Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #212
Teaching Behavior Analysis to Different Populations
Sunday, May 29, 2005
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Lake Erie (8th floor)
Area: TBA
Chair: Randy Lee Williams (Gonzaga University)
Facilitating Quality Research in a Beginning University Course in Applied Behavior Analysis
Domain: Applied Research
RANDY LEE WILLIAMS (Gonzaga University)
Abstract: This presentation will outline how a college instructor may facilitate well-designed, quality research, write-ups, and presentations by college students to teach socially significant behaviors in children in a beginning course in Applied Behavior Analysis. The procedures utilized include an itemized research proposal form, explicit contract to detail responsibilities of each researcher, suggested interventions which are relatively straightforward and have a substantial database for effectiveness in promoting socially significant behaviors in children, outlines for the applied research write-up, and explicit evaluation forms for the write-up and presentation. Many examples of student research will exemplify how beginning college students have implemented well designed single subject research studies to teach successfully attending, beginning reading skills, sight words, various basic math facts, etc. to children with and without disabilities.
Teaching Behavior Analytic Techniques to Help Caregivers Tend to Alzheimer's Patients
Domain: Service Delivery
CARY S. SMITH (Mississippi State University), Li-Ching Hung (Mississippi State University)
Abstract: As we move forward into the 21st century, the single most pressing problem facing the elderly is Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a progressively degenerative illness that robs each victim of what is possibly the most important aspect of being human: one’s ability to think and reason. The average cost for treating an AD patient is approximately $42,000 per year, with a lifetime average of $174,000. Moreover, seven out of ten patients live at home with family members taking care of the AD victim; thus, in addition to psychopharmacological treatment, caregivers should be cognizant of behavior analytic techniques that could aid in helping the loved one. Areas to be taught include how family members can identify target behaviors, as well as pinpointing the specific purpose for each behavior. Once the antecedents and consequences have been surmised, a treatment plan may be devised. Possible treatment strategies include installing a positive reinforcement schedule, using token economies, bright light therapy, sensory stimulation, and simulated interaction. The intervention chosen is predicated solely on what is best for the AD patient. The authors will discuss the advantages and disadvantages concerning the efficacy of certain treatments, as well as detailing how an effective behavioral intervention is implemented.
Developing Instructional Materials for Behavior Analysis Classes
Domain: Theory
LIVIA M. SA (University of Nevada, Reno)
Abstract: Instructional design seeks the development of delivery mechanisms that enhance students’ learning. Its principles, processes, and tools, assist instructors in the creation of activities and materials that facilitate the delivery of the instructional content, and increase the degree to which new learning takes place. The basic phases of instructional design are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Analysis identifies the audience, the goals and the context in which instruction will occur. Design establishes measurable student performance objectives, the learning activities associated with each objective, and the media or delivery mechanism by which the audience will receive the instruction. Development refers to the construction of the instructional materials. Implementation puts the instruction into practical effect. Evaluation assesses the degree to which the instructional event accomplished its stated goals. The proposed paper hypothesizes the use of visual reinforcement as a possible delivery mechanism for a traditional instructor-led class in verbal behavior. The examples of visual reinforcement to be provided will also be presented in the form of computer-based animations, which would be suitable for distance learning courses as well as self-paced courses.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh