Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Paper Session #393
Behavior Analysis in Education
Monday, May 26, 2014
2:00 PM–2:50 PM
W196a (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: EDC
Chair: Mary Louise E. Kerwin (Rowan University)
Evaluating Performance Feedback to Increase Paraprofessional Classroom Management Skills; Improving The Classroom Ecology for Concomitant Student Behavior Change
Domain: Applied Research
CARLEY MASON (ABC Consultants at Rowan University), Philip L. Concors (ABC Consultants at Rowan University), Mary Louise E. Kerwin (Rowan University)
Abstract: This study examined the effects of performance feedback as a staff training intervention to improve the teaching behaviors of paraprofessionals in a secondary classroom for students with multiple disabilities. Four empirically validated classroom management behaviors used to increase on-task behaviors of students were targeted using a multiple-baseline-across-behaviors design. Momentary time sampling was used to measure the on-task behavior of students as a collateral intervention outcome. The intervention included two sequential phases: Phase 1 consisted of visual feedback alone in the form of staff behavior definitions and graphical displays of staff performance, and Phase 2 was an abbreviated performance feedback condition with the same visual feedback as in Phase 1 and a specific verbal feedback component that included verbal clarification of expected staff behaviors and verbal direction (i.e., praise and corrective statements) individual to each staffs performance. Interobserver Agreement (IOA) was obtained for 25% of total observation time, distributed across participants and conditions, with an overall mean of 90%. Results suggested that the abbreviated performance feedback condition was an effective training method for improving the teaching behaviors of one of the two paraprofessional participants. As hypothesized, the on-task behavior of students improved when staff performance improved. The benefits of using performance feedback as a staff training method for paraprofessionals within the classroom setting are discussed as well as collateral effects on the on-task behaviors of students.
Recent Support for the Behavior Analytic View on Education
Domain: Theory
MARLEEN T. ADEMA (Independent Behavior Analyst (BCBA-D))
Abstract: Behavior analysis has made an extensive contribution to the field of education (see Neef, Iwata, Horner, Lerman, Martens & Sainato, 2004). Although there are misunderstandings in the field of education with regard to the behavior analytic approach, recent publications in various areas show support for aspects of the behavior analytic view on education. For example, these publications emphasize the role of the environment over genetic factors in student learning. They also focus on the individual learner and on behavior rather than diagnostic or other labels. Furthermore, they point to the need for measurement of behavior and evaluation of progress, as well as the need for extensive practice to achieve fluent behavior. And they call for effective instruction and accountability. Several of these publications are discussed along with their implications for education. It is important for behavior analysts to learn about these developments: these publications include best-selling books and may help spread our message. Increased support for (aspects of) the behavior analytic approach to education may pave the way for more widespread use of effective methods of teaching.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh