Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Symposium #234
CE Offered: BACB
Online Instruction in Applied Behavior Analysis: Strategies and Tactics for Education and Training
Sunday, May 30, 2010
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Texas Ballroom Salon F (Grand Hyatt)
Area: TBA/EDC; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
Chair: Thomas L. Zane (The Center for Applied Behavior Analysis at The Sage Colleges)
CE Instructor: Patrick Friman, Ph.D.--
Abstract: Delivery of instruction and training is moving quickly out of the traditional classroom and face-to-face contexts, to more of a distance learning, online format. With this evolution in teaching and training, behavior analysts are uniquely suited to empirically assess the effectiveness of distance education and training, and to develop new methods of instruction based in this new technology. The four papers in this symposium take different perspectives on online instruction and training. Different models are presented. College instruction in applied behavior analysis and autism is delivered completely online and addresses the delivery of lectures, tests, peer interactions, and practicum supervision in this environment. Providing streamed video to provide on demand training opportunities is described as a way to provide much-needed ABA training to enhance behavioral service delivery. The final two presentations will explore a specific teaching technique, fluency training, on the impact of learning specific skills in an online format. This symposium will present current ways of providing online education and training, assess specific types of instruction that can be delivered online, and make suggestions for further enhancing learning in this new learning environment.
An Experimental Evaluation of Fluency Versus Nonfluency-Based Training on Retention
STEPHEN E. EVERSOLE (Behavior Development Solutions)
Abstract: As computer processing power and Internet speed have increased in the past few years, computer-based training holds much promise for providing instruction effectively and efficiently. Literally hundreds of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) are being used to provide instruction and manage learner performance over the Internet to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. Generally, these systems provide an excellent means of presenting material and testing learner knowledge. However, an Internet review yielded no LMSs that could easily accommodate fluency-based training; despite the fact that empirical evidence indicates that training to fluency fosters retention. Specific to teaching behavior analysis, a particular fluency-based training model has been used to prepare learners for the BACB exam and subsequent continuing education. Experimental, survey, and anecdotal data exist to support the efficacy of this model. However, published experimental data are lacking which indicate that this fluency-based model is efficient and leads to retention. We will present experimental data on these issues and discuss their relevance to teaching behavior analysis. Moreover, we will address implications of fluency-based instruction and the need for LMSs to accommodate this strategy.
Teaching Sign Recognition the Fast Way: On-Line Acquisition and Fluency Training
PAUL D. LUYBEN (State University of New York at Cortland)
Abstract: One task in learning sign language is to recognize signs. Sign recognition can be conceptualized as a concept learning task in which the learner acquires a generalization response within concept classes (correctly naming all presentations of a sign) and discrimination between classes. In this study we used Relate, a fluency-building software program, to teach acquisition and fluency in recognition of 28 signs. Four training modes were used: 1) “Browse,” in which a video clip and the name of the sign were presented concurrently; 2) “Say,” that involved labeling the sign shown; 3) “Select,” in which the learner selected a named sign from two different signs; and 4) “Type,” in which the learner was shown the sign and required to type the name of the sign. A multiple-baseline design across participants was embedded in a group design counterbalanced across two sets of signs. Of the 18 participants, both individual data and group data showed that all achieved over 90% acquisition in one training with generalization to an untrained set of signs. Maintenance and further generalization data were obtained for some of the participants. The direction for further research and the implications for on-line instruction in sign recognition are discussed.
Training on Demand: Considerations Affecting Streamed Video to Support Staff Training and Access to Treatment
ROBERT F. LITTLETON JR. (Evergreen Center), Christian A. Benavides (BEACON Services)
Abstract: Demand for services provided by individuals and agencies experienced in the delivery of high quality ABA services has grown exponentially with the passage of autism insurance legislation and enactment of public financial support for the treatment of individuals with developmental disabilities. These demands have severely taxed existing resources of clinical talent and exposed a weakness in our nation’s ability to reach the full fabric of society. One need only look at the geographic distribution of BCBA’s across and within states to note the “islands of access” and vast “deserts of despair” that constitute the current system for delivery of ABA services. This problem is compounded by the fact the many services are provided in one to one ratios in geographically distributed treatment sites, most frequently family homes. A partial solution to the complex logistics of training over distance is the use of web-based streamed video with the capacity to reach directly into homes, offices and classrooms; one staff or parent at a time; any time of day or night; at any location in the world. This presentation will review various uses of streamed video training available t support implementation of quality ABA services and discuss considerations affecting its development.
Effects of Live Versus Asynchronous Interaction in On-Line Classrooms
DANA R. REINECKE (The Sage Colleges), Thomas L. Zane (The Center for Applied Behavior Analysis at The Sage Colleges)
Abstract: Education has always been concerned about fostering a “community of learners.” However, on-line instruction very often takes place without students and teachers ever interacting with each other at the same time. Discussion forums allow for on-going conversations that are “asynchronous” in that students comment at various times, usually not a continuous conversation. This is a very different type of interaction that is usually not possible in the physical classroom. The physical classroom, however, allows for real-time conversations that may be more useful in clarifying concepts. This study compares discussion forums with live video conferences for students in an on-line class. Students preference for each type of interaction is assessed following a forced sampling procedure. We will also compare the frequency of student-student and teacher-student interaction in each condition, and examine effects on grades, work quality, and student and teacher satisfaction. Implications for how best to construct online learning environments will be discussed and recommendations made.



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