Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W33
CE Offered: BACB
Efficient Use of Microsoft Excel for Behavior Analysis and Practitioners to Graphically Communicate Outcomes.
Friday, May 23, 2008
6:00 PM–9:00 PM
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
CE Instructor: Bryan J. Davey, Ph.D.
BRYAN J. DAVEY (ACCEL), DONALD M. STENHOFF (University of Kentucky), ELEAZAR VASQUEZ, III (Utah State University)
Description: Visual display of data is imperative when communicating functional relationships and intervention outcomes with consumers and fellow practitioners. BCBAs are expected to have knowledge in using graphs to convey results. However, simply possessing knowledge of visual displays may not transfer to effective or efficient software use. Excel is an efficient way for behavior analysts to create graphs. Excel graphs convey effect across multiple-baseline, alternating treatment, and reversal designs. In addition, standard celeration charts and cumulative review graphs are often used to display client progress. These graph types are often used to display interview results (e.g., FAST, MAS), preference assessment, structural and functional analyses, treatment (i.e., DRA, DRNO, FCT, etc) and discrete trial program outcomes. While Microsoft Excel 2003 and 2007 can be difficult to use, this workshop will provide participants with hands on training promoting effective use. Workshop mini-lessons include creating spreadsheets and data sets, graph construction, manipulation of graph components (e.g., axes, phase change lines). Instructors will provide several models, followed by opportunities for participants to practice with feedback. Additionally, workshop instructors will provide an Excel CD tutorial that will assist participants in future Excel projects. Participants are required to bring a laptop with the Excel application.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop participants will be able to 1. Setup specific spreadsheets, input and manipulate data within an Excel 2003 and 2007 spreadsheet 2. Create graphs for alternating treatment, reversal, multiple-baseline designs, standard celeration, and cumulative records 3. Use the chart wizard, construct graphs of all data or select data sets within a spreadsheet, and update databases and graphs as data collection continues 4. Manipulate graph components (e.g., axes, data points, data paths, secondary axis), and use drawing tools to insert additional components (e.g., arrows, data labels, phase change lines, boxes)
Activities: Participants will be provided concise instruction and several models, followed by two case examples completed with instructor support to ensure skill acquisition. Finally, participants will complete case example that provides opportunities for participants to solve challenges inherent in the Excel 2003 and 2007 applications. The case examples will consolidate and increase fluency of the skills taught during the instructional phase of the workshop.
Audience: Behavior analysts, practitioners, students, researchers, educational service providers, and others interested in visual display of data in single-subject research and program progress.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Basic



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