Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #186
CE Offered: BACB
Challenges of Providing Behavior Analysis Services In a Behavioral Health System of Care
Sunday, May 25, 2008
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Michael Stoutimore (Intermountain Centers for Human Development)
Discussant: Todd R. Risley (University of Alaska)
CE Instructor: Teresa A. Rodgers, Ph.D.

Intermountain Centers for Human Development (ICHD), a private not-for-profit agency established in 1973, provides out-of-home and home-based support services in Arizona and New Mexico to a variety of at-risk populations including Native American children and adults, children and youth who are emotionally and behaviorally challenged, adults who have been diagnosed with serious mental illnesses, and individuals with developmental disabilities. Intermountain has been inspired and invigorated by the continuing contributions of pioneers such as Sidney Bijou, Judy Favell, Betty Hart, Todd Risely, Roland Tharp, Ralph Bud Wetzel and Montrose Wolf. Over the past 35 years, Intermountain has collaborated with a wide variety of organizations in the development of strategies and best practices to promote the preservation of families and the successful community stabilization and reunion of family members. This symposium will address some of the unique opportunities, successes and challenges for behavior analysis to further collaborate within the behavioral health system of care.

The Growth and Development of a Behavior Analytic Agency Providing Behavioral Health Services.
DAVID K. GILES (Intermountain Centers for Human Development)
Abstract: This paper will describe some of the critical influences and stages of evolution to meet community needs within an agency providing positive behavioral treatment strategies leading to and throughout its life as a behavior health agency. One early and persistent strategy has been the establishment and maintenance of a Board including influential community activists and dedicated behavior analysts
Overcoming Challenges to Providing Quality Behavioral Health Services.
AARON A. JONES (Intermountain Centers for Human Development), Michael Stoutimore (Intermountain Centers for Human Development)
Abstract: A few of the challenges and solutions of a behavioral agency providing services in a behavioral health (aka mental health) environment will be discussed with an eye toward setting the stage for sharing and exchanging best practices. Some of the issues to be discussed include the Medicaid mandate to directly link services to DSM diagnoses; supervising and training behavioral health professionals who must provide clinical supervision to trained behavior analysts; and implementation of quality of life improvement strategies such as “crowding out” behaviors by teaching replacement behaviors. This process takes place in a traditional therapeutic system of care.
Meeting the Demand for Services By a Recognized Profession: The Quest for Licensure of Board Certified Behavior Analysts.
TERESA A. RODGERS (Intermountain Centers for Human Development)
Abstract: The variables that led to a quest for behavior analysis licensure will be discussed, as well as the strategies and progress toward obtaining it. Heuristic goals are to solicit additional information and strategies, and recruit others to join this effort. Issues include: (a) in behavioral health BCBA’s are able to provide services as behavioral health technicians within licensed behavioral health service agencies with supervision by licensed professionals such as social workers, psychologist, counselor and marriage and family therapists; (b) the behavioral health system of care recognizes behaviorally based practices; however, the majority of professionals providing these services have limited training in applied behavior analysis; and (c) many within the behavioral health system assume that behavior health professionals can implement behavior analysis best practices after receiving brief in-service training.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh