used in 2010 was actually recycled by Americans. A likely contributing factor to the failure to adequately recycle paper may be contamination of paper recycling containers with non-recyclable materials. We evaluated the effects of visual prompting alone, and visual prompting plus posted feedback on measures of contamination in paper recycling bins. Participants were students, faculty, staff, and visitors who used the recycling bins in two departmental offices located on the campus of a large university. Initially, laminated paper signs indicating that the container was intended for “paper only” were attached to recycling bins in each department. Subsequently, laminated paper signs reporting the amount of contaminant present in the container from the previous day were also posted on the container. The interventions were implemented within a combination multiple baseline design across locations with reversals. The preliminary results indicated that, although a visual prompt was effective to reduce contamination, further intervention, such as daily feedback, may be necessary to more completely eliminate contamination of recycling containers.
81. Some Green Now or More Green Later: Exploring Discounting and Sustainability
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
JAMIE HIRSH (Western Michigan University), Mack S. Costello (Western Michigan University), R. Wayne Fuqua (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: Literature on behavioral applications to sustainability has grown in the past several years, culminating with the ABAI sustainability conference in 2012. As concerns regarding the current and future state of the planet continue to grow, the need to understand the mechanisms that will help drive small- and large-scale and long-term sustainable behavior change become more critical. A necessary step in the creation of successful interventions to evoke more sustainable behavior is understanding the relationship between discounting and sustainable behavior, and their relation to impulsivity and self-control. The present study seeks to explore the relationship between discounting and sustainable behavior by looking at correlations between discounting curves calculated from a discounting questionnaire and sustainable behavior, assessed from a survey about sustainable behavior and attitudes. Data will be analyzed with respect to 4 participant groups: 1) Faculty/staff with sustainability-related affiliations, 2) faculty/staff without sustainability-related affiliations, 3) students with sustainability-related affiliations, 4) students without sustainability-related affiliations.
82. Comparing the Effects of Specific Prompts and Feedback on Recycling Behavior
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
LUCINDA LEWIS (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Eric L. Carlson (The Chicago School - LA Campus)
Abstract: Increasing the rate and efficiency of recycling promotes sustainability by both decreasing the amount of waste going into landfills and reducing the amount of energy required to produce new products. The current study extended the findings of Larson et al. (1995) to determine if feedback with no outcome contingency would be effective at increasing recycling on a college campus and compared the effects of specific prompts with the effects of feedback in a classroom setting. The percentage of recyclable items correctly discarded in a recycling receptacle was examined across several classrooms. Participants included any personnel, staff, students, faculty, administrators, and visitors to the targeted classrooms. The use of specific prompts in this study involved signs posted on recycling and trash receptacles detailing which items the university recycled. The feedback condition involved signs that stated the percentage of recycling items from the previous day. Both the specific prompt and feedback conditions were successful at increasing recycling and showed similar results. However, the specific prompt condition slightly outperformed the feedback condition.
83. Experimental Analysis of Lying Interbehavior
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
VERONICA LUNA HERNANDEZ (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Christian Cruz (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Alejandro Ceron Martinez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico), Leslie Valeria Briseno Zamora (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)

A conceptualization of lying as a behavior has been developed within Interbehavioral Psychology. This position argues that lying involves the participation of three features: 1. the participation of at least two subjects, 2. the interaction between a concrete event and a substitute event that is not present or is not apparent in the interactive situation, that is referred by the liar, and 3. A reference to certain event functions that dont correspond with the properties of the event (Luna, 2013). Using these features as guidelines, an experimental task is developed where a situation is presented that sets the occasion for the subject to lie. The present research explore the effects of the manipulation of different dispositional factors, feedback and verbal interactions, as possible variables that may facilitate or hinder lying. Results are examined through an interbehavioral analysis of the situation.

84. Impact of Parent Involvement in Skill Acquisition and Maintenance in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
SEONG YEON LEE (Aisling Discoveries Child and Family Centre), Inas Ktaech (Aisling Discoveries), Nicole Luke (Surrey Place Centre)
Abstract: The rising prevalence and varying needs of autism spectrum disorder prompted community leaders and clinicians to develop services that are evidence-based and effective yet efficient to benefit more children and families in their communities. Toronto Autism ABA Services in Ontario, Canada, is one of those services, funded by Ontarios Ministry of Children and Youth Services. Whether the service could result in skill acquisition that can be maintained over time is a critical question, as many studies have already documented that even children who received intensive treatment often demonstrated difficulties in generalizing and maintaining acquired skills. One of the factors contributing to treatment outcomes and maintenance suggested by research is parent involvement during treatment. This study investigates potential benefits of parent involvement on childrens treatment outcomes and maintenance from short-term and group-based treatments by comparing results of 25 children with autism spectrum disorder aged between 4 and 14 years old in two treatment groups: one with mandatory parent involvement and one without. The results suggest that short-term skill building groups based on principles of applied behaviour analysis with parent involvement are cost-effective solutions to address the varying needs of individuals with autism spectrum disorder in the community.
85. Behavioral Overview of Daily Life
Area: CSE; Domain: Theory
Gonul Kircaali-Iftar (Professor Emeritus)

Although many cultures have gone through significant changes during the globalization era, one can still argue that almost all cultures have a variety of unique features. Turkish culture where I have been a member for more than 50 years has its own unique features especially when it comes to interpersonal relationships. I recently authored a book in Turkish on analyzing a variety of events of daily life throughout various settings such as schools, homes, work places, community settings, etc. in the Turkish culture. Most of these analyses are mainly based on my own experiences. I propose to share some of these experiences as well as the behavioral analyses that I offer regarding these experiences during this poster presentation. Furthermore, I would like to share the behavioral conclusions and recommendations that I offer regarding each analysis. While offering these, I will also try to introduce the most relevant behavioral concepts and define these concepts as operational as possible. At the end, I will provide a list consisting of a dozen golden rules for pursuing more successful interpersonal relationships and less problematic daily lives.

86. Endorsement of Free Will by Professors in the Humanities and Bench Sciences
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
RICHARD F. RAKOS (Cleveland State University), Zachary Clayborne Dietrich (Georgia Southern University )
Abstract: The belief in free will appears to be universal (Sarkissian et al, 2010). Rakos (2004) hypothesized that it is an evolutionary psychological adaptation that improved choice behavior in social situations; as an evolutionary adaptation, the belief should show consistency across various populations. To test the hypothesis, we administered the Social and Personal Belief Inventory containing the Free Will/Determinism Scale to 94 bench science professors, whose professional work assumes determinism, and 54 humanities professors, whose professional work makes no such assumption. Both professor groups strongly endorsed belief in free will, evidencing no significant difference between them despite differences in their training and study. Strength of belief was unrelated to extent of exposure to free will in their education. Factor analysis revealed four factors whereas previous research identified six factors. Professors strength of belief in free will was compared to college and high school students (Rakos et al, 2008) and found to be slightly but significantly stronger for both categories of professors. These data suggest that training and successful life experience has a small but significant impact on belief in free will, thus supporting the hypothesis that the belief is evolutionarily based and our environment can only promote marginal changes.
87. Hierarchy of Aggregate Products in Brazil's Law of Guidelines and Bases of the National Education
Area: CSE; Domain: Theory
IZABEL CARVALHO (UnB), Joao Claudio Todorov (Universidade de Brasilia)
Abstract: This research examined the Brazilian Law of Guidelines and Bases of the National Education as a set of rules describing contingencies and metacontingencies. Only four behavioral contingencies of reinforcement were found, all in the chapter dealing with State and family obligations with education. The law defines a general aggregate product (full development of the learner) that depends on others (preparation for citizenship and qualification for work), found in the chapter on basic education. It was observed the importance of fundamental school as the basis of education, in terms of the definitions of aggregate product, and a greater control in their execution, in terms of three-term contingencies. For the most part the law is organized as a set of hierarchies of aggregate products necessary, as a whole, in the composition of its general aggregate product.
Keyword(s): poster session



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