Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #359
Int'l Paper Session - Language and Children with Autism
Monday, May 30, 2005
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Stevens 5 (Lower Level)
Area: AUT
Chair: Julian C. Leslie (University of Ulster)
Equivalence Classes in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Language Limitations
Domain: Applied Research
JULIAN C. LESLIE (University of Ulster), William Mowlds (University of Ulster)
Abstract: The role of language in stimulus equivalence class formation continues to be controversial. Matching-to-sample, with errorless training with fading of prompts, was used to teach four children (aged 5-7 years) with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and moderate learning difficulties to match two three-member classes of stimuli, comprising abstract visual forms. On subsequent tests for emergent performances, three participants displayed symmetry and two also showed transitivity. There was thus evidence of stimulus equivalence class formation in these two participants. All participants had poor language development and communication skills and were taking part in home-based ABA educational programmes. The role of these programmes in enhancing performance on equivalence tasks is discussed, as is the possible use of equivalence tasks for assessing the current abilities of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Receptive Vocabulary Levels Compared to Rate of Echolalic Responses in Three Youngsters with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Domain: Applied Research
JOCELYN MILLS (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism), Leslie Sinclair (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism)
Abstract: Currently there is little research identifying the development of echoic behavior as it presents in individuals with autism. The purpose of this study is to compare increasing rates of receptive language and the rate of echoic behavior in three children with autism spectrum disorder. This paper will report initial receptive language scores and initial rates of echoic behavior. The paper will report data accumulted from students echolalia behavior prior to discrete trial teaching in relation to their individual receptive language scores, as well as receptive language scores post disrete trial implementation. The data will report the percentage of echolalia within a timed language sample in correspondence with receptive language scores prior to discrete trial intervention. Data will reflect the same subjects' receptive langugae scores and percentage of echolalia of a language sample subsequent to diescrete trial intervention. The assessment battery will consist of The Recptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test and The Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test in conjunction with formalized timed language samples. Intervention will consisit of each subject recieveing two half-hour individual sessions with a speech language pathologist utilizing discrete trial teaching methodology for a minimum of six months. Outcome data reported.
Acquisition Rate of Expressive Language Targets Comparing Verbal Behavior Teaching Versus Traditional Discrete Trial Instruction
Domain: Service Delivery
LESLIE SINCLAIR (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism ), Jill Little (Cleveland Clinic Center for Autism)
Abstract: Recent controversy has evidenced itself in the practice of applied behavior analysis regarding the use of techniques which are specific to "verbal behavior" instruction and the use of more "traditional discrete trial" instruction. This papers aim is to report data accumulated from instruction of students with autism in two groups, with closely matched Vineland scores and evenly compared autism symptom rating and language s. Subjectgroup consisted of 8 students with an age range of 8-12 years. Each subject was administeredthe following assessment battery:Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills(ABLLS), Vineland Adaptive Scale(Classroom edition), Test of LanaguageDevelopment(TOLD-I)and the Autism Behavior Checklist(ABC) for matching subject sample. Subjects were evaluated prior to intervention. Intervention consisted of each subject receiving two 15 minute sessions per day until criterion levels were acheived for selected targets. Study prcedures will be described. Reported outcomes compared rate of acquisitiontrained targets using both methodologies.



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