Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #407
CE Offered: BACB
Applications of the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment in Applied Settings for Children with Autism
Monday, May 26, 2008
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Stevens 4
Area: AUT/VBC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Jamie Hughes (Autism Consulting Services)
Discussant: Gwen Dwiggins (The Ohio State University)
CE Instructor: Jamie Hughes, M.A.

The VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment (Sundberg, in press) provides an analysis and assessment of 21 common language and learning barriers faced by children with autism. Research utilizing this assessment in applied settings for children with autism spectrum disorders will be presented. Three case studies will be discussed, addressing the assessment, treatment, and outcomes for learners with defective skill repertoires.

Identifying and Treating Defective Listener Repertoires Using the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment.
JESSICA HETLINGER FRANCO (University of Texas, Austin)
Abstract: The VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment (Sundberg, in press) describes receptive language skills as "listener" behaviors. A listener behavior requires a child to both (a) attend to the speech of another person and (b) demonstrate understanding of the speech, thus serving as a listener to that speaker. Listener repertoires include basic receptive object identification or discrimination and expand to understanding of complex verbal behavior. In this study, the defective listening repertoire of a child with autism spectrum disorder was found to be a "severe problem" on the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment. Treatment was based on an analysis of the common problems associated with defective listener repertoires and recommended strategies.
Identifying and Treating Defective Echoic Repertoires Using the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment.
JAMIE HUGHES (Autism Consulting Services)
Abstract: A child's ability to echo sounds and words on command is an important measure of his/her potential for language development. Transfer of control of a spoken word from echoic control to mand, tact, or intraverbal sources of control (Sundberg, in press) is often used as an effective prompting strategy. However, the inability to echo words may present a critical barrier to future language development, and thus it is often a key component of most early language intervention programs. This case study used the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment to identify various causes of an absent, weak, and defective echoic repertoire for a young child with autism. Direct and automatic reinforcement teaching procedures were used to increase vocal production and help establish vocal stimulus control.
Identifying and Treating Defective Intraverbal Repertoires Using the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment.
LUPE CASTANEDA (Behavior Analytic Solutions, LLC), Jamie Hughes (Autism Consulting Services)
Abstract: Many children with autism fail to acquire a functional intraverbal repertoire. It is often assumed that intraverbal skills will develop from training on receptive and expressive skills alone. Intraverbal relations, by nature are continually changing, including both the stimulus and response. This case study used the VB-MAPP Barriers Assessment (Sundberg, in press) to identify potential causes of a weak and defective intraverbal repertoire for a young boy with autism. Data will be presented discussing the child's baseline measures, defective repertoire, treatment and outcomes.



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