Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Symposium #21
International Service Development for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: Creating Sustainable Service Delivery Systems
Saturday, May 29, 2010
1:00 PM–2:20 PM
203AB (CC)
Area: AUT/TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Molly Ola Pinney (Global Autism Project)
Abstract: Recent figures note the prevalence and incidence of autism spectrum disorders increasing worldwide. As a result, service development efforts have increased internationally as governments, universities, and families prioritize the creation of effective services for the growing number of children diagnosed with these disorders. International program development efforts often begin in regions inaccessible to university training programs and without the benefits of exemplary program models or . For those involved in these efforts, resources are challenging to access, peer networks are limited, and cultural differences may challenge efforts to create sustainable service delivery systems. Distance, language barriers, and unfamiliar traditions may impede efficiency and impact the stability of
Using the Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis to Build Sustainable Business Practices in an International, Nonprofit Organization
MOLLY OLA PINNEY (Global Autism Project)
Abstract: The Global Autism Project is a nonprofit organization that partners with existing organizations in underserved populations around the world to increase their capacity to provide applied behavior analysis services and increase awareness of autism spectrum and related disorders throughout their community. To that end, the project has employed a two-prong mission: the provision of clinical training provided by Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) and training in development and maintenance of sustainable business practices. Such practices include daily operational tasks designed to increase the efficiency of services as well as long-range strategic planning for organizations. The involvement of the Global Autism Project is designed to be temporary and clear exit criteria are established for each location. This paper will describe the Global Autism Project and several of its international service efforts, examine the important of sustainable business practices in teaching ABA methodologies internationally, and present the unique challenges encountered in international service development.
Teaching Behavior Analysis in International Settings: Bringing the Science of Applied Behavior Analysis Abroad
SUSAN AINSLEIGH (Dar Al Hekma College)
Abstract: Service development efforts for children with autism spectrum disorders in international settings rely on the professional development of practitioners, administrators, and clinicians in the local community. Teaching others the science of applied behavior analysis becomes a continuous, daily task upon which the development of quality, sustainable services depends. This teaching begins in settings that may have had little exposure to behavioral science, principles or programming; misconceptions about the science may prevail. Students may include business owners as well as teachers, operations personnel as well as practitioners. Global examples of successful programming may not be well-disseminated and local examples may be non-existent; service development, therefore, must occur concurrently with education. Differences in language and culture presented additional challenges in communication and sharing. And yet, technology provides the world access to a science that has offered tremendous benefit to families and their children with autism spectrum disorders. As a result, global citizens are driven to seek this knowledge and develop effective service systems based upon its acquisition. This paper describes a unique partnership between a university and a non-profit organization serving children with autism spectrum disorders developed for the purpose of bringing the science of applied behavior analysis to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Supervision of Behavior Analytic Services in International Programs
KAREN MASSEY (Private Practice)
Abstract: A key challenge in the provision of applied behavior analysis (ABA) services to children and families with autism spectrum disorders in international settings is the provision of on-going, meaningful supervision to practitioners. Often, in the absence of locally trained behavioral personnel, organizations and families recruit foreign experts to assist with program development and implementation. Once created, programs and systems need on-going attention and care to continue achieving satisfactory results. Developing supervisory systems in international settings presents a number of immediate and long-term challenges, including limited access to personnel, language and cultural barriers that challenge communication and credibility, experiential differences, cost and travel requirements, and technology challenges. This paper describes ABA services developed for children with autism spectrum disorders in the Russian Federation, focusing on initial and on-going systems for supervision of newly trained practitioners and families. Systems for providing face-to-face and distance supervision are presented and compared. Strategies for maintaining adequate levels of supervision to behavior analytic programs located in remote areas are shared.
Developing Language Programs in Multi-Lingual and Multi-Cultural International Settings
BRIDGETTE A. GAUTHIER (Ontario Association for Behavior Analysis)
Abstract: Many children with autism spectrum disorders demonstrate delays in language skills. Service providers, consequently, regularly develop language programs for these children. In international, multi-cultural settings, unique challenges impact language instruction. Assessment tools in the native language are often not available. Service providers may not be familiar with the native or mother tongue, and families often speak multiple languages in the home. Schools may instruct in a language different from the family language. Decisions regarding language selection are frequently required. Cultural differences and traditions also impact language instruction. This paper presents the many challenges associated with language instruction for children with autism spectrum disorders, specifically, the challenges faced in developing such programs in international, multi-cultural settings, and successful strategies for overcoming these challenges.



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