Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


Fourth International Conference; Australia, 2007

Event Details

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Paper Session #8
International Paper Session - Facilitating Language Skills in Children with Developmental Disabilities
Monday, August 13, 2007
9:30 AM–10:20 AM
L2 Room 4
Area: DDA
Chair: Amanda Reed (Pyramid Educational Consultants)
The Effectiveness of Simultaneous Prompting on Teaching Object Naming.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
AYTEN UYSAL (Anadolu University), Adnan Ari (Mental Retarded Education & Supporting Foundation School)
Abstract: The purpose of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of simultaneous prompting on teaching naming showed objects to individuals with mild MR. In this study sigle subject design was used. Besides, generalization data acros materials, individuals and environment, and maintanence data one, two and four weeks after the intervention were collected during the study. The subject of the study was a seven years old girl with mild mental reterdation, attending Mental Retarded Education and Supporting Foundation School ( IZEV ) in Istanbul. During the study, 15 object names (fruits, animals, vehicles) were tought to the subject. All sessions were conducted in a one to one arrangement. During the probe, intervenion and maintenance sessions 16×16 cm pictures about the objects were used with the subject. Generalization sessions were conducted with different fruit models, different persons and different environment using a pre-test and post test design. Reinforcement for correct responses was used during all the probe, intervenions and maintanance sessions were used and incorrect responses were ignored. Graphical analysis was used to show the effectiveness of simultaneous prompting for correct responses. The results of the study revealed that simultaneous prompting was effective on teaching naming showed objects to individuals with mild MR. Also maintenance data which was collected one,two and four weeks after the intervention was completed, showed that the subject maintained the learned skill. For generalizations, it can be said that the subject generalized the learned skill across individual and environments. But for generalization across materials, same effect could not be seen.
Comparison of Simultaneous Prompting with Continuous Probe Sessions and with Intermittent Probe Sessions.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
SERIFE YUCESOY OZKAN (Anadolu University), Oguz Gursel (Anadolu University)
Abstract: This study was designed to compare the simultaneous prompting with continuous probe sessions and simultaneous prompting with intermittent probe sessions in terms of effectiveness, efficiency (number of training sessions, number of training trials, percentage of errors, total training time to criterion). In addition, generalization effects of simultaneous prompting were investigated as well. The experimental design of the study was multiple probe design with probe conditions across subjects. Three students were participated to study as subject. Students were three males with mild to moderato mental retardation. They ranged in age from 15 to 17. All students attended eight grades in segregated special education school. There were baseline, continuous and intermittent probe, instruction, and generalization sessions in the study. Continuous probe sessions were conducted immediately prior to each training sessions except first training sessions. Intermittent probe sessions were conducted once per three days and when the criterion was met. Both dependent reliability and independent reliability data were collected. Graphical analysis was used to determine the effectiveness of simultaneous prompting procedure. Results show that both simultaneous prompting with continuous probe and simultaneous prompt with intermittent probe were effective in teaching reading warning labels to the children with mental retardation. Efficiency data indicated that the simultaneous prompting with intermittent probe more efficient than the simultaneous prompting with continuous prompting in terms of number of training trials, percentage of errors, total training time to criterion. When generalization data for the two instructional procedures across all students were compared, no differences were evident based on generalization data.
Facilitating Language and Cognitive Skills of Preschool Children with Disabilities through Parent Mediation.
Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
SEKHAR PINDIPROLU (The University of Toledo), Teresa L. Boggs (East Tennessee State University), Charly Bench (The University of Toledo)
Abstract: In this presentation, a research study that employed television as a medium to facilitate language skills of four children with disabilities will be discussed. Parents of children with language delays (i.e., expressive language delay of six months or greater) were recruited for the study. All children were between 3- 6 years and were pre and post-tested with EOWPVT and ROWPVT. Further, a language sample was collected by a licensed SLP before and after intervention. Parents of children with disabilities were taught language facilitation strategies (such as expansions, pauses, open-ended questions) and were asked to implement the strategies during joint TV viewing routines over a four month period. Using single subject research design, the effectiveness of parent’s implementation of the strategies and the effectiveness of the strategies on the child’s language skills was examined. Results suggest that the parents were able to reliably implement the strategies and a majority of children had improved language scores. Further, social validity measures were administered with the parents. The parents indicated that the strategies were very easy to use and rated them as being effective in promoting language and cognitive skills of their children. These and other results of the study, limitations, and implications for practice will be discussed.



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