Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #455
Training Paraprofessionals Working With Individuals With Development Disabilities
Monday, May 31, 2010
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
217B (CC)
Area: DDA
Chair: Linda Teikari (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis)
A Comparison of Hands-On Staff Training and Staff Training Based on a Teaching Manual on the Acquisition of Appropriate Staff and Client Skills
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
LINDA TEIKARI (Institute for Applied Behavior Analysis), Svein Eikeseth (Akershus University College)
Abstract: The present study asked whether hands-on training was more effective than a teaching manual in establishing appropriate staff and client skills. Participants were 12 undergraduate university students, randomly assigned to groups. Initially, participants in both groups received a three-hour theoretical workshop. Immediately thereafter, one group received four sessions of hands-on training and the other group received four sessions of training based on the teaching manual. Dependent variables were appropriate staff behavior (i.e., correct presentation of Sd, reinforcement, prompt, prompt fading) and appropriate client behavior (i.e., on-task responses). Results showed that hands-on training was more effective than the teaching manual on both client and staff behaviors. These differences were maintained on follow-up conducted one month after training.
The Effects of Training Paraprofessionals to Embed Discrete Learning Trials Into Ongoing Classroom Activities
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
MICHELLE A. HICKMAN (Buffalo State College)
Abstract: Increasing active student responding has been shown to increase student achievement, decrease behavior problems, and provide valuable feedback to the teacher. Paraprofessionals who have received training in providing discrete trial instruction to students have an important tool for increasing active student responding. However, they may not have the skills to generalize the application of discrete trial instruction from structured instructional environments to ongoing classroom activities. Embedding discrete learning trials into activities throughout the day allows for increased active student responding. The participants in this study are four classroom aides, and the four students they are assigned to work with. The students range in age from 5-years old to 10-years old and attend a self-contained classroom for children with severe developmental disabilities. The study involves the evaluation of a training package, to teach paraprofessionals to embed discrete trials into ongoing classroom activities, using a multiple baseline design. Data are being collected on frequency of trials presented, frequency of active student responding, and rates of mastery of individual IEP goals. Data collection is currently in the baseline phase and is expected to be complete by March 2010.
CANCELLED Acceptance and Commitment Training to Address Burnout and Stress in Staff Caring for Clients With Intellectual Disablities
Domain: Service Delivery
SCOTT BETHAY (University of Mississippi), Kelly G. Wilson (University of Mississippi)
Abstract: This paper will describe the development, implementation, and evaluation of an intervention to address work stress and burnout in staff who care for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Results suggest that participants in the treatment group with higher levels of general distress showed decreased general stress and burnout, as well as an increased sense of accomplishment and competence, when compared to their counterparts in the control group. Further, a concurrent decrease in a measure of the believability of thoughts related to burnout was observed in the treatment group relative to the control group from pretest to follow-up. These data suggest that the beneficial changes observed in the treatment group were at least partially attributable to processes consistent with the theory upon which the intervention was based.



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