Literature Reviews of the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management |
Monday, May 30, 2016 |
4:00 PM–4:50 PM |
Vevey 3 & 4, Swissotel |
Area: OBM |
Chair: Steven Sparks (Western Michigan University) |
The Durability of Behavior Change: Temporal Generality in Organizational Behavior Management |
Domain: Applied Research |
JAMES MORRISON (Western Michigan University), Anna Conard (Western Michigan University), Douglas Johnson (Western Michigan University) |
Abstract: The endurance of behavior change over time, including the time period after a behavior specialist has ceased to offer direct services, is an important consideration for both organizational behavior management and behavior analysis in general. This paper considers a dozen strategies labelled as temporal generality tactics that may foster the maintenance and institutionalization of intervention efforts in organizational settings. The use of such tactics was examined by conducting a comprehensive review of articles published between 1977 and 2014 in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. The results of this review suggest that although follow-up measures are frequently collected, explicit and proactive strategies to systematically increase the success of long-term behavior change are rarely used or researched. |
A Review of the Applicability of Matching in Organizational Behavior Management |
Domain: Theory |
STEVEN SPARKS (Western Michigan University), Jessica E. Frieder (Western Michigan University), Alan D. Poling (Western Michigan University) |
Abstract: This presentation will discuss the findings of a review of applications of the matching relation published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. While over 250 articles discussing matching have been published in the Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, only eight articles published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management were found at the time of the current review. Previous reviews concluded that evidence of matching in organizational behavior management was inconclusive due to a lack of empirical studies. The current review includes this previous research, as well as what has been published since. Much like the previous article, the current review also found that there is a lack evidence to make a strong conclusion. Along with a discussion of the current evidence, the presenter will also discuss the theoretical applicability of matching in general. This will include discussions of whether matching is applicable in situations which are dissimilar from the well-controlled experimental settings in which it was discovered, whether undermatching should be considered similar to matching, whether matching (if it occurs in applied settings) is useful, among other potential topics. |