Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #364
Increasing Engagement and Self-Control: Innovative Strategies for Supporting Students in Elementary, Middle, and High School
Monday, May 31, 2010
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Texas Ballroom Salon E (Grand Hyatt)
Area: EDC
Chair: Rick Shaw (Behavior Issues)
Functional Relation of High School Behavior Education Program and Academic Engagement for Escape Maintained High School Students
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
JESSICA L. SWAIN-BRADWAY (University of Oregon)
Abstract: Engagement in academic tasks is critical to completion of academic tasks, accumulating credits and graduating high school. The High School Behavior Education Program (HS-BEP) is an intervention that is organized to increase academic engagement by providing explicit instruction in foundation organizational skills and participation in a Check-In Check-Out cycle. Explicit instruction and repeated opportunities to correctly practice organizational skills decreases the likelihood that students will encounter academic punishers within the school environment. The HS-BEP research project is the application of behavior analysis to support academic engagement. Six high school students identified as, a) at risk for school failure and b) engaging in escape maintained behaviors, participated in a non-concurrent multiple baseline study that sought to determine if a functional relation existed between implementation of the HS-BEP intervention and increases in academic engagement. A functional relation was demonstrated for five of the six participants. Increases in academic engagement ranged from 20% to 60% in intervention phase. Additionally, academic engagement data for participants during intervention phase more closely mimicked peer composite data. This study demonstrates the efficacy and utility of a function-based intervention for increasing academic engagement for students at risk of school failure.
Evidence-Based Practice in a Singapore Classroom: Managing Behavior and Learning
Domain: Service Delivery
SHOBANA MUSTI-RAO (National Institute of Education), Carol Tan (National Institute of Education)
Abstract: In this study, two teacher educators worked closely with a Language Arts teacher to differentiate instruction based on behavioral and learning needs of 20 middle-school students. The purpose of the study was to reduce students’ off-task behavior and increase reading competencies. Using a collaborative-problem solving approach, the researchers and teacher reviewed baseline data and designed an action plan that included implementation of evidence-based practices to increase students’ on-task behavior (e.g., group contingencies, teacher praise, and behavioral contracts) and increase students’ oral reading fluency. An A-B design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies and analyze the data. The effects of the interventions were studied as it related to change in reading levels and increase in students’ on-task behavior. Treatment integrity data showed that the teacher implemented the various strategies with high degree of fidelity. Key discussion points will include (a) ways in which general education teachers can use evidence-based practice to differentiate instruction in a general education classroom, (b) challenges or barriers to using evidence-based practice, and (c) ways in which schools can build on teacher capacity by using a more hands-on approach to teacher training and professional development.
Classwide Interventions With Differential Reinforcement and Response Marking
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
RICK SHAW (Behavior Issues), Sue Browder (Kent School District), Heidi Maurer (KentWood High School)
Abstract: Six high school classes were selected to reduce disruptive behaviors and teacher redirections. The classes were two special education reading classes, one English Language Learner's class, and three social skills classes. The students ranged in disability areas including; autism, ADD, conduct disorder, depression, bipolar, OCD, and specific learning disabilities. Baseline data was recorded for the frequency of teacher redirections during each class period. Following baseline, a differential reinforcement of low rates program was implemented at or near the original baselines. The instructor utilized a visual (golf tally counter) and a verbal statement each time that a student was redirected to stay on-task, pay attention, stay in their seat, raise their hand, or stop engaging in challenging and disruptive behaviors. At the end of the class period, if the class as a whole was at or below their set goal for teacher redirections, they received a piece of candy. Furthermore, if the class averaged at or below their goal across a two-week period, they received a “free day.” The DRL criterion was lowered the following day after a class earned their “free day.”
Assessing Self-Control Training in Children With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
CHRISTOPHER BLOH (Kutztown University)
Abstract: This study examined the use of a progressive delay procedure with and without a concurrent activity to teach self-control to children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Procedures included conducting a Natural Baseline, Choice Baseline, Self-Control Training, and training in a Replication Setting. Three participants were identified who possessed a diagnosis of ADHD and had a history of opposition to authority (school personnel, parents, foster parents, etc.). They were initially required to wait progressively longer periods of time for access to preferred edible reinforcers. After demonstrating this self-control, they were tasked by waiting for engagement in an activity identified as a preferred reinforcer. Results show that self-control training of these types could enable a person to delay gratification in his/her typical environment, thus replicating previous research showing that self-control may be increased through progressive delays and participation in concurrent activities. These methods have utility for professionals working with children who demonstrate an inability to delay gratification.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh