Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


42nd Annual Convention; Downtown Chicago, IL; 2016

Event Details

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Symposium #516a
Do the Right Things Right: A Review of School-Based Training Strategies and Future Research Suggestions
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
Regency Ballroom D, Hyatt Regency, Gold West
Area: TBA/DEV; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Nancy A. Neef (The Ohio State University)
Discussant: Ralph Gardner III (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: We suggest that in-service teachers who provide academic instruction and behavioral interventions for students at risk for failure do the right things right. Specifically, it is suggested that they 1) accurately apply the intervention procedures that have been decided by the team (i.e., doing things right) and 2) closely monitor student progress and make educational decisions that are data-based (i.e., doing the right things). In this symposium, we review the literature on empirically validated staff training strategies in school settings and discuss the need for future research in this area. The first presenter will offer a review of evidence-based teacher training practices and their effects on in-service teachers’ accurate implementation of behavior analytic interventions. The second presenter will review teacher-delivered training strategies that prepare classroom resource personnel to effectively monitor students’ progress. We will end the symposium by discussing 1) the potential implications of our findings as they relate to effective and efficient staff training procedures in school settings and 2) the limitations of existing literature and suggestions for future research.
Keyword(s): performance management, school-based interventions, staff training
Do Things Right: A Review of Training Practices for Teachers to Increase Treatment Fidelity
ZIWEI XU (The Ohio State University), Marnie Nicole Shapiro (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: In-service teachers are responsible for providing effective academic instruction and behavioral interventions for students at risk for failure. When an evidence-based behavior analytic intervention is implemented with a high level of fidelity, teachers are more likely to replicate the positive behavioral outcomes as demonstrated in the empirical evidence. In addition, teachers’ treatment fidelity is the key to wide-scale application of evidence-based behavioral analytic strategies. In the current literature review, we synthesized empirical single-case studies in the last 15 years that examined training practices for increasing teachers’ treatment fidelity in school settings. Our findings documented a recent push for a combination of in-service instruction and competency-based support on the job. For implications for practice, we will discuss preliminary recommendations on quantitative measurement for teachers’ fidelity as well as appropriate design and delivery of multi-component professional training. Lastly, we also discuss potential extensions for this line of inquiry in the areas of ensuring training effectiveness, maximizing time efficiency, and promoting teacher acceptance to training.
Do the Right Things: A Review of Teacher-Delivered Training Practices for Classroom Resource Personnel to Monitor Students’ Progress
GLEIDES LOPES RIZZI (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Progress monitoring (PM) is an essential part of pre-eligibility targeted instruction (e.g., Response to Intervention), and an accountability measure for the Individualized Education Program. The PM data guide teachers’ decisions for instruction and interventions but data collection can be time-consuming tasks for teachers. Potentially, this taxing job could be delegated to classroom resource personnel (CRP). However, in-service training for CRPs is not consistent or clearly defined, hindering teachers and administrators from delegating such high-stakes tasks to them. Although the special education law has assigned the responsibility of training and supervising CRPs to teachers, higher education programs do not often prepare teachers to manage adults in the classroom. There is limited research that examines the training of CRPs by teachers. This study synthesizes CRP training research, in an effort to inform teachers, administrators, and higher education programs of the current state of affairs. Specifically, we will discuss 1) the implications of our findings as they relate to effective paraprofessional training, 2) suggestions for future research, and 3) challenges for both practice and research in the area of training CRPs to monitor students’ progress.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh