Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W71
CE Offered: BACB
Preparing High Quality Graphs for Publication and Presentation: Constructing Features of Effective Data Displays
Friday, May 24, 2019
4:00 PM–7:00 PM
Swissôtel, Event Center Second Floor, St. Gallen 2
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
CE Instructor: Sydney J Berkman, M.S.
SYDNEY J BERKMAN (New England Center for Children; Western New England University), CORMAC MACMANUS (New England Center for Children; Western New England University), ANDREW NUZZOLILLI (Western New England University)
Description: Behavior analysts rely on visual inspection of data to make clinical decisions. It follows that mastery of graphing technology and aesthetic conventions are helpful for behavior analysts in clinical practice and research. Although behavior analysts are likely to receive instruction during graduate and practicum experiences on visual analysis, less instructional time may be dedicated to creating and editing graphs, especially to a degree that meets the high standards of publication or presentation. In this workshop, participants will learn about general aesthetic and practical considerations in the creation of publication and presentation quality graphics with an emphasis on troubleshooting unclear or cluttered displays. Participants will then have opportunities to create publication or presentation quality graphs. We will conclude with a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of different graphing software for creating single-subject design graphs.
Learning Objectives: Participants will describe elements of publication quality single-subject design graphs. Participants will describe and demonstrate strategies for making graphs clearer/cleaner including troubleshooting clutters graphs. Participants will create publication- and presentation-quality graphs during the workshop. Participants will describe advantages and disadvantages of Excel, Prism, & SigmaPlot for single-subject design graphing.
Activities: Workshop objectives will be met through a balanced presentation of lecture, video observation, guided practice (i.e., BST), and small group breakout. Supplementary materials including sample graphs, a copy of the presentation, guidelines for high-quality graphing, and links to additional resources will be provided to attendees as printed handouts.
Audience: BCBAs and BCBA-Ds looking to refine their graphing skills to create high-quality graphs for publication and presentation.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Advanced
Keyword(s): graphing, presenting, publishing, software



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Modifed by Eddie Soh