The business meeting of the Evidence Based Practice Special Interest Group (EBP-SIG) of ABAI will serve as our annual meeting. We will discuss our progress on a range of committees at this meeting and set our agenda for the coming year. Our current goals involve increasing membership. Members agreed that developing a website should be priority one, as it would serve to both increase membership and streamline administrative tasks inherent in an expanding organization. We will review our existing website and discuss the value of altering our format. In addition, we will discuss the use of other social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) as a means of reaching a larger membership. Members will review our efforts to increase involvement in committee activities.
We will also review conference events, symposia that are evidence based, current and past issues of the EBP-SIG quarterly newsletter, a portal for joining the SIG, and highlights of research activities of members. The business meeting will also serve as an opportunity to discuss changes in officer membership for the organization.
Students are strongly encouraged to become members of the EBP-SIG because the intersection of these fields involves important professional and financial implications for future academicians and practitioners. Students may also be interested in becoming a student representative, a position that has been developed in the last year and this role may serve to enhance students connections with leaders in EBP and ABA. |