Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Paper Session #549
International Paper Session - Recommendations for Advancing Behavior-Analytic Science
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
11:30 AM–12:50 PM
Area: TPC
Chair: Raymond G. Romanczyk (Institute for Child Development)
What Behavior Analysts Can and Must Learn from Clinical Psychology: The World of Service Delivery.
Domain: Theory
RAYMOND G. ROMANCZYK (Institute for Child Development)
Abstract: Applied Behavior Analysis as a field has grown tremendously during the last 10 years, particularly with respect to behavior analysts engaged in human services provision. Behavior analysis does not have a long history of participation in the mainstream human services system. This presentation will address current weaknesses in the practice of applied behavior analysis and the need for organizations that support behavior analysis to enter into the complex arena of service provision politics and regulation. Examples will be drawn from the profession of clinical psychology, and specific behaviors that individual ABA practitioners and organizations that support behavior analysis should model will be identified.
Casinos as In Situ Sites for Longitudinal, Human Behavior Research: Advantages, Possibilities, and Problems.
Domain: Theory
CALVIN K. CLAUS (National-Louis University)
Abstract: A suggested strategy to research gambling behavior, in situ, is offered, inspired by a classic, longitudinal study. This was the famous Hawthorne research done over 75 years ago. Then, the behavioral task chosen had to meet five criteria. Each person's task had to be: (1) identical, (2) repetitive, (3) performed quickly, (4) one where the subject controlled the speed of behaving, and (5) one where each person's performance could be recorded over a long period of time. A contemporary task and conditions, closely match these specifications: button pressing by bettors on casino Electronic Gambling Devices (EGD). Currently millions of data bytes of a bettor's and a casino management's behavior are recordable in real time. The basic metric is Frequency of Behavior per Unit Time. The Frequency part includes countable button presses and/or size of wagers, a bettor's win/losses and number and cost of other reinforcers casinos offer wagerers. The database can also include location of the EGD and player demographics. The Time dimension can be seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years. Issues to be discussed include advantages of using such equal interval scales of measurement, possibilities for advancing knowledge of gambling behavior, difficulties in meeting demands of casino proprietary rights, and subject anonymity.
Perception of ABA in Mainstream News Media.
Domain: Theory
DOUGLAS S. LEE (Behavioral Solutions Inc.), Cristin D. Johnston (Behavioral Solutions Inc.), Michael R. Johnston (Behavioral Solutions Inc.)
Abstract: The term Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is becoming increasingly associated with a myriad of services and programs in the human service area (e.g., Positive Behavioral Support, Behavior Based Safety etc). Keeping track of how ABA is being linked with various endeavors and services is of benefit not only conceptually (how Behavior Analysis is doing as a science) but also for consistency amongst professional services described as having an ABA component (how Behavior Analysis is viewed as a profession). A sampling of mainstream news articles made possible through an ongoing Google search using “Google Alert” of Applied Behavior Analysis, Positive Behavior Support, and Behavior Based Safety, Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction for a period of 6-12 months is being conducted. Preliminary data indicate a striking lack of reference to ABA across these service areas typically thought of as very closely linked to the field of Behavior Analysis. Our sampling to date also points to very limited public news awareness of several areas. Implications of this result as well as recommendations for improving this situation are discussed.



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