Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


36th Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2010

Event Details

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Paper Session #259
Training Direct Care Staff in Adult Day Training Centers
Sunday, May 30, 2010
3:00 PM–4:20 PM
Republic B (Grand Hyatt)
Area: OBM
Chair: Karen R. Wagner (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc)
A Comparative Analysis of Discrete Trial Verbal Behavior Training Methods: Traditional Versus Video Formats With Previously Trained Staff
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
MARTA T. FIOL (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc.), Karen R. Wagner (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc), Rachel Dyal (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc.)
Abstract: A comparative analysis of two different staff training methods was conducted in an Intensive Behavioral Adult Day Training Center. Direct care staff had been previously trained in implementing discrete trials for verbal behavior acquisition. In this study staffs were initially re-trained with a more traditional format utilizing written procedures with some additional supervisory instruction to correctly implement discrete trial verbal behavior training. During the second condition, staff were trained utilizing a power-point format embedded with video exemplars, as well as supervisory instruction. With the exception of the video exemplars, the training material presenting in either format was identical. Graphic analysis is provided, as well as the video training and examples of staff behaviors during both conditions. Graphic analysis of client acquisition data both within and outside of trials are also provided and discussed. Behavior analysts experiencing trouble with direct care staff or caregivers consistently and correctly implementing a variety of behavior change procedures will benefit from material presented.
Utilizing Organizational Behavior Management Techniques for Direct Caregivers of Individuals With Developmental Disabilities
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
RYAN MATHEW CURRAN (Behavior Analysis, Inc.), David Garcia (Behavior Analysis, Inc.), Stephen P. Starin (Behavior Analysis, Inc.)
Abstract: As all behavior analytic practitioners know, even the most thoroughly developed behavior intervention plan (BIP) requires consistent implementation to be effective. However, when a BIP does not produce the desired change in the target behaviors, it is common to alter procedures even when consistent implementation of the previous procedures has not been achieved. Furthermore, for direct care providers in settings such as group homes and Adult Day Training centers, there are numerous extraneous variables which compete with consistent procedural implementation of the BIP. Within these complex systems, it is common to see procedural implementation of a BIP regarded as a secondary responsibility. The field of Organizational Behavior Management has a great deal of research regarding effective methods to promote value-added behaviors in the workplace; however, research on these methodologies applied to procedural compliance of BIPs is limited. The effectiveness of these methodologies on caregiver procedural compliance has been empirically demonstrated within these settings and the subsequent impact on the target behaviors is discussed. Results indicated that several strategies for improving performance were effective within these settings.
Don’t Shoot the Staff! And Other Effective Reinforcer, Feedback, and Training Systems
Domain: Service Delivery
KAREN R. WAGNER (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc), Marta T. Fiol (Behavior Services of Brevard, Inc.)
Abstract: Behavioral management techniques implemented in an Intensive Behavioral Adult Day Training Center are provided and discussed for variety of staff behaviors targeted for reduction, improvement or acquisition. Techniques are evaluated for their use based on an assessment of the presenting problem, whether it is organization-wide or individual in nature. Evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of these techniques are demonstrated using graphs, in-depth descriptions, pictures, and videos. The results of these techniques include reductions in staff and client injuries, turnover, absenteeism, tardiness, retraining, and worker’s compensation costs, as well as increases in training efficiency and effectiveness, participation in strategic planning and development, and overall organization performance. Behavior analysts, managers, teachers, and administrators experiencing difficulties with direct care staff or caregivers consistently and correctly implementing a variety of behavior change procedures will benefit from material presented. Lastly, students who will one day be supervising staff as managers or behavior analysts will be exposed to material that will be beneficial in their professional development.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh