Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Symposium #143
CE Offered: BACB
New Developments in Peer Tutoring
Sunday, May 29, 2005
9:00 AM–10:20 AM
Williford B (3rd floor)
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Lloyd D. Peterson (Idaho State University)
Discussant: Debra M. Kamps (University of Kansas)
CE Instructor: Stephanie M. Peterson, Ph.D.

This symposium will consist of three presentations that describe experimental studies of the applications of peer tutoring to children with and without disabilities and how pre-service teachers can be prepared to implement classwide peer tutoring (CWPT). First, Lisa Bowman will describe how CWPT was implemented in secondary classrooms for children with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Her data suggests that CWPT is useful for promoting both academic and behavioral performance in children with EBD. Next, Renee Van Norman will discuss how peer-tutoring procedures can be adapted when tutors do not have sufficient academic skills to provide accurate feedback to tutees. Her results show that adding pre-recorded answers to tutoring flashcards promoted more accurate feedback and error correction from tutors. Then, Larry Maheady will describe how general education pre-service teachers were trained to implement CWPT via a 2-hour workshop. Results indicated that pre-service teachers could quickly learn to implement the procedures, and their students demonstrated increased performance in the academic area in which peer tutoring was implemented. Finally, Deborah Kamps will summarize the findings of these studies and discuss how these findings could impact educational practice.

ClassWide Peer Tutoring as an Intervention for Middle and High School Students with E/BD in Alternative Education Classrooms
LISA J. BOWMAN (University of Kansas, Juniper Gardens Children's Project)
Abstract: This study was conducted in two high school and one middle school alternative education classrooms as an initial look at the effectiveness of ClassWide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) and CWPT with class-wide self-management (CWSM) on students' academic and behavioral outcomes. Nineteen 5th-12th grade students with E/BD in urban and suburban schools participated: 17 male, 2 female, 12 Caucasian, 6 African American, and 1 Hispanic. Students at the middle school were introduced to CWPT with CWSM; students at the high school received CWPT only. Students in all three classrooms who were lower academically made the greatest gains during CWPT versus teacher-led instruction. All students had fewer off-task behaviors during CWPT than teacher-led instruction. Fidelity of implementation and reliability measures and teacher and student satisfaction data were collected. Successes included (a) the use of praise between peers, (b) opportunities for students to work cooperatively, (c) frequent opportunities to respond and be actively engaged with academic content, and (d) reduction in off-task and inappropriate behaviors. Challenges included changes in school and student schedules, and student absenteeism. Results of this preliminary investigation of CWPT in alternative education settings suggest that CWPT is a viable academic and behavioral intervention.
If Only There Were a Mini-Me…The Effects of Pre-Recorded Sight Words on the Accuracy of Tutor Feedback
RENEE VAN NORMAN (The Ohio State University), Stephanie M. Peterson (Idaho State University), Wendy Swazuk (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Reciprocal peer tutoring can be an effective means for students to learn new academic material, such as high frequency sight words. In peer tutoring, effective and efficient error correction is an integral part of peer tutoring success. To be effective, error correction must: 1) be accurate, 2) guide the student through the correct response, and 3) be immediate (Heward, 1997). However, when both learners of the peer tutoring dyad are identified as at-risk for potential reading difficulties, accurate error correction may not occur. This study investigated the effects of providing pre-recorded sight words on the accuracy of tutor feedback and word acquisition by tutees during peer tutoring sessions with kindergarten students identified as at-risk for reading difficulties. Specifically, following tutor training, a reversal design embedded within a multiple baseline experimental design was used to evaluate the accuracy of tutor error correction with and without the pre-recorded sight words. Results indicated that the pre-recorded sight words resulted in better error correction accuracy than when sight words were not pre-recorded. In addition, tutor and tutee word acquisition results will be discussed in relation to accurate error correction. Results will be discussed in terms of how accurate error correction leads to more effective stimulus control.
Preparing Preservice General Education Teachers to Implement Class Wide Peer Tutoring
LAWRENCE J. MAHEADY (State University of New York, Fredonia), Gregory F. Harper (State University of New York, Fredonia)
Abstract: This study describes how a small group of preservice general education teachers were prepared to use an evidence-based educational practice and what effects the practice had on their pupils' academic performance. Preservice general educators learned to use Juniper Gardens Children's Project's Class Wide Peer Tutoring (CWPT) program through a two-hour workshop and with in class assistance. The amount of time required for each preservice teacher to reach a pre-established training criterion was calculated and specific implementation comments and concerns were recorded. Academic effects on pupils' spelling test performance were assessed using weekly pre- and post-tests and social validity data were collected from all primary consumers. Findings indicated that: (a) preservice teachers could implement CWPT with a high degree of accuracy with about 60 minutes of in class assistance, (b) their use of CWPT resulted in high spelling grades on weekly post-tests for all pupils, (c) preservice and cooperating teachers and their pupils liked CWPT, and (d) some preservice teachers made procedural adaptations that appeared to be related to lower levels of pupil satisfaction. Findings are discussed in light of recent movements in the use of evidence based teaching practices, professional accountability, and preservice teacher preparation.



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