Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Paper Session #384
International Paper Session - Bringing Out the Best in Educational Personnel
Monday, May 26, 2008
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Williford B
Area: EDC
Chair: Judah B. Axe (Simmons College)
Improving Behavioral Consultation with Resistance Reduction and Applied Behavior Analysis: A Review.
Domain: Applied Research
JUDAH B. AXE (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Federal legislation mandates the inclusion of children with disabilities in general education, yet research suggests that many teachers are not prepared to provide effective education to difficult-to-teach children. Behavioral consultation can overcome this challenge by having consultants interact with teachers to identify and analyze target behaviors for change, develop and implement treatment plans, and evaluate the effectiveness of treatments. However, research suggests that teachers commonly resist consultative efforts and implement consultation-derived treatments with limited fidelity. Applied behavior analysis has the potential to improve consultation in schools and reduce teacher resistance. Considering these issues are five goals of this paper. First is a definition of behavioral consultation and a discussion of limitations and extensions of the definition. Second is a review of research and writings on resistance to consultation. Third is a review of applied behavior analytic research on changing adult behavior. Fourth is a discussion of recommendations for future research. Fifth is a list of recommendations for improving the practice of behavioral consultation. A goal for the future of research and practice in behavioral consultation should be to analyze teachers’ behavior with the same applied behavior analytic techniques with which children’s behavior is analyzed and addressed.
A Method to the Madness: Maximizing Overlaps with Service Providers.
Domain: Applied Research
KARRIE GRAMA (Behavior Consultant)
Abstract: This presentation guides participants toward a better understanding of ways to maximize their interactions with various special education service providers during overlap/training and meeting sessions to allow for more efficient, effective use of time and resources. Tools to assist with proactively managing staff participation across school, home, and clinical settings will be distributed and discussed, and participants will be given suggestions on how to provide functional feedback during and after training sessions. Various strategies that can be employed to increase staff participation, rapport, and overall morale will be discussed, with a focus on maintaining supportive, efficient interactions. After the initial presentation, participants will have opportunities to have their specific concerns addressed regarding particular scenarios they have experienced.
Elementary Teacher Stress and Challenging Student Behavior.
Domain: Applied Research
RICHARD G. LAMBERT (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), Annette Ullrich (University of North Carolina, Charlotte), Megan O'Donnell (Arizona State University)
Abstract: Research has shown that behavior problems are often perceived as being the most stressful component of the classroom environment. The purpose of this study was to explore elementary teachers’ perceptions of challenging student behavior and the practices they employ to handle behavior problems in the classroom. A survey addressing the relationship between teacher stress and challenging student behavior was administered to 264 teachers in a southeastern state of the US. The survey instrument was developed by Huub Everaert and Kees van der Wolf (2006) at Utrecht University. The questions are as follows: (1) Describe the behavior of the student you find most challenging in your class; (2) Why is this behavior the most challenging for you; (3) How, in general, do you handle this student’s challenging behavior; and (4) Do you have tips for other teachers for handling this kind of behavior? Data analysis occurred using software for the analysis of qualitative data (AQUAD). The behaviors that were mentioned most often were off-task behaviors, constant attention seeking, talking out of turn, and aggression towards others or materials. Participants will learn how teachers perceive and deal with challenging behavior and what strategies have proven beneficial to them.



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