Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #133
Behavior Analysis and Technology: Approaches for Behavior Change in the Real World
Sunday, May 30, 2010
9:00 AM–9:50 AM
Seguin (Grand Hyatt)
Area: CSE
Chair: Daniela Fazzio (St. Amant Research Centre, the University of Manitoba)
The Promise and Pitfalls of Automated Behavior Feedback Systems
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
TOBY L. MARTIN (St. Amant Research Centre, University of Manitoba), Daniela Fazzio (St. Amant Research Centre, the University of Manitoba), Todd G. Martin (York University)
Abstract: Automated behavior feedback systems (ABFSs) can be used to modify human behaviour for personal and social benefit. This presentation will define the essential features of such systems, and review contemporary applications including systems to modify energy use, health-promoting behaviours, personal productivity, and others. Technologies (including RFID, personal mobile computing, augmented reality, and real-time dynamic analysis of audio/visual data) not yet fully exploited for ABFSs will be considered. Although recent examples of commercialized systems imply growth in the understanding and use of ABFSs, it is unclear whether future systems will be grounded in sound principles of behavior analysis, will address socially-important behaviors, or will ultimately benefit the individuals who contact them. It will be argued that behavior analysts have a crucial role to play in the development and evaluation of ABFSs, owing to their long history of devising and applying these systems, their experience at identifying and controlling relevant variables, their facility with applicable research designs, and perhaps most importantly, their understanding of counter-control as an ethical imperative.
Metacontingency: From Theory to Investigation
Domain: Experimental Analysis
GREGORY S. SMITH (University of Nevada, Reno), Ramona Houmanfar (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: The concept of metacontingency has been developed in order to advance an analysis of cultural practices and, presumably, a science of cultural change and intervention. To date discussion surrounding the metacontingency has been largely theoretical in nature. The present study arranged conditions analog to an organizational setting, in which two participants engaged in interlocking behavioral contingencies on networked computers to generate products for their hypothetical organization. Various instructions were presented to participants throughout the experiment to determine their effect on participants’ problem solving behavior. Data were collected on participants’ performance and their verbal behavior as they solved problems together. Participants’ verbal behavior was functionally categorized and correlational analyses between participants’ performance and verbal behavior were conducted, in order to identify patterns of verbal behavior which were correlated with higher levels of performance. The experimental conditions and data are discussed and analyzed within the framework of the metacontingency concept.



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