Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Poster Session #186
#186 Poster Session – CSE
Sunday, May 29, 2005
12:00 PM–1:30 PM
Southwest Exhibit Hall (Lower Level)
63. The Utility of Positive Peer Reporting to Improve Positive Interactions in Foster Care Settings
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
PAMELA G. OSNES (The Ohio State University), Jenny L. Van Horn (University of South Florida)
Abstract: This study investigated the utility of positive peer reporting (PPR) to improve positive interactions among siblings in foster care settings. Children in these settings tend to exhibit disruptive behavior due to frequent, negative interactions with their peers, augmenting an already unstable environment in foster care. PPR has been successful in increasing social status and positive interactions and in reducing negative interactions. Utilizing a multiple baseline design to demonstrate experimental control and including reversals to assess maintenance of treatment gains, the study examined the effectiveness of PPR to increase positive interactions and decrease negative interactions of two children who experienced social rejection in foster care settings. Results supported previous literature by showing increases in positive interactions and reductions in negative interactions.
64. A Stepped-Care Broad-Spectrum Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Program for Addictive Behaviors in University Population
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
HORACIO QUIROGA ANAYA (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), Angeles Mata Mendoza (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Abstract: The present poster reports outcome evaluation of a Stepped Care Broad-Spectrum cognitive-behavioral treatment Program in addictions obtained with a sample of 500 students and university workers with dependence to alcohol, tobacco and/or other drugs (marijuana, inhalants, cocaine, amphetamines, tranquilizers) whom assisted to the program during the period between 1992-2004. The present program has been in operation in Mexico City since 1990 under the auspicious of the Faculty of Psychology UNAM. The present Program regards the application of the main following psychological procedures: (1) Behavioral Self-Control; (2) Progressive Muscular Relaxation; (3) Assisted Covert Sensitization; and (4) Social Skills Training, base in the following criterions: (a) behavioral analysis and diagnostic over the problem addictive behavior; (b) treatment goals; (c) users preferences; (d) scopes and restrictions of each technique base in the resources availables by the users; and (e) severity of the addiction behavior in terms of the consume patterns and organic damage. Also are reported the outcome evaluation obtained by each type of drug addiction after a follow-up period of 5 years in average with the aim of specify the impact of the program for each type of drug. The global effectiveness is 75.5%, meanwhile the partial effectiveness for each type of drug addict are the following: Alcohol (79%), Tobacco (76%); Tranquilizers (73%); Inhalants (72%); Marijuana (75%); Anphetamines (75%) and Cocaine (79%).
65. Tourette's Disorder and Peer Evaluations: An Examination of Tic Frequency and Number of Tics
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
CHRIS A. FLESSNER (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Raymond G. Miltenberger (North Dakota State University), Douglas W. Woods (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Brigitte M. Johnson (University of Iowa)
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the affect of tic frequency (e.g. high/low) and number (multiple/single/none) on the social acceptability of an individual, as measured through self-report (Social Acceptability scale) and an overt, behavioral measure (chair movement). Five conditions were used as comparison measures (e.g., high frequency/multiple tics, high frequency/single tic, low frequency/multiple, low frequency/single, and no tic control condition). Results indicated that an individual exhibiting no tics was regarded as significantly more socially acceptable, per self-report scores, than an individual exhibiting some degree of tics, and an individual with a high frequency of tics (e.g., 12 tics per minute) was found to be significantly less socially acceptable than the no tic condition. No significant differences were witnessed upon further comparisons across conditions and dependent measures (e.g., chair movement and likelihood of hiring the individual). This study appears to support previous research showing that increased tic frequency may be one variable affecting the social acceptability of individual’s with Tourette’s Disorder (TD), although the results of this study are quite mixed. Future research may wish to examine less contrived behavioral measures of social acceptability (e.g., concealed video cameras, direct observations of interactions with an individual with TD, etc.).
66. Evaluation of Participant Satisfaction with Behavioral Parent Training
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
AMANDA M. PRESTEMON (University of Florida), Carole M. Van Camp (University of Florida), Kristin K. Farr (University of Florida)
Abstract: Evaluation of Participant Satisfaction with Behavioral Parenting TrainingSocial validity has been argued to be a critical component of Applied Behavior Analysis. One way of assessing social validity is through the use of satisfaction surveys. The Behavior Analysis Services Program’s 15 and 30 hour Parenting Tools for Positive Behavior Change courses were evaluated for participant satisfaction. In study one a satisfaction survey was given to all participants following the final class. Participants rated the degree to which they agreed with twenty-five positive and negative statements concerning the course on a Likert scale ranging from one to five. Results indicate that participants were generally satisfied with the course. The average score for statements categorized as positive was 4.58 with five being “strongly agree” whereas the average score for statements categorized as negative was 2.89 with one being “strongly disagree.” Study two examined satisfaction on a session by session basis. The same satisfaction survey was distributed following each class session. Results of study two indicate that satisfaction scores tend to increase toward the end of the course. Study three will evaluate the relationships of participants’ ratings of satisfaction on attendance, appointment keeping and other related issues.
67. Increasing the Number of Mutual Help Recovery Homes for Substance Abusers
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
LEONARD A. JASON (DePaul University), Jordan Braciszewski (Wayne State University), Brad Olson (DePaul University), Joseph R. Ferrari (DePaul University)
Abstract: As a form of aftercare, Oxford House provides a therapeutic community-like setting democratically operated by residents with no designated limit on length of stay. In order to increase the number of these mutual-help recovery homes, two groups of states utilized state funds to hire recruiters and establish new house. Using a multiple baseline design, findings indicated that this intervention involving the absence or presence of recruiters and funding support was effective in facilitating the increase in the number of U.S. Oxford Houses in each group of states.
68. An Evaluation of the Effects of Foster Parent Training on Placement Disruptions
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
CAMILLE M. PAULY (University of Florida), Carole M. Van Camp (University of Florida)
Abstract: The goal of the Behavior Analysis Services Program’s Parenting Tools for Positive Behavior Change curriculum is to reduce foster care placement disruptions resulting from the misbehavior of a child and/or the foster parent’s inability or lack of motivation to deal with misbehavior. The number of placement disruptions experienced by foster parents who completed parent training was drawn from a Florida Department of Children and Families statewide database. Pre-class and post-class placement data were evaluated for a subset of foster parents who completed the course and whose baseline placement disruption data were deemed appropriate by a panel of experts. Data sets were arranged in a concurrent multiple baselines design. For some foster parents, there were fewer placement disruptions for several months following the training; however, this effect was not maintained. Implications of these results with regard to short and long term effects of the training program will be discussed.
69. Applications of Performance Feedback: Fee-For-Service Consultation in the Home
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
CONNELL JAMES (The May Institute), Adam Feinberg (The May Institute), Amy Tsirovasiles (Lexington Public Schools)
Abstract: Many school psychologist and educational consultants have used Bergan’s Behavioral Consultation model (Bergan, 1977) in public school and residential settings with arguably varied success (Witt, Noel, LaFleur and Mortenson, 1997). Performance feedback (Noell, Duhon, Gatti, and Connell, 2001) has been used to strengthen the behavioral consultation model by monitoring intervention implementation and prescribing procedures designed to increase intervention integrity. The present study extends performance feedback by expanding the model to include home-based consultation settings where the consultee is the parent or guardian. Results indicate the performance feedback alone was not effective in increasing all components of intervention implementation. However, subsequent telephone follow-up calls did increase intervention implementation. Results are discussed highlighting modifications and limitations to performance feedback in the home.
70. Effects of Gambling Probability Knowledge on Slot Play Persistence
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
STEPHEN RAY FLORA (Youngstown State University), Kourtney Kidd (Youngstown State University)
Abstract: Effects of gambling probability knowledge on slot play persistence is manipulated by giving participants either no information (control condition); or written information on accurate probabilities of winning basic lottery and slot machine games (experimental condition), or accurate but misleading information on gambling(e.g., "someone always wins") (second experimental condition). Next participants answer questions on the information just read. Correct answers earn money that can be exchanged for credits to play on a computer slot machine. Persistence, number of gambles, is the dependent measure.
71. The Use of Paired-Reading and Assisted-Reading Interventions to Ameliorate Reading Difficulties in a Third-Grader
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
DANIEL L. FUDGE (University of Tennessee), Christopher Skinner (University of Tennessee), Phil Axtell (University of Tennessee)
Abstract: Students reading below grade levels are a concern for most educators. This intervention showed how the use of paired-reading and assisted-reading increased the reading fluency in a child reading below grade average. Utilizing this intervention, practitioners can increase WCPM and decrease EPM. Researchers have shown that students who fail to gain mastery level of reading proficiency will fail at most subject areas. The participant was a child in third-grade and reading at an early second-grade level. An A-B treatment design was used. A curriculum-based reading probe was administered right after a paired-reading session to assess the students reading level. The data showed that during baseline reading probes, the child’s fluency level was between 53 and 60 WCPM on a second-grade oral reading fluency probe. This places the child at an instructional level for second-grade reading fluency. The child’s accuracy rate was at a frustration level. Results of the intervention indicate an increase in the child’s reading fluency to the third-grade level, compared with the child’s prior reading level. The WCPM range was from a low of 59 to a high of 79, which puts the student at the mastery level. A four-month follow up showed the student still reading at the third-grade level. This study shows a child’s reading level can be increased.
72. Increasing Social Skills of at Risk Children
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
ANGELA M. DUARTE (Universidade Catolica de Goiás), Ana Monica Rodrigues (Universidade Catolica de Goiás), Ilma Britto (Universidade Catolica de Goiás)
Abstract: The study was conducted with children from low income families. It was observed that these children showed deficit in some social skills that are considered important for interpersonal relationships. The study used direct observation to register the frequency of the target behaviors. Independent observers were used to collect data simultaneously to calculate reliability. Procedures of Applied Behavior Analysis were used to teach the target social skills. The results showed an increase in the social skills of all children that participated in the study.
73. Efficacy of a Behavioral Abduction Prevention Programs for Preschoolers Against Familiar and Unknown Perpetrators
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
LAURIE BETH GOLDFARB (Hofstra University), Richard M. O'Brien (Hofstra University)
Abstract: Holcombe, Wolery and Katzenmeyer (1995) and Poche and associates (1981 & 1988) among others, have demonstrated the efficacy of abduction prevention training with preschoolers when the perpetrator is unknown to the child. In many cases however, children are abducted by people they know. The present study was an attempt to discover if abduction prevention training would be as effective with familiar perpetrators as with strangers. Using a multiple baseline design, two groups of four preschoolers from a childcare center were trained in an adaptation of the Holcombe et al program. The training stressed running away, saying "no", and reporting the incident. All subjects were approached by two perpetrators one of whom had led the children's classroom activities. At pre training, none of the children ran away or reported and only three said "no". Post treatment, seven said "no" to the stranger but only three to the familiar perpetrator. They reported the stranger more but ran away from the familiar more often. A month later, they made more correct responses to the stranger. They also made more correct responses at home. These results suggest that abduction prevention training may need to be adjusted for familiar perpetrators.



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