Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #264
CE Offered: BACB
Readiness for the Next Level of OBM Supporting our Community by Discussing Needs of the Outside World
Sunday, May 25, 2008
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Kelly L. Therrien (Continuous Learning Group)
CE Instructor: Kelly L. Therrien, M.S.

The symposium is aimed at addressing some skill sets being identified as key to successful consulting by practitioners, clients, and faculty of OBM. Fundamental skill areas have been identified in OBM literature to date, and thus the presentations will focus on addressing key areas identified as need based skills for future consultants to be successful as seen by practitioners and clients of an OBM consultancy, enabling discussion of opportunities to ready future practitioners to demonstrate those skills.

OBM the Next Generation Revisited.
KELLY L. THERRIEN (Continuous Learning Group)
Abstract: Therrien and Rodriguez (ABA 2006) presented learnings from consultants of CLG on the topic of key skill sets that make for high quality and effective consulting practitioners. Recent developments in the marketplace show a growing need for those skill sets, and evaluations of the readiness levels of potential candidates interested in consulting in OBM are needed. Further investigation has been done comparing the current literature on essential skills with client feedback in regards to those same skill sets and its relevant importance from a client perspective. A review of the 2006 work and recent data will be presented.
Evaluating How we’re Doing Preparing our Future – Your Thoughts Captured Here!
AMY LEIGH AYERS (Florida Institute of Technology)
Abstract: CLG prides itself in being an established behavior analysis consultancy, one that wants to support the future of OBM and its next generation. The author gathered data from the current academic community teaching OBM to learn more about the current methods in instructing and preparing students of OBM for the “real world.” Questions were posed to identify current strengths and weakness in preparing students for OBM practice, and barriers and enablers present in current day academic settings. These data will be presented to learn from the academic community similar to how CLG prepares organizations for future state growth.
Building on Where We Are: Making the Move to the Next Level of OBM.
TRACY A. THURKOW (Continuous Learning Group)
Abstract: The presenting authors of this symposium illustrate the current state from the perspectives of consultants, clients of OBM services, and academic faculty of OBM courses. The data can support a variety of avenues the OBM community can take to create change in how we consult, prepare, and educate our future state as a field. This presentation will support identifying potential paths and recommended strategies based on the data utilizing similar methods CLG takes with its clientele.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh