Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


31st Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2005

Event Details

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Paper Session #334
Finding Common Ground Amid Educational Controversy
Monday, May 30, 2005
11:00 AM–11:50 AM
Williford B (3rd floor)
Area: EDC
Chair: Daniel E. Hursh (West Virginia University)
No Child Left Behind: ABA Opportunity or Guilt by Association?
Domain: Service Delivery
DANIEL E. HURSH (West Virginia University)
Abstract: The contributions of Applied Behavior Analysis to Education have laid the foundations for evidence-based practices that assure adequate yearly progress for all learners. No Child Left Behind has incorporated these foundations and the evidence from the Project Follow Through evaluation and Meaningful Differences. The difficulties created by the testing and accountability mechanisms that have been put in place threaten to create such a political backlash that its benefits may be lost. Behavior Analysts can join with educators to revise and fine tune the procedures that have followed from the mandates of the act so as to assure its success. This address will suggest some aspects of the fine tuning and some collaborative consultation tactics to insure their impact.
Can Effective Teaching Methods be Used Harmoniously Without Unnecessary Competition?
Domain: Service Delivery
CHANG-NAM LEE (Whitworth College)
Abstract: The education community is fraught with arguments regarding the use of certain teaching methods over others. Such competitive arguments also occur even among proponents of methods with empirical evidence of success. Such a controversy culminated during a session of the 2004 Boston ABA Convention when three presenters presented their separate approaches including peer tutoring and Direct Instruction. I view that such controversies are frequently counterproductive and therefore will present a way to use all research validated methods more harmoniously and productively. Based on the literature and professional views, I will suggest those methods be used in accordance with the continuum of students’ learning phases (i.e., mastery-fluency-maintenance-generalization) that educators generally agree upon. In this manner, I will propose proper uses of several instructional methods. Following this presentation, attendants will be asked to express their views.



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