Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #139
Int'l Symposium - Expanding the Boundaries of Behavior Analysis with Advances in Computer Technology
Sunday, May 29, 2005
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Private Dining Room 3 (3rd floor)
Area: PRA; Domain: Basic Research
Chair: Sean W. Clark (Southern Illinois University)

This symposium will highlight the latest technological advances in experimental psychology, from teaching and doing research through web-based methods, to using Visual Basic to program experiments and collect data.

Simulating Gambling Tasks with Visual Basic.NET
ASHTON J. ROBINSON (Southern Illinois University), Mark R. Dixon (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: Gambling is a widespread and growing activity in America. Most people are able to gamble leisurely without developing any pathology, but approximately 3-5% of Americans develop a problem with gambling too much. A comprehensive behavior analytic account of pathological gambling is lacking. Problems exist in investigating this behavior, because of the difficulty in gaining access to natural casino environments. Even if researchers were allowed access inside casinos, manipulation of key variables would not be possible. Visual Basic.Net allows for flexibility in designing several types of gambling simulations that are realistic and control key variables of play. Various gambling simulations will be described, with a focus on how to program and customize them using Visual Basic.Net.
Interfacing Visual Basic with Peripheral Devices: EEG Acquisition Equipment, Square Wave Stimulators, and Eye-Trackers
ROBERT WHELAN (APU), Derek Walsh (National University of Ireland, Maynooth), Dermot Barnes-Holmes (National University of Ireland, Maynooth)
Abstract: The Visual Basic (VB) programming language is increasingly popular among experimental psychologists. The ability to interface a VB program with peripheral devices is desirable in many areas of research. For example, in a respondent conditioning procedure during which the CS+ and CS- are presented randomly, researchers need to record the precise time that these stimuli were presented, and to event mark on a polygraph the precise time that an electric current was delivered. In this paper, the basic concepts of interfacing will be described, including the procedure employed for sending a pulse out from the program to the peripheral device, with particular attention given to EEG acquisition devices, square wave stimulators, and eye-trackers. Sample programs, written in VB6, will also be available from the presenter.
World Wide Dissemination of Behavior Analysis via the World Wide Web
JENNIFER A. DELANEY (Southern Illinois University), Mark R. Dixon (Southern Illinois University), Susan Edgren (Southern Illinois University), Jeffrey E. Dillen (Southern Illinois University)
Abstract: Computer technologies have made possible never before imagined means of class instruction in behavior analysis. Graduate training programs are no longer limited to recruitment challenges based on physical distance from interested potential students. Furthermore, the rise in certification of behavior analysts has resulted in an entirely new student demographic seeking training in our discipline: the full time applied care worker. This new student demographic poses a unique need: the need to obtain graduate training in behavior analysis while sustaining an existing full time job. This presentation showcases the technological revolution that has been occurring at Southern Illinois University during the past 5 years where five graduate level courses in behavior analysis are offered via the World Wide Web to interested students. We will present data on enrollment, tuition dollars generated, and impact of the classes on the growing behavioral community. We will also describe and demonstrate a number of current and emerging technologies that will reshape the way traditional graduate training (and even distance education training) are conducted. These technologies will include, streaming media, synchronous and asynchronous lectures, discussions, and testing methods.
A Programming Platform for Analysis of Human Behavior Through the Internet
JOHN E. WILLIAMS (University of Northern Iowa)
Abstract: This presentation will demonstrate the utility of Macromedia's Authorware as a programming platform for the development of psychology experiments, specifically for operant studies and experimental analysis of human behavior. One of the strengths this programming platform is the ability to design for both Internet-based labs and for a local computer lab. Examples of setting up schedules of reinforcement, multiple conditions, and data recording will be shown. Programming to allow for studies of matching to sample and exploring Relational Frame Theory will also be shown and discussed. The rationale for Authorware as an appropriate programming tool will be discussed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh