Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Paper Session #339
40 Years of Teaching Behavior Analysis
Monday, May 26, 2014
9:00 AM–10:50 AM
W193b (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: TBA
Chair: Amy J. Davies Lackey (Manhattan Childrens Center)

CANCELED: Translating a Behaviorist Vocabulary Into a Small Language Community

Domain: Theory
KRISTJAN GUDMUNDSSON (Reykjavik College of Women)

A small group (4 people: Gudridur Adda Ragnarsdottir, Thorlakur Karlsson, Ingi Jon Hauksson and Kristjan Gudmundsson) have for the last 5 years attempted to translate the vocabulary of behaviorism and behavior analysis into the small language community of Icelandic. We were gracefully allowed to use a number of published and unpublished glossaries, most notably by Julie Vargas and Charlie Catania for this purpose. Originally we thought that this would take a year or so, but we have just recently finished the basic translation of technical terms, mostly without even attempting to translate the definitions. And this has taken us over 5 years! A preliminary report was the subject of our paper at the Oslo ABAI conference in 2009. A number of issues have turned up, that have to be addressed. Some of them have been addressed in a recent paper in JEAB (2012, 97, 347-355) by a similar team from Finland. Among the topics is the ever changing field of behavior analysis, but also some theoretical, even philosophical issues, such as how to effectively advertize and help spread the good word of behaviorism. In some respects our field is held back by older technical terms that can be regarded negative, even offensive, to some of our readers. Terms such as "control" and even "behavior modification" come to mind. Finally, there are some difficult issues regarding the interconnections between basic technical terms, and how they are best presented and translated.


A Module Training Package to Increase Basic Competencies in BCBA Supervisees

Domain: Applied Research
AMY J. DAVIES LACKEY (Manhattan Childrens Center), Virginia S. Wong (Manhattan Childrens Center), Karlee Miller (Manhattan Childrens Center)

One of the challenges of supervising and training candidates for the BCBA certificate is identifying the contingencies that shape and maintain in-situ behavior analytic repertoires. While many traditional approaches to the training of BCBA supervisees involve periodic supervision meetings, these meetings are insensitive to the consequences experienced in a classroom/therapeutic setting and can vary from supervisor-to-supervisor as to the content and competencies expected. Supervision and training has been examined by some systems-based approaches such a CABAS (Greer, 1997) in which behavior analytic staff are taught through a combination of in-situ experiences and modules/units of study. In this paper, we extend Greer's work by evaluating a BCBA supervisee module system (Cordova, Reeve, Sheehan, O'Brien & Cruz, in-press) designed to establish basic competencies in skills identified through the BACB task list. Of particular interest were the extent to which BCBA supervisees could implement basic behavior analytic procedures. Initial results showed that participants were able to achieve an accuracy level of 90% correct responding or better following training utilizing the competencies within the module system.


Lessons Learned: Forty Years Training Teachers to Use Applied Behavior Analysis

Domain: Service Delivery
BETTY FRY WILLIAMS (Whitworth University), Randy Lee Williams (Gonzaga University)

This presentation draws from evidence-based practice and personal experience to recommend ten instructional strategies for effective preservice and inservice training of classroom teachers, both in general and special education, on the use of ABA principles and procedures. Among the points discussed are: 1. Recognize that linear analysis does not come naturally to some teachers and paradigm shift is challenging. 2. Insist on precision in operational definitions of principles and procedures. 3. Define principles by function; separate intention from effect. 4. Provide visual diagramming as well as verbal definitions to assist in mastery. 5. Supply many examples and non-examples in teaching concepts. 6. Apply principles and procedures in real classroom settings, using strong research designs and reporting results. 7. Teach data collection, research design, and visual analysis of data. 8. Use components of a Personalized System of Instruction such as study guides, frequent testing over small units, mastery criteria, tutoring, and retake options. 9. Teach formal APA writing style in small units with multiple examples, immediate feedback, and required revision. 10. Arrange for public presentation of applied research, with opportunities for recognition of effort and/or effectiveness.

An Empirical Evaluation of Different Active Responding Formats in Taiwanese College Classrooms
Domain: Applied Research
PEI-FANG WU (National Kaohsiung Normal University)
Abstract: Active Student Responding (ASR), such as the use of response cards, choral responding, or guided notes, has shown to be an effective approach in engaging students in learning. However, there have been very few studies directly compare different formats of choral responding questions on the effects of students' learning. This presentation contained two studies. In Study 1, an alternating treatment design replicated across two classes was used to compare the use of three different question formats in the choral responding strategy: multiple-choice, true-false and fill-in-blank questions. The dependent variable was the performance on post-session quizzes, which contained mixed question formats (e.g., multiple-choice, fill-in-blank and short-answer questions). Data showed the true-false type of questions produced slightly higher post-quiz scores than other formats for both classes. There were mixed results for short answer and multiple-choice questions on post-quiz scores. Study 2 replicated Study 1, except the participants were required to produce textual responses rather than choral responses. In addition, post-session quizzes contained different question formats, including true-false, multiple- choice, and fill-in-blank questions. It showed mixed results using different types of questions. Overall, the two studies showed different question formats did not produce differential effects on students' post-session quizzes. Educational applications, limitations, and direction for future research will be discussed.

Teaching ABA to Front-Line Staff in Neuropsychiatry--Key Strategies and Long-Term Outcomes

Domain: Service Delivery
MARY ROBERTA HOADLEY (Parley Services Limited)

Applied Behavior Analytic teaching programs were provided in 2008 and again in 2012 to staff in two regional neuropsychiatric facilities that assess and treat patients/residents with aggravated behaviors and complex neuropsychiatric presentations. This presentation includes a review of specific topics and strategies that were successfully taught to both professional and non-professional staff; were meaningful and had a good contextual fit to facilities; significantly reduced the use of aversive seclusion and restraint punishment procedures; and had a long-term influence on increasing the use of evidence-based ABA treatment practices and positive behavior supports. The session will identify behavioral strategies with a good contextual fit for facility supports, as well as technically sound practices that can be taught and implemented successfully (systematically and with fidelity) by most non-ABA personnel. Evidence of the impact of ABA teaching in the programs will be included. The on-site support required to ensure staff follow-through of behavioral best practices will be reported as facility feedback and data on the outcomes, which were presented by hospital staff at a Neuropsychiatry conference. A bibliography of supporting research is available.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh