Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Paper Session #33
Analysis of Academic and Academically Relevant Behaviors
Saturday, May 24, 2008
1:00 PM–2:20 PM
Williford C
Area: EDC
Chair: Inna Glaz Kanevsky (San Diego Mesa College)
In Search of the Optimal Cueing Schedule in Self-Monitoring of Attention with Typically Developing Children.
Domain: Basic Research
AMANDA M. DAHIR (Essential Learning Group, Shanghai), George H. Noell (Louisiana State University), Joslyn N. Cynkus (Louisiana State University)
Abstract: Self-Monitoring of Attention (SMA) is a behavioral technique in which an individual assesses whether or not a target behavior (e.g. off-task behavior) has occurred and then records the result. In this study, two components were manipulated in a SMA procedure: the use of a tactile prompt and the schedule at which prompts are delivered. While SMA is a well-established intervention for increasing on-task behavior and decreasing problem behavior, standardizing the procedures has received little to no research. The current study examined the length of the cueing interval and compared different percentages of an individual’s inter-response time (IRT) (50% IRT, 100% IRT, and 200% IRT) during a SMA procedure with typically developing children using a tactile cueing prompt (via MotivAider™). This study showed that basing the cueing interval on IRT alone in a SMA procedure was not effective in decreasing levels of off-task behavior; however, contingent rewards (CR) alone (M = 9.9%), as well as CR with IRT cueing (M = 8.6%) had a significant effect in reducing off-task behavior from a mean baseline percentage of intervals of 42.5% for all three participants.
Role of Rules in Transfer of Mathematical Word Problems.
Domain: Basic Research
INNA GLAZ KANEVSKY (San Diego Mesa College), Stephanie J. Stolarz-Fantino (University of California, San Diego), Edmund J. Fantino (University of California, San Diego)
Abstract: Mathematical word problems are of interest to educators because of their importance in the curriculum, and to psychologists because of their value as a context for the study of transfer of problem solving. A classic issue in transfer of problem solving questions whether or not rule learning leads to inflexibility when the learned rule is no longer appropriate (eg, Luchins, 1942). The present set of studies investigated the differences in success rates on a transfer test and rule use between school children who were either given direct instruction with a rule different from the transfer test rule, or had an opportunity to discover that different (base) rule through contingency-based practice. The studies were conducted directly in the classrooms. Although the instruction group students always acquired the base rule faster than the contingency group students, the latter usually performed better on the transfer test. In addition, subjects’ rule inference was assessed. Independently inferring solution-based rules during practice, or in testing, enhanced transfer test performance which required different rules. Therefore, problem- solving involving rules may enhance the transfer performance as long as the base rules are not learned by rote through direct instruction.
Peer Influence on Response Rates and Responding with Self-Control or Impulsivity.
Domain: Basic Research
JESSICA L. CHERNE (University of Minnesota), Jennifer J. McComas (University of Minnesota), Ellie C. Hartman (University of Minnesota), Gizem Tatarer (University of Minnesota), Aolin Xie (University of Minnesota), Josh Goldberg (University of Minnesota ), Bryan Cichy (University of Minnesota)
Abstract: Research has shown differential responding when participants are provided choices between impulsive and self-control options (Binder, Dixon & Ghezzi, 2000). Research has also shown the effects of peer influences and consequent reinforcing properties (Solomon & Wahler, 1973) but little is known about how peers influence impulsive and self-control responding in educational environments. This investigation evaluated the effects of peer influence on impulsive versus self-controlled responding and on frequency of responding during reading activities. Seven children in an after school program participated and their response frequencies and type of responding were compared when they were alone and paired with each other. A free operant procedure was used in which the participants could request preferred items during reading instruction. Type of responding consisted of choosing either one item with immediate reinforcement (impulsive) or three items with a one-minute delay of reinforcement (self-control). Conditions (alone, paired) were evaluated with an ABA design. The dependent variables were allocation of responding and frequency of responding. Results showed differential responding across conditions for three of the seven participants. These data increase our understanding of peer influence on type of responding and frequency of responding.



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