Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #381
Extending Behavioral Interventions for Addressing Problem Behavior
Monday, May 30, 2005
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
Williford C (3rd floor)
Area: EDC
Chair: Kimberly R. Moffett (Lee University)
Short-Term Diagnostic Intervention with Positive Results: A Model Classroom
Domain: Service Delivery
KIMBERLY R. MOFFETT (Lee University), Patricia McClung (Lee University)
Abstract: This presentation will focus on the description and effectiveness of a specific transtional/ diagnostic behavioral classroom. The classroom comprised a general education teacher, exceptional education teacher, and a paraprofessional who work collaboratively to diagnose and transition students into appropriate settings. The primary goal is for the students to successfully return into the "sending" schools classroom. Positive Behavior Supports are implemented to gradually transition into general education curriculum and back to sending schools through completing functional behavior assessments, requesting special educaiton evaluations, teaching/ modeling acceptable behaviors, and training other adults who are interacting with the child. Issues addressed with the students are appropriate coping skills for anger and aggression while teachers are taught to proactively identify signs of emerging behaviors and techniques for de-escalationof various situations. The student is actively suppoeted from the transition staff until the child and teacher are comfortable. Data is collected on defined behaviors, time of day, frequency, etc. (charts and graphs will be used in the presentation). The effective intervention occurs within 18 to 20 weeks maximum. Participants of this program are continuing to be successful during the second school year.
Exporting Behavior Analytic Techniques for Taiwanese Teachers
Domain: Applied Research
LI-CHING HUNG (Mississippi State University), Cary S. Smith (Mississippi State University)
Abstract: A Taiwanese student’s behavioral problems once consisted of relatively innocuous activities like chewing gum, talking out of turn, or not showing a requisite amount of respect for one’s teacher. The methods Taiwanese teachers used for controlling misbehaviors like these remained constant for more than two millennia, with corporal punishment being used most often as the means for maintaining classroom discipline. Today, educators are facing students that do not subscribe to Confucian principles like filial piety and honoring one’s teacher; thus, their methods for dealing with student misbehavior is no longer cogent with Taiwanese youth in the 21st century. One method allowing school authorities to reverse the present situation would be the installation of a behavioral management program. An effective plan should address the following issues: how to create a structured environment, how to have appropriate developmental expectations for students, how to devise effective instructions, how to use attention in order to keep students’ interest, and how to respond consistently to problem behavior. How to design an efficacious behavior analytic system will be discussed in detail. Likewise, potential problems arising from the export of American behavior analysis techniques will be examined.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh