Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Paper Session #419
International Paper Session - Contemporary Issues in Stimulus Control II
Monday, May 26, 2008
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Area: EAB
Chair: Brent Maxwell Jones (University of Massachusetts Medical School, E.K. Shriver Center)
Right versus Wrong Feedback in Second-Order Matching-to-Sample II: The Case of Contextual Stimuli.
Domain: Basic Research
MARIO SERRANO (Universidad de Guadalajara), Emilio Ribes Iñesta (Universidad de Guadalajara), Gustavo Garcia (Universidad Franco Mexicana-Satellite)
Abstract: Three groups of college students were exposed to a contextual second-order matching-to-sample task and intramodal, extramodal, and extradimensional transfer tests. Contextual second-order stimuli consisted in single geometric shapes that signaled the ongoing matching relation in each trial. For different groups, only right, only wrong or both right and wrong matching responses produced the correlated feedback during the training. Percentage of correct responses in both training and transfer tests were higher for participants exposed to the procedure in which only wrong matching responses produced feedback, while no difference between the other two groups was observed. Results are discussed in relation to previous experiments in which feedback for both right and wrong matching responses was scheduled in either intermittent or delayed fashion.
Interactions between Stimulus and Reinforcement Variables on Matching-to-Sample Performance.
Domain: Basic Research
BRENT MAXWELL JONES (University of Massachusetts Medical School, E.K. Shriver Center)
Abstract: Four pigeons were trained using food reinforcers to perform a matching-to-sample task involving two samples and two comparisons that differed in their luminance. After stable accuracies had been obtained under conditions involving equal rates of reinforcement for correct responses following either sample, conditions arranged either CRF for correct responses after Sample 1 and extinction for responses after Sample 2, or vice versa. Exactly which was arranged alternated across successive conditions. The disparity between the samples and the disparity between the comparisons was varied across conditions in a factorial design. Contrary to extant quantitative models, Comparison 1 to Comparison 2 selection ratios were not equal after the two samples, and were affected by sample disparity in addition to comparison disparity. Furthermore, the measures of discrimination accuracy and response bias afforded by those models changed in undesired ways with stimulus disparity manipulations. The implications of these results for the 4-term contingency approach proposed by Jones (2003) will be explored.
Correspondence Training and Matching-to-Sample.
Domain: Basic Research
MARIA ELENA RODRIGUEZ PEREZ (Universidad de Guadalajara)
Abstract: Correspondence training (CT) started, as a research area, with Risley and Hart’s (1968) work. CT has been widely used to alter, suppress, establish, or modify a target nonverbal behavior by providing reinforcement contingent upon fulfilling a promise or accurately reporting own behavior. CT research has stressed the functional role of verbalizations on the establishment of verbal – nonverbal correspondence. Different approaches have been drawn: as a generalized response class, as a behavioral chain, as rule-governed behavior or as controlled by private speech. Lloyd (2002) has argued that CT should be combined with other research areas and procedures such as Matching-to-Sample while contrasting these correspondence approaches. In the present work, several studies were carried out using CT with an adapted second-order matching-to-sample task. Data showed that feedback plays a key role for the establishment of say-do-say correspondence. Its functional role is not unique, though.
Mind Reading: Predicting Novel Behavior of Another Person Through a Shared History.
Domain: Basic Research
GENEVIEVE M. DEBERNARDIS (University of Nevada, Reno), Linda J. Parrott Hayes (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: Mind reading has been defined as a type of interpersonal communication where one person knows another well enough to be able to suggest what the other is thinking. Studies have been conducted in the area of social psychology to explore this phenomenon, which emphasize the nature of the relationship between persons as a determinant in mind reading accuracy. Though mind reading is commonly characterized as a subjective phenomenon, the present study addresses this activity as a type of observable behavior. Studies have observed analogs of social behavior in the lab, a popular form being stimulus equivalence. This paper proposes how mind reading could be conceptualized through the equivalence paradigm, describes the methodology employed and reviews preliminary data.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh