Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #451
Int'l Paper Session - The Standard Celeration Chart and Fluency in Autism Intervention
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Stevens 4 (Lower Level)
Area: AUT
Chair: Elizabeth Benedetto-Nasho (Step By Step Learning Group)
Integration: Charting Our Way Through the Mainstream
Domain: Applied Research
ELIZABETH BENEDETTO-NASHO (Step By Step Learning Group), Emily Ditner (Step By Step Learning Group), Kevin S. Cauley (Step By Step Learning Group)
Abstract: Currently, integration refers to the practice of placing children with disabilities, particularly Autism Spectrum Disorders, into a school environment with children without disabilities (Buscaglia & Williams, 1979). The challenge has been however to do more than increase the acceptance and decrease the stigmatization of children with Autism (Brewer & Smith, 1989). Successful mainstream integration also includes the ability to keep pace with academic demands and connect with your typically developing peers. This paper will discuss the use of an active in-class facilitation model where the facilitator is responsible for identifying goals, providing teaching opportunities and modifying teaching strategies based on student performance using the Standard Celeration Chart. Student performance charts will be presented demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach.
A Multi-level Procedure to Increase Oral Reading Fluency for a Child with Autism
Domain: Applied Research
KEVIN S. CAULEY (Step By Step Learning Group), Kerry-Anne Robinson (Step By Step Learning Group), Elizabeth Benedetto-Nasho (Step By Step Learning Group)
Abstract: A multi-level instructional and measurement procedure was used to increase the oral reading rate for a second grade student with autism. Precision teaching (mirco- level) and curriculum-based measurement (marco-level) were both used to monitor student performance in the context of a Direct Instruction and Fluency-Based reading program. Results demonstrated that the student made the equivalent of 1 year's gain in her reading performance with approximately four weeks of instruction. Results are discussed with an emphasis on the benefits of a multi-component approach to programming and measurement.
Teaching the Bossy Me: A Fluency-Based Approach to Using Transational Analysis in Autism
Domain: Applied Research
KERRY-ANNE ROBINSON (Step By Step Learning Group), Kevin S. Cauley (Step By Step Learning Group), Elizabeth Benedetto-Nasho (Step By Step Learning Group)
Abstract: This paper will discuss the use of Freed's Transactional Analysis for Tots and Kids with a first grader with autism. A fluency-based instructional approach was also integrated with Freed's materials in order to provide the student with opportunities to systematically practice the three "me's" (bossy me, thinking me,and feeling me) identified in Freed's model. Outcome data will specifically focus on teaching the student to switch his transactions with family members and friends from "bossy me" to either "thinking me" or "feeling me".



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