Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Paper Session #498
Behavior Analytic Approaches to School-Wide Change
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
W195 (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: EDC
Chair: Z. Gabriela Sigurdardottir (University of Iceland)

Measuring the Effects of School-Wide Positive Behavior Support With Direct Observation and a Multiple Baseline Design Across Schools: A Five-Year Study

Domain: Applied Research
Z. GABRIELA SIGURDARDOTTIR (University of Iceland), Kolbrin Ingibjorg Jonsdottir (University of Iceland)

The effects of implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) in three elementary schools in Iceland were evaluated with a multiple baseline design across schools. Former studies on effects of SWPBS have most often used office discipline referral data and questionnaires to measure the effects of the implementation. In this study the effects were measured with direct observation of staff's and students' group behavior within a specific observation area. Data were collected among three different age groups twice yearly, 2-3 weeks each time, at different times of day, in different areas, both before and after the implementation began. Results indicate that significant increases have taken place with regard to positive attention given to students by staff (praise, rewards, incentives, etc) as well decreases in ignoring of students' behavior. However, staff did not increase their reactions to problem behavior, e.g., they did not use redirection or other programmed consequences except minimal appropriate mild punishment. The effects of SWPBS on students' behaviors are most noticeable in the oldest age group (13-16). Other effects will be mentioned and implementation difficulties will be discussed.

Paideia Individualized Education: A Promising Approach to School Reform
Domain: Service Delivery
FRANCIS MECHNER (The Mechner Foundation), Vic Fiallo (Queens Paideia School), Tim Fredrick (Queens Paideia School), Tiffany Jenkins (Queens Paideia School)
Abstract: Paideia Individualized Education (PIE)—the logical successor of Fred Keller’s PSI—was introduced in 1968 at the Armonk Paideia School and has been receiving further refinement in the past five years at the K-12 Queens Paideia School. It features a team of 4 learning managers and 2 interns with long-term charge of the education of approximately 30 children of diverse ages, backgrounds, and abilities. There are no grades—every student is educated differently, as a unique individual, with a customized learning plan that consists of learning objectives covering both academic and non-academic areas. The learning managers draw the learning objectives from a searchable relational database to which they have continuous access. Most students show rapid progress. Failure patterns are avoided because students work at their actual level of achievement in each subject and at their personal best pace. They take increasing ownership of their education as they make daily explicit commitments to achieving specific learning objectives. Many who might be categorized as “special needs” are integrated and mainstreamed. Financial analysis suggest that when a number of PIE schools are aggregated to form a larger school in which the small schools operate as self-contained units, the benefits of the PIE model are preserved with an acceptable per-pupil cost.



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