Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Symposium #416
CE Offered: PSY/BACB
Scaling Up: Intervention Models for Students With Autism From Classroom to State
Monday, May 31, 2010
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
202AB (CC)
Area: AUT/EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Diane M. Sainato (The Ohio State University)
CE Instructor: Bryan Crisp, M.A.
Abstract: Four papers will be presented. We will highlight the results of data based efforts to provide intervention programs for students with autism from those focusing on individual children to those making an impact at the state level. Hudson and Schwartz will offer a paper examining a study on increasing social interactions of preschool children with autism using a conversation flip book. Sainato, Jung, Morrison, and Axe will detail the findings of Project TASK, an inclusive kindergarten program for children with autism and typical peers while Davis, Schwartz and Williams will describe their project examining the use of teams to assist teachers in the identification and delivery of services to students with ASD in two school districts. Finally, Garfinkle will provide an overview of Montana’s three-year statewide program of intensive behavioral intervention for young children with autism. Implications for service delivery and future directions for research will be discussed.
Increasing Social Interactions of Young Students With Autism: Effectiveness of a Conversational Flipbook
DEBBY HUDSON (Seattle Pacific University), Ilene S. Schwartz (University of Washington)
Abstract: With the ever increasing number of children being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) now 1 in 91 (National Institutes of Health, 2009), the need for effective, sustainable and low cost intervention for language and social skills, major core deficits of ASD, is a priority in providing support for children, teachers, and families. This study implemented a low technology communication device, the Conversation Flip Book (CFB), to facilitate conversation between three preschool children with ASD and their typically developing classmates. A multiple –probe baseline across subjects was used to assess the effectiveness of the specific conversation training on interaction and behavior between children with disabilities and their typically developing peers. The results of the training with the Conversation Flip Book (CFB) did prove to facilitate conversation skills for all three target children during free choice time. All three target children were able to maintain conversation skills at follow up when the training was withdrawn and two of the children were able to generalize the skills to other settings and people. Due to time constraints, generalization data was not taken on the third child.
Project Task: Transition for Children With Autism to School From Kindergarten
DIANE M. SAINATO (The Ohio State University), Sunhwa Jung (Otterbein College), Rebecca Morrison (Oakstone Academy), Judah Axe (Simmons College)
Abstract: Project TASK was to developed and evaluated a comprehensive program for kindergarten children with autism. A total of 42 children with autism from the model program and 21 students with autism recruited from four local school districts participated. Results included an increase in scores on standardized assessments across all areas and improved levels of appropriate engagement in observed classroom activities as compared to the comparison subjects. Standardized assessments for receptive and expressive language, cognitive functioning, social behavior, adaptive behavior, and academic achievement were conducted. Direct observations of child and teacher behavior (i.e. engagement, social interaction, prompt level, etc.) were implemented once a month for a minimum of 6100 minutes per year for each student. Inter-observer agreement measures for the direct observations yielded mean levels of at least 90%. Initial results indicate Reading Mastery, social skills instruction; behavioral interventions, and use of naturally occurring learning opportunities to practice IEP objectives were effective in promoting achievement of kindergarten children with ASD in inclusive settings. The project will be discussed in terms of the establishment of more effective educational programs for children with autism spectrum disorders with reduction in the cost of services.
Elementary DATA: Team Based Training for Identification and Delivery of Services to Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder
CAROL ANN DAVIS (University of Washington), Ilene S. Schwartz (University of Washington), Penny Lynn Williams (University of Washington)
Abstract: We examined the use of teams to assist teachers in the identification and delivery of services to students with ASD. Data on fidelity of the intervention were collected. The “Student Program Assessment” developed as a part of this project examined components in the general areas of: systematic instruction, individualized supports, functional approach to behavior, data collection, and family involvement. Both standardized tests (i.e., SSRS, Dibels, PPVT) and behavioral observations were collected on student performance. Fidelity of implementation was collected using a needs-based generated checklist and direct observation. Over the course of three years, this project trained 4 teams (16 total team members), in 2 school districts to assist in the identification of and delivery of services to students with ASD. These teams served a total of 54 students K-5. Data on overall program components indicate that a mean change score of +16.75. Data on growth on all standardized measures were documented. Data on the fidelity of intervention indicated that as fidelity increased the interventions effectiveness increased (e.g., student outcome data). Data will be reported for all students in the project and three case studies examining individual student outcomes will be presented.
A State-Wide Model for Behavioral Services for Young Children With Autism
ANN N. GARFINKLE (University of Montana)
Abstract: This paper will present work being conducted in the second year of a three year state-wide behavioral program for young children with autism. The State of Montana recently implemented a program to serve 50 young children (younger than 5 at program entry) diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD; as demonstrated on the ADOS) and significant adaptive delays (as measured by the Vineland). This program provides 20 hours per week, per child of intensive ABA at-home intervention. The paper will present issues related to behavioral training of families, family support specialists and rehabilitations aides as well as information about the progress of the participants. Data so far suggest gains in all participants with gains in language and adaptive skills as the most significant. Also presented will be the projects unique integration of formative assessments with shoulder-to-shoulder professional development activities.



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